Ex-Bus Driver Loses Appeal Against Commissioners' Ban
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OEWPORT (Monmouthshire) magistrates last Friday rejected an appeal ly a former bus driver against a decision the South Wales Traffic Commissioners efusing to renew his licence to drive a tiblic service vehicle.
The driver, said to have been employed y Newport Corporation as a bus driver, /as Cyril Edward Owen, aged 41, of Park quare, Newport. Representing Owen, 4r. Kerry Evans said he had a licence a drive any other type of vehicle. In 959, it was " very regrettable " that his lient had pleaded guilty to a serious ffence at Monmouthshire Assizes. "He Leaded guilty to a very nasty serfes of ffences all bound up in an incident hen something came over him and he [tacked one of his own daughters," said 1r. Evans.
Owen had been sent to prison for 15 tontlys. He could not explain the ffence; it had not occurred before and ad not occurred since. Mr. Evans said e surmised that the Traffic Commisoners had this.in mind when they turned own the renewal of his licence. Owen. ad gone through "mental agony" but ad paid the penalty under the law and At that he should be allowed to prove imself a good citizen again.
Export." Action" Call
7XPRESSING the hope that 1961 would become "The Year of Action," r William McFadzean, the retiring esident of the Federation of British dustries, said at the F.B.I. annual meetg that we should aim for an increase at least 10 per cent. in our export rget.
"We must ensure that we are extremely icient producers of the right goods at e right price and. dare I add, at the tht time," said Sir William. Too little tention was still being given to the ;tes and requirements of overseas cusmers. We were still falling down on livery and in not notifying customers iickly enough when. often through cirmstances beyond our control, delivery is going to be delayed.
Owen wanted to be a p.s.v. driver and such work was available for him.
Opposing the appeal, Mr. Stanley James Caulfield, for the Traffic Commissioners. said that the application was for a public service vehicle licence, and thus it was the public who had to be considered. Many dispensations were being granted by the Commissioners at present regarding one-man buses in isolated areas, so that the driver would also become the conductor on such a vehicle.
"It could well be that Mr. Owen would eventually find himself on a bus as a driver-conductor," said Mr. Camfield. It could be operating in an isolated area With perhaps only females on board."
New Scammell Plastics Cab .
ANEW design reinforced plastics cab has been introduced by Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Watford. The first has just been fitted to one of a batch of 25 Scammell Highwayman tractors for I.C.I. General Chemical's Division. The new cab is a one-piece moulding and is said to be easier to fit than the previous three-piece unit.
More Scammells
A BIG increase in output has been PI announced by Scammell Lorries. Ltd.. for the first half of the company's financial year.
Overall production has been increased by 29 per cent. compared with the same period last year, with improvements in output for every type of vehicle and trailer made. Production of the Highwayman tractor and Sherpa dump truck has doubled and there has been an increase of 25 per cent. in the output of the three-wheel Scarab Mechanical Horse.
Scammell claim that as a result of the increased production they can now give immediate delivery of any of their 50 standard designs of semi-trailers, output of which has increased by over 28 per cent. .