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21st September 1911
Page 8
Page 8, 21st September 1911 — ews contributions are invited payment will be made on publication.
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Six out of the first batch of seven Tilling Stevens petrol electric bases are now in service, and a further batch is in course of construction.

After six-months running, a set of Prowodnik Russian tires which is fitted to a. Conamer-car " bus in private service at Beckenham show but little signs of wear.

Camberwell Green is quite a favourite point for the derailing of L.C.C. trams, and the delay occasioned-for such accidents invariably happen at the busiest times of the day-generally show up the advantages of motorbuses.

L.G.O. Horse Buses To Go.

By the middle of October the last of the L. G.O. horse-drawn buses will have made its last journey in public service for the company. Two years ago there were 1,13C L.G.O. horse buses ; within twelve months the number had been reduced to 350, while on Monday last only 30 remained.

A Hampshire Motorbus Company pays 12 per cent.

A very satisfactory state of affairs was reported at the fifth ordinary general meeting of the Aldershot and Farnborough Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd. The chairman, Mr. W. E. Foster, in presenting the report stated that, after the cornpany obtained the sanction of the Court-, on the 3rd November, 1910, to reduce the capital from 13,000 to 21,350, the directors were able to declare an interim dividend of five per cent., less income tax. The traffic receipts still show a good

rate of increase, and the total receipts for the past. working year were 2.1,494 12s. 40., against. 23,564 Iss. 2d. the previous year and 22,929 Os. 4d. during the year before that. The gross profit. on the past year's working was 2734 12s. Id. The directors have written off depreciation on the plant, stock. and vehicles to the extent of £273 18s. 10.1.d., leaving a balance of £426 13s. 2-id., out of which slim the interim dividend had been paid. The directors recommended the payment of a further dividend at the rate of seven per cent., making a total of 12 per cent., less income tax, for the year's working.

London Central Beanfeast.

All drivers and conductors of the London Central Omnibus Co., Ltd. with over 12 months' service to their credit were recently the guests of the managing director, Mr.

Richardson. They travelled to Wallingford, in two sections, on Leylands, and thence to Oxford by steam launch, on which vessel luncheon was served.

Tramcar Distress.

Will Sir Edgar Speyer bring. off a combination with the London motorbus companies, or will the L.C.C. be forced to buy them up ? The facts of distress in tramcar circles assert themselves afresh in irrepressible manner, and we make an editorial reference (page 41) further on the lines of the " quotations from within " which we began Iwo weeks ago.

The Metropolitan Si ea m . Omnibus

Co., Ltd. I .f

This company now has a fleet of 52 Darraeq-Serpollet hoses running. Twenty-three of these run from Walharn Green to Brixton, via Putney and Clapham Junction1 each journey occupying 45 minutes. These are of the newer type, and other chassis of the same type are now in the garage at Ill, Lot's Road. to increase the total of the company's fleet to 100.