The first 21000 of the second year ' s . income has come
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to hand more quickly than we anticipated. We fear this cannot necessarily be taken as a guide to the rate at which receipts will arrive between now and the end of December, although it will be clear to readers, from the knowledge which they have of the demands which properly fall upon our Fund, that we do actually require to receive, on new account, at least 13000 by the end of the year. The $2000 from the Peerless Motor Car Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, has now reached us, and been passed to the credit of the Campaign Comforts account. Thanks to the favourable rate of exchange for New York on London at the present time, this gift represents no less than £425 sterling. The money reached us from the London branch of the Guaranty Trust Co., of New York, which house paid it to the credit of the Fund with the London City and Midland Bank, Bedford Row branch, W.C. It will be noticed that the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., has been added, since our last issue, to the list of leading manufacturers who have promised support at the rate of 210 monthly.
There is room, at the head of this page each week, for more leading and representative names. Some, we are sure, are not yet there merely by oversight. No works collections yet figure in our lists, but we are happy to know that those which were in force last year will be revived. We trust that their number will be materially increased, as regular weekly contributions of this class can of themselves make a handsome aggregate donation.
NOTE.—The total amount to Saturday last is 21117 15s. id., as shown herewith, and not 21123 (as stated on page 141, which went to press earlier).—En.]
The Fund's "At Home' Day.
The present week has proved to be one of the busiest the staff of the Fund has so far experienced. Yesterday the opportunity was taken to arrange a display in connection with the purchase and distribution departments of the Fund on the premises which have been placed at its disposal by Temple Press Ltd.
This miniature exhibition was intended to afford an opportunity to those who have in the past proved to be the keenest supporters of the Fund's activities to realize more fully the very considerable extent of the organization which has been brought into being It is difficult indeed to convey anything like an adequate conception of the amount of work which is nowadays involved in the purchase of supplies for and their despatch to over 300 units which we now have on our register as active-service formations, who are by their constitution entitled to share in the results of the generosity of our supporters. The display proved to be a very interesting one and effected its purpose admirably. A number of visitors, members of the public as well as those associated with the trade, paid a visit to the offices, and expressed their surprise at the extent of the operations which had in this way been rendered possible. To add to the busyness of the staff during the present week, we, of 'course, or at any rate some of us, have been engaged in putting the finishing touches to the concert scheme, which is now very well under way, and has called forth a great deal of enthusiasm
in all directions.
The Lacre Concert; a Number of Other Dates Fixed.
The Lucre concert will take place on Saturday next, and it is confidently anticipated that this will be the first of a series which will prove to be a remarkable aid to the financial and publicity sides of the whole of the Campaign Comforts scheme. The dates of the Dennis-Drummond, R.A.C. and TillingStevens concerts have now been fixed, and will be announced shortly.