ore say or public on buses
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EW moves to allow the pubc a greater say in transport tatters were announced by le Government last week. Baroness Stedman told the ouse of Lords that the overnment thought it only ght that the official conimer body in the field of ublic transport should have le opportunity to consider a rider range of questions.
It was, therefore, intended at the Central Transport :onsultative Committee — to e renamed the Transport :onsumers' Council — should e able to consider bus serices and all fares.
At a regional level, however, he case for consumer consulation on such matters as local lus services was not quite so imple, said Lady Stedman. Consumers were already epresented through their lected local authority epresentatives, who were iften the public transport )perators.
The Government, therefore, hought that the intervention )f centrally-appointed conumer councils would not be ippropriate.
However, a need for a ;tructure which enabled con;umer views on public trans)ort to be heard at a local level as seen.
The Government had, .herefore, agreed with the ocal authorities that each ;hire county would set up a Transport Users' Advisory :.;ommittee, consisting of both ocal authority and indepenlent lay members.