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, , , Some people in Glasgow object to the speed of motorcabs, and the Chief Constable has been asked to keep an eye on the drivers.
Shrewsbury-Challiner Rims, The Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd., of Kay Street, Ardwick Green, Manchester, has submitted a pair of its detachable rims for a certified trial at the hands of the R.A.C.
A New Make of Motorcab.
Some B.S.A. motorcabs are now apparing in London service. Each has an engine of the four-cylinder type, the bore being 90 mm. and the piston stroke 100 mm., whilst the pressedsteel frame is of a somewhat unusual section. We illustrate one of the cabs herewith.
General Motor Cab Co.'s Receipts.
The current, traffic returns of the General Motor Cab Co. are sent to us as follaw :
Week ending Saturday, 16th October, £16,554, Previous week, £16,804.
Corresponding week, 1908, £15,951. Decrease on previous week, £250. Increase on corresponding week, 1908, £603.
Total receipts from 1st August, 1909, £159,380.
Increase on previous corresponding period, £12,696.
It should be noted that the above figures take no account of the average number of cabs in service for the respective periods. Plans for a New Garage.
The Building Committee of the L.C.C. passed plans, at its last meeting, for the erection of a new building at St. George's Square, S.W., for the British Motor Cab Co. The building is to abut upon Grosvenor Road, Caledonia Street and Glasgow Terrace, and is to have divisions exceeding 250,000 cubic feet in extent.
A New Registration.
The Motor Brougham and Cab Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £10,000 in £1 shares, and with its registered offices at 219, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, has been formed to acquire the business carried on at 17, Smith Street, Hillhead, by the Motor Mart and Institute, Ltd., and to conduct the business of proprietors of motorcabs.
A Refinement of Cato-body Detail.
M. Maurice Picard, of MM. Henry Picard et Frere, of 131, Boulevard de Sebastopol, Paris, has introduced a refinement for motorcabs that should, in this country of uncertain weather, meet with unqualified approval. The invention consists of an awning, or umbrella, which is fitted to the roof of the cab body, and opens automatically with either of the doors. When open, the "parapluie " affords protection from the rain for the passenger while discharging his liability to the cabby, or giving directions. We reproduce an illustration of a motorcab to which the device is fitted.
Second Year's Trading.
People are asking why the report and accounts of the General Motor Cab Co., Ltd., are not. yet in circulation. They are already several weeks late, in comparison with last year, but we presume the directors are under no obligation to publish them, or to hold the annual general meeting, at any particular date, so long as one prior to the 31st December next is chosen.
London's Motorcabs.
There were, at the 31st August last, no fewer than 3.950 licensed motorcabs in the Metropolis. Earlier totals were : 30th June, 1909, 3,394; 31st March, 1909, 3,094; 31st December, 1908, 2.805 ; 30th September, 1908, 2,273; 31st March, 1908, 958; 31st December, 1907, 723; 30th September, 1907. 604; 31st December, 1906, 96; and 31st December, 1905, 19.
A feature of London motorcab developments is the remarkable increase in the number of owners: there are, compared with 72 owners at the 80th September, 1908, some 170 owners at the present time.