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A New 30 m.p.h. 5-6-tonner

21st January 1938
Page 17
Page 17, 21st January 1938 — A New 30 m.p.h. 5-6-tonner
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Karrier CK5 in Latest Form is one of the Highestrated Lorries Available in the 50-cwt. Unladen Class. It is Well Equipped for Both Long-distance and Innerzone Service AT Earls Court, last November, readers will remember seeing among the exhibits of Karrier Motors, Ltd,, .1-3iscot Road, Luton, a 5-tan short-wheelbase platform lorry designated model CK5. The company now announces that this vehicle is available in an improved form and rated as

5-6-tonner, Whilst the model is well adapted, by reason of its 11-ft. 6-in, wheelbase, for work in towns where streets are narrow

and corners sharp, in docks, railway yards and so forth, it is also entirely suitable for long-distance haulage, having an 80 b.h.p. engine and speed capabilities that enablefull advantage to be taken of the fact that it is within the 30 m.p.h. limit.

Allowing body space 17 ft. 3 ins, long, the chassis weighs 43 cwt., so there is a reasonable margin for a flat platform body. The weight is fair evidence of the sturdy construction that is a feature of the vehicle.

The power unit and cab are placed forward of the front axle, so that entry to and exit from the cab are facilitated; and overhang at the rear is moderate, in spite of an overall length of 21 ft.—nearly twice the wheelbase. Such an arrangement also gives a good outlook for the driver, and promotes correct weight distribution when the vehicle is loaded. The price of the new CK5 chassis is £385.

A six-cylindered side-valve unit is employed, which has a bore and stroke of 85 mm. and 120 mm respectively. Ignition is by magneto and the mixture is supplied by a Solex Self-Starting carburetter via an exhaustheated manifold. There are inserted seats for the exhaust valves, a fully balanced crankshaft, running in four steer-backed and lead-bronze bearings, and cast-iron pistons.

Power is transmitted through a ventilated single dry-plate clutch to a unit-mounted four-speed gearbox, the complete component being three-point suspended.

A two-piece shaft, incorporating La,yrub rubber-cushioned universal joints, couples the gearbox with the rear axle, which is of the spiral-bevel fully-floating type, and has a straddle-mounted pinion and half-shafts of generous dimensions.

The frame has a maximum depth of 8 ins., and is strongly braced, whilst the suspension system includes long flexible springs of high-quality material and with double-wrapped eyes. India 34 by 7 heavy-service tyres are used, the real wheels carrying twins.

Bishop cam-and-roller steering gear is standardized, and the brakes are Bendix products of the Duo-Servo type. It is noteworthy that they afford a total frictional area of 385 sq. ins.

Finally, the electric equipment includes a Lucas 12-volt dynamo of the compensated-voltage type, with automatic output control, in conjunction with a battery of 72-amp.-hr. capacity.