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Shears Bros pumps 000k into warehouse expansion

21st January 2010
Page 13
Page 13, 21st January 2010 — Shears Bros pumps 000k into warehouse expansion
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CHR1STCIIURCH, DORSET-BASED Shears Bros Transport has invested £300,000 to triple the size of its warehouse.

The Pall-Ex member has moved to a 54,000f1.2 site on the Aviation Park West Site, 500 yards away from its existing 15,0001t2 hub.The firm has also bought four new Mercedes-Benz trucks.

"While others are still hesitant to take a risk and invest, we felt now was the time to prepare for when the economy picks up," says Shears Bros joint managing director Ian Shears. "The new warehouse gives us [the] opportunity for growth and will make us more attractive to potential customers."

The warehouse is currently half full, which Shears expects to rise to 80% by the end of the year. The family-run business won a £500.000 per year contract with Norbert Dentressangle in August 2009. Under the regional subcontracting deal, Shears distributes goods from the French firm's Northampton site to postcodes in Dorest and 1Iampshire.

Shears' new premises will be officially opened on 12 February by Pall-Ex chief Hilary Devey.