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Liarn that some 20 motorbuses are on the point of arriving in C'onstantinople for public-service work in that city.
A Russian company has started a motorbus line between Tabris and Dshulfa, in Persia, a distance of close upon 85 miles.
The Conway Town Council has petitioned the London and North Western Railway Co. to establish a motorbus service between Conway and Trefriw.
Active steps are now being taken, by Mr. Herbert Birch, to complete the formation of a reasonably-capitalized company to undertake road-motor services in Pembrokeshire. Levland vehicles are to be employed.
.Ttamway Monopoly.i
The Commercial Motor Users' Association has sent a formal letter of protest to Mr. Winston Churchill, the Secretary of State for the Home Department, against the ratification of the proposal of the City of London Corporation to restrict the free passage of vehicles upon that portion of the Blackfriars Bridge where trainrails have been laid down.
E x Tod morden.
Mr. .I. G. Petrie, until recently manager of the Todmorden Corporation motorbus department, w shows an improved financial result for the year ended the 31st March last. left London yesterday (Wednesday)* to take charge of an important motorbus undertaking in Europe. The new depĆ³t at Todmorden is now completed. and seven motorbuses are in service.
A Cork Experiment.
The Lord Mayor of Cork has been granted a licence to run one motorbus in that city. The object is to develop a particular district where the tram service is inadequate At Keighley.
The recommendation of the Tramways Committee of the Keighley Town Council, for the purchase of two " Commer-Car " and one Leyland chassis. which we briefly reported last week, was confirmed by the Keighley Town Council at its last meeting. The
discussion on the subject. was rather amusing. but we have no space for it.
Thomas Tilling, Ltd.
The accounts of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., for the year ended the 31st December last., show a profit an working
of f.19.681. III the course of the report, the directors state that the omnibus section of the business was profitable, and that all maintenance charges, together with a considerable expenditure on the reconstruction of some of the motor vehicles, have been charged to revenue.
A Bournemouth Petrol-electric.
Bournemouth was one of the first English towns to take up public-service, vehicles, but the hilly nature of the district has proved a trying factor. Now. after several weeks of experience with a Leyland chassis, in which the transmission is upon the Thomas petrol-electric system, everybody is convinced that the hills no longer matter. Notices which intimated that the motorbuses would not stop when ascending the hills have been taken down, and the vehicles " pick up " anywhere. We expect that there will he remarkable developments in connection with this latest petrol-electric svstem, to which we have made earlier references, and whose performances on the road have fully borne out our most-sanguine anticipations about its gxl points-see our issue of the 17th June last.