i's Eye 7.
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Unrighteous Indignation
By The Hawk
J'ECTED ironical amusement among members of the anal organizing committee of the Lorry Driver of the Competition when they learned, last week, that Slough .ed to the establishment of a centre at Finch ley.
Wilson, Slough's road safety officer (who, needless to say, ot present at the meeting) complained by letter that only r cent, of the competitors in the contest he organized were and that most came from north London. He foresaw f a-centre were set up at Finchley, his eliminating round be eliminated. I have yet to be convinced that that do lasting harm to the cause.
come Recruits
VING kindled Finchley Road Safety Committee's interest the competition, I naturally hope that they will be able year to stage a contest. They have valuable experience ;anizing this kind of event and their participation would, sure, be welcomed by operators in north London.
oney Road Safety Committee are also to be encouraged to ote a round for the benefit of operators on the east side ndon, at least one of whom (The Crow Carrying Co., Ltd., eve) is tired of the long journey to Slough on a Sunday.
s curious that a borough as conscious as Stepney of the tance of saving life should have only a part-time road officer. He is Mr. E. Chandler, a schoolmaster by pron. He enjoys administrative work and he was keen h to spend a day last week at Coventry, listening to the ig of the national organizing committee of the Lorry r of the Year Competition.
of the Running
absent friend was Insp. R. R. Burrow, of Leeds,' who has tired from the police force and will no longer organize ical contest. Under his administration the Leeds round ecome one of the most successful in the country and his dour observations at national committee meetings will be
I' content with travelling by coach from England to India ree times a year, Mr. Paddy Garrow-Fisher, of Garrow. Tours (Kingston), Ltd„ is now making the trip by car. ft London on Wednesday for Calcutta in a Standard
Vanguard estate car in an attack on the record for the LondonCalcutta run set up in 1956 by Jerry Jowett and Colin Wardle in a Studebaker. Driving day and night, they completed the one-way journey in 12 days 12 hours 39 minutes.
Paddy is taking no co-driver and is attacking the record in both directions—a 14,000-mile run. He is taking his Indian wife to keep him awake and feed him.
Air All Round
NAR. W. L. DRUMMOND, Guy's sales director, who had al just returned from a trip to Poland, last week showed me the new double-decker chassis with air suspension all round and disc brakes. It is most impressive. Although it is a frontentrance design, the vertical engine is mounted at the front on a prodigious overhang. The chassis was being prepared for test and then for bodywork by Chas. H. .Roe. I believe 25 have already been ordered by a Yorkshire bus company.
Home for Veterans
WHAT remarkably diverse interests fill the life of Mr. J. C. Sword, founder of Western S.M.T. and now a director of Scottish Omnibuses, He began the original business with his gratuity from the Royal Flying Corps and added Scotland's first internal airline to the road passenger enterprise.
Today. in semi-retirement, he farms in Ayrshire, maintains interests in the motor trade and continually adds to one of the biggest and best collections of antique road machinery in the country. On his estate, he has three large hangars, full of magnificent specimens of trucks, cars and motorcycles, several built before the turn of the century and none after 1930.
Unintentional Unloading
I WAS puzzled by a brown powdery substance that floated
over Warwickshire as an Austin tipper approached Coventry at speeds up to 60 m.p.h. When I eventually drew abreast of the lorry and read the owner's name, the mystery was solved: sawdust.
100 Up SAIETY NEWS, published by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, contains an advertisement for protective footwear said to be tested to 100 ft.-1b. For centipedes?