Next Month's London Parade: General Support.
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Everybody is supporting the forthcoming London parade of commercial motors. Following the donation of twenty guineas, by the Royal Automobile Club, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has voted the slim of ,C10 10s. to the general fund. Quite the most-interesting features, next month, will be the large increases in the numbers and sources of special prizes for drivers of minichines of particular manufacture; several makers have already intimated their desire to pet money at the disposel of the Judges Committee for award in the shape of extra cash prizes. Subject to the rule that no man shall be allowed to take away from the parade more than an aggregate of £5 in prizes, and that any surpluses above that aggregate shall in every case pass to the men next in order of merit. These extra prizes for drivers in charge of particular vehicles or tractors, which practically constitute classes within classes, cannot fail to be a great inducement, and one which should, in the course of the next few years, help the London parade. of commercial motors to excel in attractiveness and importance the annual horsevan parade. Finally, there is THE COMMERCIAL MoToe iCup. which will Le the only prize to be specifically awarded
to an owner. It has been suggested that this might be for the best fleet of six vehicles or tractors, the machines not necessarily to he of the same type, make or horse-power, but the final conditions have yet to be settled by the Parade Sub-Committee of the Association.
The early arrival of entries is a sure sign of satisfaction with the published conditions of any competition, and, as we announced last week, a large assembly is assured on the 21st prox. The marshalling of the vehicles and tractors will he no small matter. and the programme of organization includes a well-thought-out scheme for the grouping of the competing machines according to type. This plan should greatly facilitate the final parade, when it is not improbable that at least one long cinematograph film will be exposed. Incidentally. of course, if it should be necessary to collect together any vehicles or tractors which are sent by the same (miler, for the purposes of adjudication in respect. of any group award, the marshals on duty will have to instruct the drivers to bring their machines forthwith into " the judging ring."
We are glad to know that the parade, this year, will be one in feet and not in name only. On the Thames Embankment. there was not the space, having regard to other traffic, to do more than to " meet," but there is lots of room on the highways which bound Lincoln's Inn Fields.