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'Sausage-tosser' fined

21st January 2010
Page 10
Page 10, 21st January 2010 — 'Sausage-tosser' fined
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A 'SAUSAGE-TOSSING' lorry driver has been ordered to pay a fine of more than £600 after he failed to pay an initial littering fine.

On 2 July 2009, HGV driver David Higham was seen throwing a half-eaten sausage from a cab window while he was parked up in a lay-by at Ainley Top

roundabout, just off the M62, near Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.

Higham, who lives in Mem, Manchester, was given a £75 fixed penalty for littering by Kirklees Council environment officers.

Higham failed to pay the fine and he also failed to appear before Huddersfield magistrates last week.

In his absence? Higham was found guilty and fined £175, ordered to pay £429 court costs and a £.15 victim surcharge.

"A £75 fine for littering is quite standard. Obviously, if you are throwing hazardous waste out of the window, that would be a higher penalty," a spokesman for the Local Government Association tells CM.

He continues: 'in this case, if you chuck a sausage out of a window, you can expect to pay,"