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21st July 1961, Page 72
21st July 1961
Page 72
Page 72, 21st July 1961 — SCOTTISH (NORTH)
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Applications SN 8/7/I.-A. and W. Watson, Auchinblae, new A. tic., 1 veh. (3KO. Timber within Scotland.

SN 8/7/2.-James S. Clark. Aberdeen. new Alie, 1 art. (5%0. Timber for Barton Thompson and Co.. Ltd., from Inverness-shire to South Scotland. North and Midlands of England. (If granted contract-A lic, will be surrendered.) SN 8/7/3.-Wiffiam Heathy, Wick. new A tic., 1 art. (SAO. G.g. in Caithness and Sutherland and goods for Gilbert Ash, Ltd.. as required. (If granted

B 11c, authorizing 2 vet'. (5'40 will be surrendered.) St): 131714.-Matthew Serachan, DunfermlineA var„ add 1 veh. (3%0. SN 8/7/5.-Alexander Reid, Montrose. new B lie., 1 veil. (3140. Goods for Adam Lythgoe, Ltd.. within 60 miles, with extension to and from Ayr. SN 8/7/6.-Jas G. Barrack, Aberdeen, new B lie.. 1 art. (4%0. Agric. produce grown or produced in • agrie. requisites, groceries. electrical Roods, road and building mats. and plant, manures, and shInborne goods ex Aberdeen Harbour, all within 50 miles.

SN 8/7/7.-McGregor Bros.. Fordoun, new B lie., 1 veh. (40. Goods for Adam Lythgoc. Ltd.. Warrington, within 50 miles, with ex:ension to Perth and Ayr, and goods for Balfour and Melvin. Brechio. within 50 miles.

SN 81718.-P. MacDonald and Sou. Invermoris• ton, new B lie.. 1 T. (4'St). Road mats, sand and gravel within 25 miles.

SN 8/7/9.-Grant's Garage. Fort Angustus, B var.. add 1 T. (40.

Decisions SN 1/412.-D. and D. Transport (Dundee), Lid..

new A lie., 3 veh. granted.

SN 1/413.-D. and D. Transport (Dundee), Ltd., new A tic., I vett (60 granted.

SN 4/2/1.-Black Isle (Transport), Ltd., Dingwall, new 4 lie. 1 veh. (Sc) waived. Mainly po:atoes and grain to Midlands and South of England and timber mainly Ross-shire to Dundee and South Scotland but occasionally to North England. Plant. machinery and steel in Scotland.