News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
During the month of July, H.M. Crown Agents for the Colonies have accepted the tenders of the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., and J. and E. Hall, Ltd., for the supply of motor lorries.
The directors of Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum, less income tax, for the half-year ended the 30th June last. The distribution is the same as it was a year ago.
The Rt. Hen. John Burns, M.P., President of the Local Government Board, has announced that, with the consent of the Prime Minister, he will preside at a conference of local authorities, and of others interested in the improvement of arterial road communication in greater London, on a date, yet to be fixed, later in the year.
A correspondent in Calcutta has sent particulars to us of a Government inquiry for the conveyance of mails and parcels by motor. So far as we can judge, the proper course will be for some established Indian house to take the matter up, but the communication in our possession is at the disposal of any interested manufacturer who may care to entertain making an offer. Ti appears that 24 vehicles, varying in load capacity from one ton each to five tons each, are likely to hc wanted.
New Registrations.
Charles Riggs and Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £5000 in £1 shares by John Kemp and Co., Ltd., 49, Cannon Street, E.C., to carry on the business as dealers and Manufacturers of motor vehicles of every description. First directors: Charles Riggs, Maui rice Henry Page and George John Baxter.
Motor Traffic Corporation. Ltd.. with an authorized capital of .010,000 in £1 shares (5000 preferred and 50)0 ordinary shares) by Shaw and Sons, Fetter Lane, F..C., to carry on the business of manufacturers of motors of all kinds, and the business of buying, manufa.etur r rug, repairing, altering and dealing in motor omnibuses, wagons, vans and lorries, etc. First directors: C. IL Radcliffe, Harnham Hollows, Salisbury ; Albert Thomas Burden. 10. Mill Road, Salisbury: and "A illiam Burden, Bridport, Nelson Road, Salisbury.
Rotherham Town Council has taken a long time to come to a deci sion about fire-engines We first mentioned its proposals in our issue of the lath February last, anci they were still under our notice last week. We now observe that tenders must 1.3: lodged by not later than the 1st prox.
We are advised by Mr. Tom Garner, of 12, Peter Street, Manchester, that he has completed special arrangements to deal with repairs of commercial vehicles, and that extensions of his works will now be under the control of Mr. M. II. Rowland, lately a member of the engineering staff of the Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd.
London Fatalities.
The total fatal accidents, for the six months ended the 30th June last, for the Metropolitan police area and the City of London police area together, wr.s 94. For the whole of 1912 the total was 182 ; hence, the total for 1913 may be 1S8. The av.:.•rage number of motor. buses in service during the first six months of 1913 was approximately 3430, compared with approximately 2080 for the corresponding period of 1912. There is, therefore, evidence of a. distinct improvement, although the total number of fatalities is too high to be regarded as satisfactory. It is figures of this kind about which the Select Committee says nothing.
The address of Mr. C. R. Garrard, and of the Duplex and General Bearings Co., is 45, Endell Street, Long Acre, W.C.
A licence has been granted to the L.G.O.C. for the storage of 16,300 gallons of petroleum and two tons of calcium carbide at the company's new garage in Bromley Road, Catford, 8.E., and another for 14,000 gallons of petroleum and I?, tons of calcium carbide at its new garage in Queen Street, Hammersmith, W.
The verdict concerning the accident at Great Amwell, to which occurrence we referred in our issue of the 7th inst., has been given as n accidental death." The coroner's jury considered the evidence of the driver and conductor untrustworthy, and censured the conductor for not occupying his proper place on the omnibus.
The Committee of the C.M.U.A. has had before it various reports to the effect that. ordinary types of reflecting mirrors are not satisfactory on commercial motors, in order to apprise the driver of the presence of overtaking traffic. A sub-committee has therefore been appointed to investigate this subject, and to seek to arrive at a. solution by means of some modification in existing mirrors, or by alternative means. The sub-committee appointed consists of Major II. C. Wilder, A.S.C., Messrs. E. W. Rudd, T. H. Jones, D. S. Kennedy. and Geo. W. Wahon.