Kent lorry park plans could be abandoned
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AMBITIOUS PLANS to build a 3,000-space lorry park in the Kent countryside to alleviate trafic problems caused by Operation Stack could be shelved after the county council agreed to explore alternatives.
At a high-level summit chaired by Folkestone and Hythe MP Damian Collins and attended by Kent County Council leader Paul Carter, police and port chiefs, Collins agreed to instead put pressure on ministers to overhaul planning laws that prevent parking at Dover.
It could mean that the £35m policy, which is central to the county council’s transport plan, is ditched before it even gets off the ground, although Collins’ assistant James Alexandre says the Aldington lorry park proposal is still an option.
“There are issues about the cost, for example, and having to build access to it; the logistics of it and the role of the police if there was another incident of Operation Stack. It’s Kent County Council’s preferred option, but Paul Carter has said he’s not wedded to the idea,” he says.
Assistant chief constable Andy Adams says: “Some of the proposals we heard regarding parking off the motorway involve technological solutions that would reduce demand on the police service by moving lorries off the motorway into temporary parking.” A council spokesman declined to comment on the meeting.