Passing Comments international Chamber URING the Tenth Congress of Commerce
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and Road of the International Problems . . . . Chamber of Commerce, held recently at Copenhagen, road, transport problems were discussed. Several speakers raised the question of modernizing the highway system, particularly by constructing roads exclusively for motor traffic, instead of adapting existing highways. In connection with road safety, the need for educating the public was emphasized, and special instruction in schools was recommended. It was also advocated that there should be uniform road signs for all countries.
Substantial Awards for 'TRIALS of sugar-beet harSugar-beet Harvesting I vesting machinery are to be Machines held in October. The machines
may be tractor-drawn or selfpropelled, and, if required, assistance will be given in securing tractors and drivers. Each machine will be subjected to two tests, the second some three weeks after the first. In the interval, it will be kept under observation on a selected farm. Awards up to 2200 each will be made to entrants of those attaining the desired standard. Particulars can be obtained from the Secretary, Sugar Commission, 41, Tothill Street, London, S.W.1. Entries may be made to July 31.
DURLNG a recent fire which occurred opposite our offices, we observed, with some amusement, a large notice in the windows of the ground floor reading as follows: " Accurate Measurement of all Liquids Under Any Conditions." Meanwhile, several engines were pumping thousands of gallons into the premises.
Could the Liquid Be Measured in This Case ?
I T is only recently that the name " Bedford " for that well-known range of vehicles has been registered. It is not usually possible to register as a trademark a geographical name or surname. Therefore the company was called upon to produce strong evidence that the word had become so closely associated with vehicles of its manufacture that it had virtually acquired a new meaning. Actually, 60 statutory declarations were sworn in support of the application, coming
How the Name "Bedford" Became Registered from dealers, newspapers, trade organizations, etc. Even competitive manufacturers contributed their evidence. In further support the company was able to point out that Bedford vehicles worth £25,000,000 had been sold in 60 countries throughout the world.
Encouraging Trade IMPORTANT discussions con Between Britain and cerning trade between Britain
Sweden . and Sweden have been taking place between the members of the Anglo-Swedish Trade Delegation. It was stated that whilst price is a limiting factor, there was considerable scope for the sale of our goods in Sweden to be increased. Swedish delegates showed themselves willing to give every practical help in developing the distribution of British vehicles. Particular mention was made of the means whereby State, municipal and other large users of road transport might be encouraged to support the efforts which British manufacturers would make.