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An Interesting, Semi-flexible Container.
The development of the flexible container proceeds apace, which testifie to the interest and fertility of reso •ce which are being displayed to estab; ish mare firmly the claims of coal-gas s a commercial practical rival to pe .ol. The accompanying illustration den-in s a vehicle belonging to the Bournemo th Gas and Water Co., which has een adapted to the new order of things.
This_ organization, with comMend ble enterPrise, embraced the prevailing type of complete bag, but this has now been completely abandoned. Instead, a ivooden tray, haying vertical walls, and measuring 18 ins, deep overall, is fitted to the roof of the vehicle. This tr.a.y is then rendered completely gastightI by lining it with several layers of canvas
which have been dressed with shellac and painted. The tray is then domed with a piece of rubbered canvas—the top half of a flexible gas bag as it were— the attachment of the rim of the bag to the tray being carried: out so as to form a completely satisfactory gastight joint;. The dome is made that when inflated it rises to a height of about 18 ins. above the top of the tray.
Upon completion the general effect is that shown in the accompanying illustration. The whole of the interior of the tray as represented by the space within the dotted line forms the gas container, while similarly the deeper area over the driving position may be brought into ser c50 vice. Thus the gas occupies the whole of the space between the roof df the .vehicle or floor of the tray resting upon the roof of the vehicle, and shaped to the contour thereof and the flexible dome. Consequently the container may be said to coincide with what may be aptly described as a semi-rigid reservoir. Not only is such an overhead container much cheaper to instal, but Many other advantages accrue from the system. In the first place increased steadiness in a high wind is assured. The feed to the inlet being drawn from the well over the driver's seat,. throttling of the feed with its concomitant firing back from the motor inlet is. avoided, friction arising from rolling in a wind is eliminated, while every available inch of space may be put to effective service. Finally, the general effect is much neater. The idea, we learn, is proving highly successful.
Gas Charging Done Here !
Owing to the relatively short radius of action possible with atmospheric pressure containers, it is imperative that every garage should be in the position to supply coal-gas as easily as it has been able to furnish petrol. Moreover, it is equally important that passing drivers should be able to distinguish the premises where they are able to obtain replenishment of the gas bag. A correspondent points out that, in order to facilitate and popularise the movement, it is advisable to decide generally upon some definite inexpensive and striking sign.
Ile suggests a disc, such as we have placed in our heading. • It is 15 ins, in diameter, having a painted diamond in black on a yellow background. It is further suggested that the diamondshaped space should carry in yellow letters the words "Coal-gas —d. per 100 Cu. ft.," the figure of the local tariff being boldly displayed. •
The idea is certainly sound and practical, and should be adopted without any further delay-. It. is not improbable, bearing in mind the growing popularity of coal-gas as a motor fuel, that the motoring world will resound with the colloquialism "Where can I find the Black Diamond?"
Coal-Gas Converters.
The undermentioned firms are manufacturers of flexible containers and are ready te, supply bags made to dimensions to trade and private order:—
liartcn Bros., Beraten. Notts.
British, Robber Marinisotnres, Ltd., Agnes Wo:ks, Agnes Road, Acton, London, W. Grecil Taxis, 27a, Upper Marylebone Street, Gt. Portland Street, W.
North British Rubber Co., Ltd., Castle Mills, Ediaburigh.
'Robin Rood " Motor Car Holders, Ltd., 10, leer Gate, Nottingham.
Spoacer, r. G. and Sons, Ltd., 26a, Highbury ,grove. kakaot.
The following firms are ready to fit gasbags to vehicles t-
Ashbourne (Derbyshire):
Atkey, A. R. and Co., Ltd., Compton Street.
Beckenham (Kent).
Kilner. R. and H., Wickham Road.
Beeston (Notts.):
Ferguson, Harry, Ltd., May Street.
Birkenhead Motor Works, Duke Street.
Metsey Motor Co., Ltd., The.
Heath's Garage, Ltd.
Tyler's Garage, Cambridge Street.
Blackburn: •
Thompson Bros. OBleckpool), Ltd.,.15, New Preston Road, . .
Thornton Engineering Co., The, Humboldt SU set.
Rooter Garage, 69, Preston Street.
Doseombe (Hants.).
Mons, Edwin, 9 and 10, Palmerston Road.
Burnley • •
Duerden, G. E., Aqueduct Street. Knape and Son, Ltd., J:, The Motor Depot. Cambridge:
Ortona Motor Co., Ltd., The, Hine Road. Chester:
. Brown and Co, (Chester), Ltd., Eastgate Road.
Croydon (Surrey):
Milne and Russell, Ltd., 72, High Street. Wilton Carriage Co., 107 Wadden New_ Road. Dublin Ferguson, Harry, Ltd., Grafton Street, Edinburgh:
Duke. Street, oif Co., Ltd., Castle • ortl, British Rubber Mille.
Grimsby :
Nicholeon Bros., Nibromo Works, Robert Street,
Hasfingden: Cordingley, J. S. isle ol Wight:
flapgood's Garage, John Street, Rydo. Leeds: Sellars, Charles A., Ltd., Chapoltown Garage, Harrogate Road.
Leicester :
Blake and Co., J., 132-6, Dale Street. Central Motor Co., The (Leicester), -Ltd., Foundry Square, Belgrave Gate. Liverpool Quality Motor Service Co., The, Liseard. Mersey Motor Co., Ltd:, The, 31, James Street.
Liverpool Commercial Motor Waggon Co., • The, 1, Park Place.
Llandrindod Wells:
Terre Norton, Ltd., The Automobile Palace. Llangollen : SIMS Motor Co., The.
Arid l Motors and General Repairs, Ltd.,
220-2, Camberwell New Rd., S.E. 6, British Rubber Mania/act-ores, Ltd., Agnes
Works, Agnes Road, Acton, W. Bucher. and Genesol Car Agency, Ltd., The, 69, Dray-ton Gardens, S.W..10,
Cox, Douglas S., 61, Lanedotvne Hill, West Norwood, 5.11. St.
Featherstons, Ltd., 110, Victoria Street, Westminat'cr, S.W. 1, Green Taxis, 27a, tipper Marylebone Street,' Gt. Portland St., W. Greenwood Garage and Motor Engineering Co., The, 69, Gresham Road, Brixton Road, SM. 9.
Kennedy, D., 213-5, Selhurst Road; S. Norwood, S.F.
London Lorries, Ltd., Spring Place, Kentish Town, N.W. 5. Lyon, Ernest, Ltd., 91, New Bond Street, W. Motorists' Mutual Co-operative Society, Ltd., 41, New Bond Street, W.1. Rickards, 'Ltd., Chas., 10, Spring Street,' Hyde Park, W.2.
Spencer, C. G., and Sons. Ltd., 56a, -High. bury Grove, N. Woollard, BrainsbY, S'S Penton glru•Dt•• W. Loughborough r.
Wakefield's Garage, Market Place, Mount
, sorrel. manchester :
Brannon and Co., 43, Edge Street, Shude AC IL, 13, flak Road, Witbington. C,aoloshoot, Joseph, and Co., Ltd., Gt. DUCiD.
Street, and New Bridge Street. Lookers, Ltd., 17, Hardman Street, Deans gate. Dracegirdle Motor Co., Ltd.,' 06, Alexandra Road, .Middlesbrough:
Neshards Contra! Garage, Grange Road, E.
" Robin Hood Motor Gas Holders, Ltd.,
10, Piker, Gale.
Gillespie and Son, Wm., 82414, New Sneddon Street,
Nicholas Motor Co., The, Station Approach.
Pontypool :
Woolley, J. E., and Co.
Roberts Motor Works, Mill Street.
Tolvett Co., The, Dover Road,
Wee. Wilson and Son, . Cambridge Street.
Sittinghourne • (Kent):
Pullen, W. J., Park Road Garage.
Southend: • •
Feast and Osborne, I...lough Corner, 161-3, London Road.
'Stockport :
Henshaw, Wm. E.
Hanley Garage, Ltd.. Cheanside. Hanley. Barris Metre Co., Ltd., The, Burslom.
Tate's Commercial Garage, Bull Ring.
Clark and Son, Ltd., Chas., Chapel Ash.
Further names will be added as received.
The half-tone illustration on page 62 of our last issue, showing a light van -converted to run on coal-gas was obviously a 10 cwt. Belsize machine, and not a Ford as stated.
The Bournemouth G. acid W. Co. has established filling stations (see map), at each of -which 2 in. connections and flexible hose are provided. The company is levying a flat rate of 2s. 6d. per filling of 500 cubic ft., irrespective of whether a bagful is baleen or not,