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The two-cylinder de Dietrich motorcab still has an excellent record for low petrol consumption 30 miles to the gallon.
The 5d.-a-day " hiring" is looked upon by the drivers as a moral victory. The Press, they say, can no longer accuse them of thieving.
The Co-operative Boomlet,
Another co-operative scheme is on foot.. In this ease the driver is to take all the profit per mile if he makes more than 8d. per mile ; he is also to retain all the money paid for waiting.
National Boxing,
The National Motor Cab Athletic Club held its first boxing entertainment at the Windsor Garage on Thursday evening last. Several competitions were decided. Mr. Greathed presided, and the club had a very successful meeting for the first of the 1911-1912 season.
The Horse-power of Cabs for the Provinces.
The concluding instalment of our special article on motorcab operation in the Provinces appears on pp. 335-6 of this issue. The author suggests that a 14-16 h.p cab should be used in most. provincial cases, but he informs us that he is of opinion that the horse power for such work may be 12 h.p. or anything reasonably in excess of that figure. He wished to exclude, for most country purposes, the twocylinder 8-9 h.p. cab.
Bristol has refused an application for licences for 12 further' taxicabs.
A New Registration.
City Mews Motor Cab Co., with a capital of 24,000, to take over the business of a motorcab proprietor carried on by A. Fargetter, at Coventry. A private company, with its registered offices at 97, Little Park Street, Coventry.
To Arbitrate London Dispute.
In our last issue we announced that the London Motor Cab Proprietors' Association and the London Cabdrivers' frades Union were to refer their differences to the Board of Trade on Thursday, the 14th inst. At the last moment, however, this date was changed to the next day. A conference was therefore held on Friday of last week under the chairmanship of Sir George Askwith. At that meeting it was agreed to refer the questions in dispute to a Court of Arbitration comprising three members who will be appointed by the Board of Trade. The chairman specially stipulated that either party may submit evidence regarding the effects which might be anticipated from any alteration in fares. Other associations connected with the cab trade will be allowed to participate in the forthcoming proceedings if they desire to do so. The new proceedings will not be initiated until early in January, owing to the incidence of the Christmas vacation.
FJ.A.T. Motor Cab Co.
The directors of the F.I.A.T. Motor Cab Co., Ltd., submitted their report and balance-sheet, for the year ended the 16th October last, at the Midland Grand Hotel, on Tuesday last, the 19th inst. The excess of income over running expenditure, termed " Profit on trading account," is 237,349, to which sundry receipts 2358 are added. The deductions from this are : directors' fees, £1,413; general expense including rent and rates of offices, salaries, audit. fees, etc., £9,587 ; interest on debenture stock and debentures, 26,809 ; reserve against. bad and doubtful debts, £200; depreciation on plant, machinery, tools, furniture and fixtures, £1,092; reserve for alterations, etc., to garage, £4J0; balance carried to balance-sheet, 218,176. The balance to the debit of profit and loss account is increased by £6,183 brought into it at the beginning of the financial year, and raises the total to 224,359, from which there is deducted a sum of 212,000 for special reserve against rolling-stock, leaving a balance of 212,359. The directors write off from preliminary expenses, underwriting, and cost of debenture issues, a total of 23,975, leaving a balance of no less than £26,000 here to be extinguished. The balance of suspense account., 2871, is extinguished, teaching suspense account is reduced by 21,000 to 12,186, and 26,513 goes forward.
The company had 15,488 cash at bank and in hand at the 16th October, and the special reserve against. rolling-stock, aggregating 230,000, is evidently invested in the business. Gross amounts are on both sides. The directors have decided not to draw their fees in respect of the year that is past, and they clearly have before them a considerable task to bring the company through their share of the troubles, which are being experienced by all London cab companies at the moment. Plant, niachinery, tools and garage equipment are certainly well maintained. and the company's tire-repairing organization is unique. It goes without saying that the transfer to the exchequer of the company of the initial twopence on each and every hiring, if the minimum fare be raised from 8d. to 10d. in London, will put its affairs into a much-improved condition, and that may occur soon. The' company is well managed and equipped.