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Supercharging by Induction Pipe

21st July 1961, Page 80
21st July 1961
Page 80
Page 80, 21st July 1961 — Supercharging by Induction Pipe
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DYNAM1CALLY tuned air intake systems can create-a mild degree of supercharging and patent No. 866,660 shows a design of this nature. It is intended to be used with a conventional carburetter. (International Harvester Co., 180 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, U.S.A.)

The essence of the scheme is that the induction system is made of three pipes (1) of identical length and volume. They are joined to the carburetter by a short single pipe (2) tapered slightly in its length. Each cylinder head inlet port contains a deflector wall (3); this creates a double passage each half leading to an inlet valve.

It is stated that experiments made with the system have resulted in an improvement in power output over the range 400 to 2,800 r.p.m.