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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The Board of Trade returns for May show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories imported during the month was £547,985, which is appreciably higher than the total of £400,340 for May, 1934, and a great advance on the
£199,685 for May, 1933. The total value of such imports for the five months ended May 31, 1935, was £2,255,811, Compared with £1,357,438 for the corresponding period of M4...
The exports of complete commercial vehicles for May fell both in number and in value, the 192 vehicles valued at £41,745 comparing with ?a) and £51,218 respectively for May, 1934. In the four months ended May 31; 909 complete commercial vehicles, having a value of £257,608, were exported, as contrasted with 1,130 and £249,458 respectively for the previous year.
The exports of commercial chassis made a good showing, this year's total of 892 contrasting with 745 a year earlier and 780 in May, 1933, the value of this year's vehicles also being better at £151,407, compared with £111,121 for May, 1934, and £123,479 for the same month of 1983. In the four months ended May, 4,637 commercial chassis were exported, of a value of £714,592, the 1934 figures for the corresponding period being 3,915 and £539,455 respectively.
No Exemption for Vehicles on Harbour Roads.
On the ground that vehicles were to be used exclusively on the property of the Dundee Harbour Trust, the Dundee, Perth and London Shipping Co., Ltd., applied to the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority for the exemption of certain machines from the licensing provisions. It was argued that, whilst the roads in question were used by the public, they were the private property of the Trustees and were constructed and maintained by them. They were closed on certain dates to preserve the Trustees' rights.
The Licensing Authority, Mr. Henry Riches, said that if the vehicles were to be used on a road to which the public had access, this was a public road.
The application was withdrawn.
Municipal Managers to Consider Co-ordination.
Only one paper will be read at the annual conference of the Municipal Tramways andTransport Association, at Douglas, Isle of Man, from June 26-28, but that will be of a highly provocative nature, entitled " The Coordination of Road Passenger Transport and the formation of Passenger Transport Boards," by Alderman A." H. Gledhill, J.P., chairman of Halifax Tramways and Motors Committee. A résumé of the paper will be published in next week's issue, whilst a report of the discussion, as well as notes on other topics for debate at the conference, will appear the following week.
Yorkshire Conciliation Dispute Continues.
A meeting of the Yorkshire Joint Conciliation Board has been called for to-morrow (June 22) to discuss the question of a permanent settlement on wages and conditions. A sub-committee comprising representatives of the employers' and employees' panels of the Board has met with a view to making recommendations to the full Board, but it is understood that this sub-committee has failed to reach agreement. It is gatheredthat the employees refused to agree to a suggestion that the permanent settlement in Yorkshire should be on the lines of the agreement reached in Scotland.
Preliminary Programme of C.M.U.A. Conference.
The provisional programme of the National Road Transport Conference, organized by the Commercial Motor Users Association and to be held at Southport in September, this year, is as follows:—
Monday, September 23: 11.30 a.m., visit to the works of Leyland Motors, Ltd., at Leyland; 7.30 p.m., civic seception, followed by a dinner-dance.
TuesdaY. September 24: 10 a.m., official welcome by His Worship the Mayor; 10.30, business session at which a paper will be read and discussed; 2.30 p.m., business session at which a paper will be read and discussed. Ladies' visit to the works of Lever Brothers, Ltd., by saloon coaches, passing through the Mersey Tunnel; 8 p.m., official banquet.
Wednesday, September 25: 10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m., business sessions, at which papers will be read and discussed. Ladies will be entertained to tea by the Mayoress of Southport. GOOD ENTRIES FOR ROADS AND TRANSPORT EXHIBITION.
This year's Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition will he held from November 18-23, at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, London, N. We are informed that already over 200 concerns specializing in the supply of municipal equipment have secured space, many of them, of course, well known in the commercialvehicle industry. The Congress promises to be one of outstanding im portance, and many subjects of vital interest will come under discussion. Representatives of many local authorities will be attending the differ-ant sessions.
Extensive Use of Radio in Paris Taxicabs.
We understand from Philips Lamps, Ltd., 145, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2, that a large number of taxicabs in Paris has, during the past few months, been fitted with Philips radio sets.
In November, 1934, the first batch of 50 cabs was so equipped, and by the -end of June of this year no fewer than 3,100 radio-equipped taxis were operating on the Paris streets.
The method of onerating the taxicab business in Paris differs greatly from that employed in this country, drivers hiring vehicles daily from the proprietors. A small premium is charged for cabs with radio, and it has been found that the extra profit obtainable has caused drivers to hire, if necessary, from a rival concern if they are unable to obtain radio-equipped cabs from their usual supplier.
Further, details of the installation will be published in an early issue of The Commercial Motor.
Big Yorkshire-oiler Price Reduction.
An 8-ton oiler, costing only £675, is announced by the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., Hunslet, Leeds, 10. In offering this machine at this figure the maker has given a powerful reply to the imposition of the oil-fuel tax.
The latest Yorkshire is a forwardcontrol maximum-load four-wheeler, having an approximate unlade h weight of 4 tons, thus it may carry a pay-load of 8 -tons less only the weight of the fuel, equipment, etc. It has a Dorman 4HW 75 b,.h.p. engine and does not differ materially from the model the performance of which we described in our issue dated April '13, 1934.
C.M.U.A. Propaganda Committee Formed.
A strong national membership and propaganda committee has been set up by the Commercial Motor Users Association, with Mr. James France, the immediate past-president of the Association, as chairman. NO LOCUS OF OBJECTION?
Before the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, last Friday, the London and North Eastern Railway Co. objected to an application by Mr. John Pitcairn, a coal merchant and haulier, Dunfermline, for permission to replace four existing vehicles by lour new ones, with an aggregate weight nearly 2 tons higher.
Mr. H. Riches, the Licensing Authority, said he thought the railway had no locus of objection. As he interpreted the 1933 Act, an objection could he lodged only against an increase in the number of vehicles, but not to a weight increase which left the number unchanged. He granted the application and remarked that the point raised might he debated on some future occasion.
Entry to Bulk Milk Transport Barred.
The provision made by South Eastern Farmers, Ltd., and by the Southern Railway Co., at Forest Hill, for dealing with milk on a large scale, was held by Sir Henry Piggott, the South Eastern Licensing Authority, to he sufficient reason for refusing the application of a Horsham milk carrier for a licence to enable him to deliver milk in bulk from Horsham and Petworth, West Sussex, to Forest Hill. A licence limiting operation to a radius of 20 miles was granted, it being stated that the applicant had only recently dove-: loped his milk-transport business.
The Dennis Range Extended.
Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford, has recently issued data sheets -overing its range of lightweight and 11,:svy-duty goods and passenger chassis. The company's range of lightweight models has been extended, the alternative tyre sizes, body lengths and wheelbases making available a suitable vehicle for any class of load between 35 cwt. and 6 tens.
As the light and heavy ranges overlap, the company designates the former by the number of cwt. and the latter by the number of tons that they nor
malty carry. The data sheets give, in specification form, full details of each model. The company has also issued a series of leaflets referring to vehicles in the light range.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from June 21 to 29 inclusive :—Docks : King George V, 7; Royal Albert, 8; • Royal Victoria,. : Surrey Commercial, 7; West India, 2; East India, 2; South-West -India, 3: Tilbury, 5; Tilbury Stage, 3; Millwall, 4; London, . 1. Wharves : Hays, 5 ; Middleton's, 1; .Mark Brown's, 1; Re, gent's Canal, 1.
C.M.U.A. to be Represented at Devon Road Inquiry.
Mr. F. G. Bristow, C.B.E., will represent the Commercial Motor Users Association on Tuesday next, June 25, at the public inquiry to be held at Exeter into the application made to the Minister of Transport by Devon County Council for confirmation of an Order made by it on February 18, 1935, in respect of certain roads in the county. PERSONAL PARS.
We learn that Mr. P. W. McGuire has resigned his position as managing director of Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd. Mr. McGuire's experience covers a wide range of general engineering, as well as the motor industry.
Last week, Mr. Kra glovas, the representative of Leyland Motors, Ltd., for Lithuania, paid a visit to the company's headquarters at Leyland, where
he spent much time in studying the latest models and methods of production.
Mr. D. Gerard Wakeham has been appointed the sole agent for Scotland for the Fuller Accumulator Co. (1926), Ltd. He is handling all types of the company's battery from 9$, Hope Street, Glasgow, there being a depot established at 16, Dixon Street, in the same city.
Mr. E. C. Walters, who for many years was export and home service manager of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Birmingham, has been appointed wholesale sales manager of the wellknown Surrey distributors, Messrs. Wray Park Garages, of Reigate. Mr. Walters has had 30 years' practical experience in different branches of the motor industry.
Councillor W. J. Bridge, recently .nominated by Lanes County Council to the county panel of Deputy Traffic Commissioners, took his seat at Manchester, on Monday, with the chairman, Mr. W. Chamberlain.
New Morris-Commercial Distributor.
Gould Brothers, Ltd., Exeter, announces that it has been appointed distributor over a large area, comprising Sidmouth, Crediton, Tiverton, Exmouth, Topsham, Cullompton and adjacent districts, for Morris-Commercial
vehicles. A comprehensive range of models, it is stated, will be available for demonstration, and spare parts for all models will be kept in stock.
The announcement, which has appeared in the London Gazette, of the voluntary winding-up of two removal concerns, Grimshaw and Evans, Ltd., and George A. Ashworth, Ltd., both of Leeds, does not mean that these businesses are to be closed down, but that the companies are to be reconstructed. The chairman of the companies is Mr. Charles Holdsworth, of Halifax, who is a member of the syndicate of Yorkshire haulage contractors which has acquired control of Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., and Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd.
A correspondent learned, this week, that the reconstruction of Grimshaw and Evans, Ltd., and George A. Ashworth, Ltd., is a first step in the reorganization scheme arising from the Tillotson deal.
Co-operative Societies Complain of Rail Subsidies.
Pointed criticism of legislation which enforces the subsidizing of the railways by road transport was made at the annual congress of the co-operative movement, at Cardiff, last week.
At one session complaint was made that co-operative societies were penalized to the extent of 25,000 by the enactments of the Pigs Board, which stipulated that pigs taken to factories must be carried by rail.
Sir F. Hayward said that the matter had been taken to court 'to prove that the provisions were ultra vires. We find," he continued, "that the Pigs Board, having put its provisions in operation on January 1 last, is now making amendments to make legal provisions which originally it had 'no right to insert."
Loophole in the Act.
A loophole in the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 19, was discovered during the hearing, at Chichester, of an application for a 13 licence by Messrs. Wadham Bros. for two additional vehicles.
Mr. Frederick Charlesworth, general manager, said the company already had six vehicles which it loaned to customers when their vehicles came in for repair. Occasionally, the concern loaned lorries to customers at rush periods, and its fleet was, at present, not large enough to meet demands.
Mr. J, C. Cha.mbers, who objected to the application on behalf of the Southern Railway Co., said that if the application, as it stood, was granted, the motor-engineering company could hire out vehicles to concerns to augment their own fleets, outside the six allowed by its own licence, and could hire out machines to persons who held no licences at all.
Sir Henry Piggott, the South Eastern Licensing Authority, agreed with the point raised by Mr. Chambers. and made it a condition, in granting the application, that the vehicles should not be hired out with drivers, except under the conditions of the licences of. the concerns hiring them. When the application of Messrs. Wad n18 hams came up for renewal, he thought some similar condition would have to be added.
An Improved James 8-cwt. Van.
Without increasing either the price (£105) or the weight (71 cwt.) of its popular 8-cwt. three-wheeled parcelcar, the James Cycle Co., Ltd., Greet, Birmingham, 11, has effected a number of important improvements to. the design, these being incorporated in a new model that is now available. Prominent among these is the new driving position. Hitherto, the driver has been seated centrally, with the power installation housed in a casing between his knees; now he sits on the right of the bonnet, with the steering wheel and other controls appropriately arranged, whilst on the other side there is space for a passenger seat, which can alternatively be used as supplementary to the floor area available for carrying goods. The van has a capacity of 70 cubic ft. RAILWAYS OBJECT TO MORE ROAD-TRANSPORT PUBLICITY.
Before the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority, at Liverpool, on Monday, Copplestone, Unsworth and Co., Ltd., Liverpool, a concern of furniture stmeis and removers, sought licences for a 2i-ton vehicle and a 3tonner in substitution for a 5-ton machine, and in addition to claimed tonnage.
The railways objected on the grounds that two vehicles afforded greater mobility than did one, thus increasing competition. In addition, the company doubled the advertising value of its name. Why should the concern not continue to hire vehicles, asked the railways, according to the clear intention of the Licensing Authorities and the Appeal Tribunal?
Sir William Hart, the Deputy Authority, remarked that the applicant company did not like to send its customers',.. goods in a van bearing somebody • else's name. Mr. W. H. Unsworth,
managing director, said the furnitureremoving business had altered considerably and loads were now lighter and runs shorter. The licences were granted.
The value of motor vehicles for the transport of fruit was emphasized when the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority heard an application by Messrs. Bett Brothers, haulicts, Dundee, for permission to acquire an extra Vehicle for work for Mr. William McIntyre, fruit-grower, with farms at Blairgowrie, Liff and Balgillo, Broughty Ferry. Objections were lodged by the -railway Companies.
Mr. McIntyre, who appeared in support of the applicants, said that no grower would send fruit in baskets to the cannery from Blairgowrie or Lift by rail, as it would involve six different operations of loading or unloading, and, at the end of the journey, the berries at the bottom of the baskets might be badly crushed. Growers had five-years' contracts with the Dundee cannery and a high standard of fruit was demanded.
Mr. Alexander Balharrie, railway commercial manager, Aberdeen, agreed that road transport would be the most natural and quickest method of car riage between Lift or Balgillo and Dundee. The application was granted.
"Eastern Counties" Higher Profit.
During the year ended March 31 last, a net profit of £51,997 was made by the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., the figure for the previous year being £47,037. The dividend on the preference shares absorbs £19,671, whilst a 6 per cent. distribution is`to be made on the ordinary shares. After these disbursements, the amount to be. car• ried forward is £25,934, as Compared with £24,932 brought into the aecounts.
In the year under review, the two subsidiaries, Varsity Express Motors, Ltd., and Varsity Coaches, Ltd., were liquidated and absorbed in the company's business, whilst, several small bus businesses were acquired.
Road-accident Returns.
The following figures are extracted from the Ministry of Transport return of persons killed or injured in road accidents during the week ended June 8, 1935, the figures in parentheses being those for the corresponding week in 1934. The number of persons who died no a result of accidents during previous weeks is included in the total. In England 100 (131) persons were killed and 3,868 (4,307) injured, whilst in Scotland 10 (17) were killed and
251. (459) injured. The figures for Wales show that 4 (6) persons were killed and 145 (205) injured.
Ulster Bill " A Wild Gamble."
The Northern Ireland Road and Rail Transport Bill was severely criticized in the Ulster Senate when, on June 13, it came up for the second reading. On a division, the Bill was carried by 10 votes to two. In moving the reading of the Bill, Lord Charlemont stated that it was one of the most important measures which had ever come before the House.
Senator T. S. McAllister said that the measure was a wild gamble. It was unfair, he conteqed, that Belfast and • Londonderry he 'exempted from the scheme, and that the rural and urban areas should be made to pay for such an experiment.
Senator McHugh declared that, to all intents and purposes, the Bill was a railway measure. The general public should not be called upon to compensate the railways for their losses.
Replying to the debate, Lord Charlemont said that it was not fair to represent the railway companies as dictating to the Government, Had no steps been taken, there was great danger of the whole transport system of the country breaking down.
New York's First Oil.engine Show.
In response to an ever-increasing demand for information concerning oil engines, the first oil-engine show to he held east of Chicago opened in New York on June 15.
A new company named the Lanz Tractor Co., Ltd., has recently been formed to nandle in the British Isle the well-known single-cylinder semiDiesel-type agricultural and industrial tractors from which the concern takes its name. Offices and works have been established at 7, Coronation Road, Park Royal, London, N.W.10, and machines will be serviced at this address, where a comprehensive stock of spare parts is kept. Mr. H. Tronser, a director of the new company, is in charge at Park Royal, whilst Mr. P. Heym, .who, it will be remembered, formerly marketed Lanz products in this country, is now assistant export manager at the German factory, A new model has recently been introduced, and will be on view at the forthcoming Royal Show at Newcastle. It is an industrial model, having the standard engine, and shod with pneumatic tyres, whilst among several other interesting features is a six-speed gearbox giving it a speed range of 2 m.p.h. to 15 m.p.h. It is also equipped with a complete electric. lighting system.
. R.H.A. Membership Drive in North-west.
At a meeting of the Chester and district section of the Road Haulage Association, on June 14, presided over by Mr. T. J. Ellis, of Hawarden, it was stated that a vigorous drive was to take place to increase membership.
An address was given by Mr. R. B. Stockdale, of Liverpool, chairman of the North-Western Regional Area and delegate to the national council, on the work of the council. Mr. Hargreaves, of Liverpool, said there were about 650 members in the North-Western Area, of which about 150 were in Liverpool.