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Our anachronistic review in celebration of the universal law...what goes around, conies around.
75 years ago: 21 August 1928
The government held its third national traffic census on Class A roads across the UK. Over 15,000 people, working in three shifts per day, recorded information at 5,00g0 main points on the roads about their conditions and the number of vehicles using them. The Ministry of Transport said that it would use the results as a basis for further highway administration and maintenance.
5o years ago: 21 August 1953
Rumours were rife about a possible merger between truck manufacturing giants ACV, Leyland and Foden after a number of press reports had suggested that a union of the three companies was imminent. Foden denied that this was likely to happen, while ACV and Leyland declined to comment. Two of the largest farm equipment manufacturing organisations in the world, Massey Harris and Harry Ferguson, had already agreed to amalgamate this week, operating under the new name of Massey-Harris Ferguson.
25 years ago: 25 August 1978
The Freight Transport Association warned that more rather than fewer bridge accidents would occur if proposed height warning signs were fitted into lorry cabs carrying heavy engineering plant when the vehicle and load were over 12ft high. The industry body said that the move would lull drivers into a false sense of security and that height clearances would be altered by movement of the load or by roadworks beneath the bridge. It recommended an educational programme designed to make drivers aware of the need to keep an eye open for bridge clearance. It also proposed a series of warning signs on the approaches to known 'blackspot' bridges.