Answers to Queries.
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Wants to Buy a Disused Char-a-banes.
[2528] (I. of W.).—Mr. G. R. Bray, of 163, Malmesbury Road, Bow, E., recently had a Comrnercar char.a-bancs for sale ; he may already have disposed of it. You might get suitable answers by advertising your requirements amongst our classified announcements.
Licences for a 12 h.p. Converted Car.
[2529], (South).—If you exclusively and solely use the veaicle in question for purposes of trade, and do not at any time use it for a pleasure trip—not even at a single week-end, you can take advantage of the exemptions from both carriage tax and full petrol duty. You must paint on the vehicle, in order to comply with Section 4 of the Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1E88, your Christian name and surname, and usual address, in letters of not less than 1 in. in length. No change of registration is necessary, if the vehicle already belongs to you.
New 11.9 h.p. Chassis for Ambulances.
[2530] (Finance).—We think it most unlikely that anybody will succeed in helping your friend to get hold of the War Office authorities just now, for a few chassis of so low a power as 11.9 h.p. of which only half a, dozen are ready for work. The War (Mee will not depart from its present standards, and thereby increase the degree of lack of standardization which exists, involving as it does a call for an enormous variety of spare parts, even under the exercise of influence of a character which we cannot pretend to possess. Your friend should address himself direct to Colonel H. C. L. Holden, C.B., War Office, S.W., with a request that if the matter does not come under his (Colonel Holden's) immediate purview, lie will pass it to the proper officers.
Parcelcars and Light Vans.
[2531] (Stores).—More than a dozen of our articles in 1914 dealt with the light-van situation, including costs and types. We had previously dealt at length with parcelcars. The issues are out of print, but the first column of the petrol costs on our free sheet deals with results which can be obtained from them in that respect under normal supervision. We consider that in any inquiries which you prosecute with regard to the parcelcar—which word, we may remind you, was created by THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR—you should certainly include the following :
Auto-Carriers, Ltd., Ferry Works, Thames Ditton.
New Girling Commercial Motors, Ltd. c/o F.I.A.T. Motors, Ltd. 37-38, Long Acre W.C. A. W. Wall, Ltd., Roe Motor Works, Ifay Mills, Birmingham.
John Warrick and Co., St. Mary's Butts, Reading.
From an Old C.M.U.A. Member: A New Fuel; Subscription Rates; Tires front Germany.
[2532] (Brewer).—Any rumour about fuel at id. a gallon is not worth wasting time over. As regards the supply of this journal at a post-free rate' we beg to point out that the postage of 52 copies costa 2s. 2d., and that the extra to which you refer ensures your getting the issue by first postal delivery each Thursday morning. Our publishing department will, of .course, be pleased if you order it through a local newsagent. With regard to dealing with the Continental Tyre Co., the present position of the law is that you must pay, although Tillings are taking their case to appeal. Probably all other eases can stand over until that appeal is settled. The Government appears to take the view that it is the duty of any party who owes money to an English joint-stock company, despite its shares being held almost exclusively or entirely by Germans, to pay. The Government
BI4 says that it has adopted the necessary precautions, by way of the appointment of inspectors, etc., to see that no such money is afterwards passed from that English joint-stock company to an enemy country. We consider the position a weak one, because no doubt the German owners of any such company will be able to draw on the money when it is paid, or somehow to get the benefit of it. It appears to us to be another case of the saying that " the law is a ham," but we are no doubt dense on the subject.
To Convince a Mineral-water Manufacturer that Motur Transport Pays.
[2533J (Gingerbeer).—Your difficulty is one which frequently occurs, especially in the particular sircumstances that you mention. You seem to have tried most oi the usual expedients, and, so far as we can judge, your client is just on the verge of purchasing; he seems to wish, however, for very positive and admit° assurances before taking the plunge.
We understand that you have already taken advantage of advice previeusly proffered by us, and have laid before him figures showing the experience of other users ; in particular, you say, that of Messrs. Shoolbred's was exempunect. His idea, that it will be necessary to replace each of his pair-horse lorries by a motorvan is, of course, absurd, but understandable under the circumstances, and from his view-point. He cannot at present see how several districts are to be adequately served by the one vehicle, and we think, if you can convince him that it is feasible, your way will be clear. We venture to suggest the following method : we know it to have been successful in other similar cases. Obtain a time table of your client's present journeys, with times taken, number of visits, loads carried, etc. On this as a basis, build up a route guide, substituting, say, five or six motor lorries in place of the horsed vans; calculate exactly the cost of both systems, and show, by comparison, the advantage to be gained by the new. Do not, forget also to lay stress on the peculiar advantages of motor carriage to a mineral-water manufacturer; such as a reduction in breakages, diminution in the cmantities of empties uncollected, and so on. We think art exposition such as that outlined above should be sufficient finally to determine your client to become a commercial-motor user.