The Wheels of Industry.
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This journal, dealing as it does with the " Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport wagon and the parcelcar, the military tractor and the steam lorry.
Proposals and Purchases by Local Authorities.
The Runcorn R.D.C. is considering the purchase of a motor ambulance.
The Metropolitan Water Board has placed orders for tires with Ltd.,_ and the B.F. Goodrich Co., Ltd.
The Loftus (near Middlesbrough) U.D.C. is about to hold a special meeting to consider the purchase of a motor fire-engine. , The Borough of Stourbridge, having raised 21221 by public subscription, has ordered a 60 h.p. Dennis motor fire-engine. ,The Walsall Tramways Com
mittee has been unable to obtain any definite promise of delivery for the balance of three Tilling-Stevens motorbuses on order, and is now on the look-out to spend 23000 in some direction where prompt delivery can be guaranteed. The Town Clerk has been instructed to write to the War Office, the Admiralty, and the Ministry of Munitions, requesting all necessary authority for delivery to be sanctioned.
Mails in Cyprus.
The new contract for the conveyance of mails in Cyprus, previously held by the Cyprus Motor Transport Co., Ltd., is now being carried on by the Cairo. Motor Co., ltd.,, 9f London, Cairo' and Alexandria.. The annual subsidy is estimated to reach £1450 a year. There appears to be considerable sympathy in the island over the fact that the Cyprus Motor Transport Co., Ltd., has gone into liquidation? after losing approximately £5000 in developing the services.
The undermentioned joint-stock companies have been struck off the register at Somerset, House,. and dissolved : Barnett's Motors, Ltd. ; Belgravia Motor Cab Co., Ltd. ; Duplex Motor Engine Co., Ltd. ; M.-P. Motors. Ltd. ; Mid SussexMotor Co., Ltd. ; Motor Transport
Syndicate, Ltd.: Rail and Road Traction, Ltd. ; ,•" Rocket" Motor Omnibus S y rfd i cat e, Ltd. ; ".Thomas " Resilient Tyre, Ltd. ; Victoria Motor Cab Co., Ltd.
Notice is given that the following joint-stock companies will be similarly treated, on the 6th January neXt, unless cause is shown to the contrary : Arbenz Commercial .Vehieles, Ltd. ; Ardwick Motor Co., Ltd. ; Brenna Motors,. Ltd. ; " M " 1.`34es Patents Syndicate, Ltd. ; Martin Pneumatic Motor Wheel, Ltd. ; Maximum Magneto Co., Ltd Premier ,Speeddineters;.Ltd. ; Taxi Skppheii, Ltd.
E30 Our Fund.
The receipts to Saturday last are comfortably in excess of £1000. Some further references to this part of our war-time work will be found on pages 141 and 154.
Delivery Dates.
We wish to remind readers of this journal that we are in a position to give up-to-date information concerning the works from which they arc most likely to obtain early delivery of commercial motors of any particular load capacity.
Mr. W. F. French.
Many readers of T FIE COMMERCIAL MOTOR will be sorry to hear that Mr. W: F. French recently underwent a serious operation on the throat, .following blood poisoning. Ile is happily now on the high road to recovery, and out of danger.
Goodrich in Newcastle.
Goodrich tires will, on and after 13th September, be available at the B. F. Goodrich Co. Ltd.'s new depot, 6-7, St. Andrew's Buildings, West Gallogate, Newcastie on Tyne. The company's pneumatics and solids, as well as other specialities, will be stocked.
The Late Major A. S. V. Hume.
We are sure that not a few members of the C.M.U.A. Committee, and possibly a much wider circle amongst our readers, will have heard with regret of the death of Major A. S. V. Hume, of the 3rd Scottish Horse, who was assistant secretary at the R.A.C. when war broke out. Major Hume was a kindly man in every way, and laid himself out to make matters, both at committee meetings and in other directions, work smoothly. He died of rheumatic fever, off Gibraltar, on the way home from the DardanellesHe was a first cousin of the Rt. Hon. Water H. Long, M.P., President of the Local Government Board.
Captured German Guns Towed into Paris by Jeffery Quads.
America got a little share of the glory of the French victory in the ‘...nampagne district, for when it was decided to bring the captured artillery to Paris, the Jeffery Quad was selected to haul the guns to the historic old courtyard of the Invalides. The captured material was brought from Chalons to the suburbs of Paris by special trains. From this point it was towed or carried by the four-wheel drivers to the selected exhibition ground. After the bombastic and bragging spirit of a year ago, there -was something almost amusing in the sight of the Kaiser's artillery being drawn across Paris at the tail of American tractors. Most of the guns were in fairly-good condition and could be hooked up at the rear of the trucks. It was in this way that all the 39 field pieces of 77 mm. were brought in, as well as the big 155 mm. and the slightlysmaller 105 mm. guns. The other material brought in comprised 16 bomb throwers of 105 mm., four of 150 mm., an 88 mm. cannon, a 37 mm. cannon, five 750 mm. mortars, :20 quick-firing guns, many minnenwerfer, an electric searchlight, and much wrecked material.
Murphy, Stedman and Co., Ltd., of 180, Gray's Inn Road, Holborn, W.C., has issued a varied catalogue ,of supplies of all kinds. More A.S.C., M.T., Promotions. . Amongst recent promotions in the A.S.C., KT., are two more exmembers of the Thornyeroft staff. We refer to Temporary -Lieutenant
B. .Hesse, promoted Temporary Captain; and Temporary 2nd Lieutenant L. J. Page, promoted Temporary Lieutenant.
Maudslay Deliveries.
Mr. George E. Duerden,-of Olympia Garage, Burnley, has been very successful, members of the 'commercial-motor branch of the industry • who specialize in Maudslay vehicles, in respect of sales and deliveries since the War Office announced its conditional partial release to aid civilian buyers in particular categories.
Union Petroleum Products Co ,Ltd.
We are asked to announce that the supply of " Combine" motor 'spirit is temporarily suspended. All " Combine ' packages and tins can be sent to the Union Petroleum -Products Co., Ltd., which company 'also owns and distributes the " Red
'Line " brands of petrol. Tt will • give credit, and will execute new orders.
"The Austin Advocate."
The issue of "The Austin Advocate " for October is aS interesting as usual. It contains'. an informa,dive article on the subject of the views of the best Americans upon the relative claims of Britain and Germany to U.S.A.•• sympathy, apart from its usual supply of tech.• meal information of peculiar use to owners of machines of Austin manufaeture. • Other general Matter is added in good taste..
'Finance Bill Changes.
The Finance (No. 3) Bill, which is now before the House of Commons, contains clauses which will in due coarse give effect to the changes affecting heavy motors, and motor spirit, -to which we have referred in several past issues.
It is provided that the import duty of 33* per cent., in respect of American or other chassis from overseas, ,shall be levied on the -c.i.f. value of. the chassis or part. It is further provided that "in the case of a motorcar imported with tires attached, the value of the tires shall be deducted from the value of the car for the purposes of the charge of duty." Power is given for the Treasury to settle any dispute as to value at the hands of a referee. A clause confirms exemption for chassis, components parts, or accessories " constructed and adapted for use, and intended to be used solely as motor omnibuses, or bona-fide motor ambulances, or in connection with the conveyance of g'o'ods orburden in the course of trade or husbandry." This exemption-wilt not be granted unless the cars, chassiS, accessories or parts,
as the ease may he, "are marked or _stamped in such manner as the Commissioners direct or approve with some distinctive stamp or mark showing that they are only to he so used." Heavy penalties are enacted in case of obliteration or removal ; these may extend to R:500, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a term not exceeding two years.
As regards petrol, the clause promised by Mr. McKenna, through the Commissione!rs of Customs and Excise, to the deputation of the Commercial Motor Users Association, is as follows : " The like allowances and repayments shall be allowed and made in respect of the additional duties under this section as are allowed and made in' respect of the duties payable under section eighty-four of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910." Road-Board Grants.
The grants to highways authorities, ex Road-Board f Inds, for the three months ended the 30th September last, amounted only to L32,687.
More Straker-Squires.
The Gas Light and Coke Co., Ltd., has recently placed an order for five new four-ton Straker-Squire chassis with Mr. Aldersey Taylor of the Industrial Motor Exchange.
Albion Deliveries.
Amongst recent orders which the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., has been able to execute, in conformity -with the terms of the WI). release, is one for eight 32 h.p. three-tonners from Vickers, Ltd.
Carriage Manufacturers.
The Secretary of the Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers informs us that this organization is now quartered at 16a, Soho Square, W., to which address it has moved from its old premises in Shaftesbury Avenue.
Argyll Parts.
We are asked to announce that any owners of Argyll vans can obtain renewals for all types on application to Mr. J. D. Brimlow, 140, West George Street, Glasgow. We are informed that a varied and ample stock of spares is held.
Inst. A.E.
The first meeting of the 1915-181G session of the Institution of Automobile Engineers wsii be held on Wednesday the 10th prox., at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Mr. J. H. Dickenson will read a paper entitled The Use and Abuse of Steel in Automobile Construction.''
Sentinel Sales.
We are notified of the following deliveries by the Leeds representative of Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., Central Works, Glasgow :— City and Corporation, Bradford, 1 six-tonner.
John Smith, Ltd., Brewers, Tadeaster, 6 rour-tonneTs. Tadcaster Brewery Co., Tadeaster, 1 six-tonner.
A Macintosh Pneumatic-tire Record.
An owner writes to tell us that a Macintosh -studded pneumatic tire, running on a back wheel of a 1620 h.p. Studebaker ear, under an average load in the vehicle of 11-12 cwt., was transferred after 3000 miles of running, and has since then done another 5000 miles on a front . wheel. It had never required pumping up, and had obviously never punctured. It has only now begun to show serious signs of wear.
n36 Girl Canductors.
We announced recently, that the British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., had been given permission to employ girl conductors at Congleton. We have since then had the opportunity to learn from Mr. S. E. Garcke, the managing director of the company, that the experience with girl conductors has been very successful. This company was, with the exception of one or two isolated tramway undertakings, the first to employ this class of labour. On its recently-opened services in the Thames Valley, now extending from Abingdon (where the motorbuses connect with the Oxford Co.'s services) to Maidenhead, via Wallingford and Reading, girl conductors are exclusively employed. The company may shortly put this practice into force throughout all its other depots. Mr. Gareke very strongly takes the view that the pay for girl conductors should be at the same rate per hour as for men conductors, but that they should not work as many hours per week.
Journalistic Appointments.
Owing to enlistments, there are vacancies on the Editorial staffs of "The Motor" and certain other journals published by Temple Press Ltd. Necessary qualifications are technical or general engineering knowledge and training, considerable experience of motoring in the respective branches with which each journal deals, and ability to handle any motoring subject in a practical, fluent and inter esting manner. App hca Lions should be by letter, and they will be regarded as confidential and dealt with personally by Mr. Edmund Dangerfield, managing director of Temple Press Ltd,