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One Hears— That the G.P.O. will have to pay more. That " driver proof • " is all that's wanted.

21st August 1913, Page 13
21st August 1913
Page 13
Page 13, 21st August 1913 — One Hears— That the G.P.O. will have to pay more. That " driver proof • " is all that's wanted.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

That IRA cost should be first consideration. That interest in alcohol is as yet academic.

Of a demand in Burmah for motor-ploughing outfits.

That it should have been called the L.C.C. Committee.

That the findings of a " packed" committee are never sound.

That tires will cost the L.G.O.C. only 0.8d. per mile run in 1014.

That the contents of the " C.111." Municipal Section are sinking in to some effect.

That the electric Frams are coming from Paris, per Conway Jenkins of Piccadilly.

That a wonderful speeding-up occurs when a charii-banes body replaces a lorry body.

That Muskett did well also to get his address put into the Select Committee's report, That motor lorries seem to like altitudes of 10.000 ft. or so on the Maio-French frontier.

That Lytham magistrates do not know the difference between motor wagons and traction engines.

That the Preston docks are extending, and that se is ite motor-carrying company across the way.

That attempts to break records by strangers to motor transport more often leads to breaking hearts.

Of 25,000 miles and still running by a pair of frontwheel Polacks on a petrol five-tonner in Lancashire.

That the Select Committee's report is so cue-sided that it will put every fair-minded man on the other side.

That the only authenticated cases of Od. for 4d. are provided in sonic L.G.O.0 long trips for low fares

That members of the N. and R. Lanes. C.M.U.A. recently visited the St. Helen's Cable and Rubber Co.'s works.

That the new school of petrol-vehicle drivers has seldom to wind from side to side to climb a hill, but that it helps sometimes.

That the R.I.A. objects to expenditure of public money on tracks which can be used by one class of vehicle only, instead of upon the highway at large, which can be used by all classes of wheeled vehicles.

That single-deck saloon motorbuses are in growing demaud by ball ,and concert parties, and that the jobmasier who does not order one soon will lose much trade next winter to those who do. That a bad driver is no investment That sonic lanes set their own speed limits.

Of too many eases of " killed by motor lorry," That C.M.U.A. membership keeps forging ahead.

Of the offer of disased taxis as Iandaulets.

That the right self-starter must look right and be right.

That it often saves time and money not to argue with a policeman.

That the motorbus has saved London from mastery by the tramcar.

Of numerous schemes which have fallen through without hurting anybody.

That more users can follow the lead of the pleasurecar owners and try benzoic.

Of an interesting report from some men of Kent who visited the Olympia Show last month.

That the London Borough Councils will unite to secure representation on any Traffic Board.

That the issue of the Traffic Report was welcomed by a daily Press looking for holiday " copy."

That motor delivery of newspapers creates new demand in areas which previously had no opportunity to disclose one_ That chair manufacturers in the, High Wycombe district are by no means sitting down in matt ers concerning motor transport.

That the Rotherham Corporation is keeping lockand-seal control of the carburetters and speedometers on its new Daimler motorbuses.

That Westminster's experience of "no increase in cost " under heavy motor traffic is not liked by certain reactionary London boroughs.

That radiators may shortly be put in some of the oil circuits on certain petrol engine.;, with beneficial effect upon lubrication efficiency and economy.

That Southend-on-Sea and Westcliff have made great progress in the use of commercial motors since the first essays there with motorbuses in 1906.

That the L.C.C. control precedent, to the exclusion of the Boroughs in its area, if Parliament adopt it, will he of far-reaching effect throughout the country.

That the name of the Highways Committee of the L.C.C. should be changed to the Tramways Committee, and that the present title is designedly misleading to the imblic.

That according to a White Paper just issued, dealing with the work of Distress Committees under the Unemployed Workmen's Act for the year ended the 31st March last, one of the greatest causes of unemployment has been, so far as regards carmen and horse-keepers, the growing substitution of motor for horse-drawn traffic.