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Stowaways arrested

21st August 2008, Page 18
21st August 2008
Page 18
Page 18, 21st August 2008 — Stowaways arrested
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UK BORDERS Agency officers found 15 illegal immigrants hidden inside a Polish HGV bound for Northampton when they searched it in Calais.

The men, from Afghanistan, India, and Iraq, were caught trying to enter the UK after being found in a lorry load of light bulbs following a routine search of the HGV carried out using a CO2 detector probe.

All 15 men have been arrested and handed over to the French authorities.

A UK Borders Agency spokesman comments: "It is important that we stop wouldbe illegal immigrants before they reach the UK. That's why we've got hundreds of British immigration officers based at ports in France and Belgium.

"Last year we searched over one million lorries and prevented 18,000 foreign nationals from crossing the English Channel without permission."

It is believed that Northamptonshire is often targeted by illegal immigrants because of the county's location at the centre of the UK's motorway and trunk road network.