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21st February 1928
Page 66
Page 66, 21st February 1928 — AMENDING OF ULSTER BUS LAWS DEMANDED.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

THE magistrates at Antrim have passed a resolution protesting against the conditions imposed on owners and drivers of public-service vehicles under the Motor Vehicle Traffic and Regulation Act, Northern Ireland. They had noted with surprise that in the Act the term "public-service vehicle" did not include tramcars. With regard to overcrowding, they thought the terms of the Act very drastic, inasmuch as both owner and conductor were punishable for the same offence.

Cases varied in gravity (proceeded the resolution), yet their jurisdiction to ffifferentiate between cases of extreme gravity and technical breaches had been seriously hampered by the terms of the

law. In their opinion the penalties were too harsh, and they had evidence of public dissatisfaction. It was thought that an important and useful form of Public locomotion was being not merely prosecuted for offences against the Act but actually persecuted. The magistrates asked for a greater discretion by an amendment of the law. They were of opinion that much of the Act might be safely repealed and that Section 11 of 14 and 15 Victoria was sufficiently strong to give proper safeguardsto the public. With regard to offences for speeding, they held no brief for persons driving to the danger of the public, but in their opinion the terms of regulations relating to bus speeds, although of recent date, were retrograde, having regard to the safe method of construction and the ease with which present-day motor vehicles could be handled under almost every kind of road and general traffic condition that it is possible to mention.

The resolution was signed by eight magistrates sitting at the court, and is, so we understand, to be forwarded in the near future to the Ministry of Home Affairs.