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A Ram-operated Tower W agon

21st January 1930
Page 52
Page 52, 21st January 1930 — A Ram-operated Tower W agon
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MHE accompanying illustrations depict one of a number

of special vehicles which has recently been put into service by the municipal authorities of Detroit, li.S.A, in connection with the maintenance of the electric-tramway overhead conductors, as well as the street-lighting lamps. The chassis of the vehicle, which was supplied by the Standard Motor Truck Co., of Detroit, is a 21-31-tonner, the motive power being supplied by a Continental six.cylindered engine. The power unit has a bore and stroke of 4i ins. and 5i ins, respectively, and develops 36 b.h.p. at 1,400 r.p.m. The transmission is through a four-speed gearbox and worm gear to the back axle.

As will be seen from the pictures, the chassis carries a van body which is used for the accommodation of tools and spare parts. The ram is of the Woods Hydraulic type, the compressor being operated by a take-off from the main power unit. The platform of the tower is supported on a three-stage column and can be raised to a height which enables the overhead wires in Detroit readily to be inspected.

It will be noticed that, in order to reduce the height of the vehicle when travelling from point to point, the guard rails of the tower platform are hinged so that they can be lowered. When raised, for the working, position, they are held up at the ends by crossbars, the men thus caarying on their work in an enclosed space so that the danger of falling off is minimized.