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A Complete Garage Seryiee Equipment Devised by a Former Tool Designer.
THE GROWTH in the number of Ford motor vehicles—trucks, vans and cars—has -provided an incentive to the man possessing ingenuity. Almost every possible addition or modification of this popular chassis has been suggested, produeed;.and, offered to a public .which, if it buys a standard article, glories in effecting Changes, so that the individual touch shall not be entirely absent.
Many of these devices have been introdared for the purpose .of altering or improving appearance, others for the sake of economy and efficiency; the equipment which•wear-low. propose to describe is devised. for the purptase of renewing the lease of life of a lord chassis, thus proving that the Ford Co. build better than they claim. What is true of American harvesting Machinery, bicycles, sewing machines is obviously not true of American motor vehicles, for it is not an accepted axiom that, after what, in this country, would be considered as only a short span of life, a motor chassis should be scrapped and replaced by a new one. With the garage and service station equipment every worn part can be refaced or replaced, and a Ford vehicle can be put upon the road in a condition, to all intents and purposes, equal to new.
This equipment, known as the Hinckley-Myers Garage and Service Station Equipment, has been devised and developed by two clever American engineers, of whom one was the chief tool
a and jig designer at the Ford factory irs Detroit. It consists J of a riumber of machine tools -and hand tools. devices and other apparatus with which the authorized •Ford 'dealer can, at an expense notkexceeding £4,31 7s. Ed., equip himself to ,deal with. any class of Ford repair, • from -replacing a washer ow a road a complete overhaul. The equipiAnt is placed upon the British market 'by the Muir-Hill Service.: Equipmerittil., of Lloyds Bank Bitildings; King .,St.teet, Manchester, a concern .which has had t Vast experience with the particular mako of car for which it is devised,its: directors', having studied the question of overhauling, not only on this side of the Atlantic but also in the States.
No Fewer than 170 Different • Tools.
In going over the catalogue published by the manufacturers and their concessionnaires, one marvels at the ingenuity that has been shown and by the variety and extent of the devices offered.• On the 32 large quarto pages there are no fewer than 170 different tools and pieces of mechanism. We are able in the space at our disposal to refer to a number of the more important and to illustrate a few, but we strongly recommend those of our readers who may be called upon to deal with a fleet of Ford vehicles or a large number of them, to obtain a copy of the catalogue and a detailed quotation for the selection which the Service Equipment Co. are offering.
To deal with a few of the tools, there is a cylinder reboring mill, to be driven by power, which wilt completely rebore the four cylinders of a block in 36 minutes. It rebores with accuracy and finish and will deal with any other make of engine, the maximum bore being 6 ins, and the minimum 2ta ins. The tool has a stationary ,pilot bar, which rune through the hollow spindle carrying the cutters, and this, ; with a split cone locating device, acts as a positive guide to the cutter head and insures accurate boring of the cylinders. The floor space required for this tool is 50 ins. by 50 Ina., whilst the overall height is5 ft.
There is a portable cylinder reboring tool and equipment, which can be ohtained. in addition to the reboring mill, being devised for field work and enabling cylinders to be rebored without the engine being removed from the chassis or completely dismantling it. Its chief purpose is for dealing with emergency work on tractors.
The next large tool is devised for burning-in of bearings and for runningin the crankshaft afterwards. It can be driven by pulley, electric motor or by a Fordson motor. We illustrate the type arranged for electric motor driving. The cylinder block is 'clamped upside down by means of a heavy chain, the crankshaft connecting rods and pistons are placed in position after the shaft; •has.
been reground and trued up and the bearings are then burnt in. The block. is 'then turned the right way up over an oil sump. and the shaft coupled to the shaft of the machine tool, and the engine is then run in. The dimensions of this tool are 69 ins. (76 ins in the electric drive model)by 22 ins. by 45 ins. high.
A -test fixture can be used in connection with the burning-in machine to enable a motor to be tested under its own power before being replaced in the chassis. There is an all-position stand los the motor,. which enables it to he tompletely assembled, and by turning it over to any required position every part is made extremely accessible.
The device for the aligning of connecting rods and pistons eliminates all guesswork. It enables the operator to determine whether the rods are bent or twisted, and it, alleles for straightening or adjusting to "'he done without removing the rods from the mandrel. Thera are. four types of this tool. Another simple tool Is a pailof bleeks.of hardened steel, which are placed one on each side of a valve stem, and are used to chimp the valve stem squarely in a vice:when
filing the end. Piston vices, diameter gauges, a .gudgeon pin removing and replacing tool serve to secure .good Work
on pistons without risk of injury thereto.
For the handling of motors there are lifting bars, with chains linked to plugs for screwing into sparking plug holes, portable stands, supporting fixtures and lifting hooks, and for removing gear wheels a very useful combination puller has been devised capable of dealing with different -wheels and gears.
A fixture for the aligning and testing of the magneto after assembling to the flywheel is very 'useful and important because the magneto tie _plates most all be of equal height. This is very' difficult t3 prove, but the dial indicator of the fixture makes the job quick and certain. There is a small tool which fits the generator case and has a remoyable sanding wheel : it is employed for polishing the generator brushes of the starting and lighting generators.
A clamp for holding-the Fordson radiator core has an air connectierevalve-, so that air can be pumped into the core whilst it is held under water for-. the ' location of leaks.
The transmission bushing reeming machine will ream the Ford transmission bushings in perfect alignment, and 'will remove the possibility of a. noisy transmission. A useful tool is the brake band riveter, which will out out the old rivets and remove worn linings from the brake band, and attach new linings with split rivets and multiple disc clutch facings with tubular rivets. Transmission driun clamps, transmission band holding wrenches and clips, and transmission gear pullers are all essential devices, whilst there is a useful tool in the jig, which acts as a vice .and an anvil for drawing up the rivets in the triple gear set.
The rear axle removing and installing truck makes the handling of the rear axle: component,a one-man job, and it will take the axle..toea. repair -stand, where it is held in a.horizoidal position for overhaul. This requires 60 ins. by 33 ins, of floor space.
There is a variety of presses for dealing with the different shafts in a Ford chassis, the No. 22 being one of those recommended, as it will handle all, rear axle work. The type 36 R is devised for straightening crankshafts.. From what we have said, and taking for granted that there are many other implements and devices in the selected equipment and others that can be added according to the work that is offering, it will be seen that the authorized dealer in Fords is able, at a very moderate outlay, to equip his garage to deal with , every conceivable repair demand, including a complete overhaul.