The 1912 Parade.
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Of.icial Particulars of the Arrangements and Conditions.
The following letter is being issued to-day, Thursday, to all members of the Commercial Motor Users Association :—
"The Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association has now completed its careful consideration of the conditions to govern the Sixth Annual Parade of Commercial Motor Vehicles, and I am instructed to forward the enclosed preliminary particulars to you.
"The Parade, which has for its object the encouragement-by means of money prizes and other awards —of drivers of commercial motor vehicles and tractors to take a personal interest in the driving and condition of their machines, will be held during the morning of Whit-Monday, the 10th June, 1912, in London. "Certain modifications have been made in the conditions of entry and award of prizes, and these are set out in detail in the enclosed circular The vehicles will not be examined on Parade, but an inspection of the store-sheds, the drivers, and the vehicles will be previously carried out by an engineer appointed by the Association. Members' vehicles will be allowed to be entered free, and those of non-members on payment of a fee of 10s. per vehicle.
"1 enclose herewith an entry form and am desired by the Committee to invite you to co-operate in this matter by giving the desired publicity to the Parade forthwith amongst drivers in your employ, so that the Parade may be as successful as possible.
"I shall be glad to furnish you with further copies of the entry form, or of the circular setting out the preliminary arrangements, on hearing from you.
"(Signed) FRED. G. BRISTOW, Secretary."
The enclosures are as under, the entry form (which may be used as reproduced by us) being printed in detail on the next page:— PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS.
ENTRIES.—Entries (without penalty) will close on the 1st January, 1912. Late entries will be accepted as follow : Up to the 31st March, 1912, on payment of a fine of one guinea per vehicle ; from the 31st March up to the 9th May, 1912, on payment of a fine of two guineas per vehicle. Members of the C.M.U.A. whose subscriptions for 1912 have been paid will be allowed to enter their vehicles free, and non-members on payment of a fee of 10s. per vehicle, on or before the 1st January next. No demonstration or semi-demonstration vehicles will be eligible for the Parade.
INSPECTION.—The store-sheds, drivers and vehicles will be inspected by an engineer appointed by. the Association. The inspections will commence on the 1st January, 1912, and will consist of an unnotified visit to each store-shed in the early morning, a general viva-voce examination of the drivers by the
engineer, and an inspection of the vehicles under their working conditions and of the logs and records
MARKINGS.—Marks will be allotted for each driver's personal qualifications, the total mileage, weekly mileage, age of the machine, the nature of the work, the intensity of the work and the general condition of the vehicle due to the driver and not due to the owner or due to construction.
PARADE AND PRIZES.—The Parade will only OCCUPY the morning of Whit-Monday, and the Association is endeavouring to arrange for it to be held in an open space where all the vehicles can be collected together. The following prizes will be awarded on 'parade : (1) DRIVERS' PRIZES.—Not less than £200, subdivided into cash prizes of 22, 21 lOs,, and 21.
(2) DRIVERS' SPECIAL PRIZES.Three special prizes of 210, 27, and 25, respectively, for the best results in a written technical examination. These prizes are quite independent of the 'Drivers' prizes" referred to in the preceding paragraph, but, to be eligible, drivers and their vehicles must be entered for both Nos 1 and 2.
(3) ENGINEERS' PRIZES.—A cup or cups will be. offered for competition amongst the engineers for the best vehicle or group of vehicles showing the best condition on Parade.
(4) OWNERS' PRIZES. — THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR Challenge CUD will again be offered for competition in the Team Section. The judging will be on the result of the Engineers' report, wits a small percentage of marks for method of presentation and general appearance of the team on parade.
HIBITION. —If arrangements can be made, the drivers will be given a number of tickets for some popular exhibition as near as possible to the Parade Centre. If it is impossible to make such arrangements, a sum of money will be given to each nonwinning driver by way of consolation.
DRIVERS.—Drivers may be changed after the date of entry, up to the 15th May, 1912, provided one week's notice is given to the C.M.U.A. After the 15th May, no change of driver will be allowed, but, in the event of a driver's being absent—through illness or other cause—on the date of the Parade, his vehicle may be brought to the Parade by another driver, in which circumstance only the man originally named will be eligible for such prizes as he or his vehicle may earn.
By order of the General Committee,
(Signed) FRED. G. BitisTow, Secretary.
89, Pall Mall, London, S.W., 21st September, 1911.