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Keen Competition at the Sixth Annual Event in This City. A List of the Prizewinners in all Classes.
TUEsixth annual motor parade organized by the East Midlands Division of the Commercial Motor risers Association was held upon the Victoria Embankment, Nottingham, on Saturday afternoon, September 11th, under delightful weather conditions which contributed to the success of the event. Keen competition for substantial prizes was witnessed in all the classes, the schedule this year having been amplified by the addition of a 'section for vehicles which had been in use for less than one year. With the exception of the period when a record number of entries, 170, was registered, the total of competitors at this year's event was the largest in the history of the parade, 161) vehicles being exhibited.
No more picturesque environment for the purpose of the display could be desired than Nottingham's spacious riverside esplanade contiguous to the Trent, and the vehicles were here seen to the greatest advantage--preliminary • to a tour of the principal streets of • the city. • The judges were :—Messrs. P. H. Ilassano (Derby), H. A. Bennett (Nottingham), V. B. Butt (Marlow), 'Gk. Candle and H. Grotmek (Sheffield), D. Hutchinson (Nottingham), A. P. Knowles (Derby) and J. Leatherbarrow (Salford), Mr. V. D. Thomas
Uting aschief marshal. The secretarial duties were again discharged
with characteristic efficiency by Mr. J. H. Trease.
The general committee responsible for the arrangements was composed of Messrs. C. Davenport, chairman ; T. W. Martin, vice-chairman; G. H. P. Dalgreish. (Dalgleish and Sons, Ltd.) ; W. "H. Shaw (Nottingham Corporation Works and Ways Department) ; T. J. Page (Jas. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd.) ; G. A. Buckling, A. H. Amos (Mickleover Transport, Ltd.) U. Sturgess (Burrows, Sfurgess • and Severn, Ltd.) ; W. G. Blackburn (Midland Co-opera-. tive Laundries Association, Ltd.) ; J. V. Dakin (Dakin.Bros.) ; H. SuxbyHawkins (National Benzole Co., Ltd.), and G. L. Artless (Stretton's Derby Brewery, Ltd:). The marshals assisting Mr. V. D. Thomas included, Messrs.. C. Atkey, B. G. Burder, A. Carson, H. S. Dawson, B. Hunt and J. Southworth.
Mr. C. Davenport presided at a luncheon given by the Assoeiation to OP judges and others; among the guests being the Sheriff of Nottingham (Mr. S. G. Ward), who, in proposing the principal toast, eulogized the work of the Commercial Motor Users Association. r In regard to Matters affecting the regulatipn of traffic; its influence in Nottingham, as elsewhere, had proved of the greatest advantage and, as a member of the watch committee of the Nottingham Corporation he welcomed the assistance which had been afforded
by the local branch to the municipal Athorities in promoting the smooth and safe running of traffic.
A great compliment was paid to the East Midlands Division by Mr. V. B. Butt, of Marlow, when, in responding to the toast, he declared that he regarded the Nottingham parade as second to none. He emphasised the -.consideration that the value of such parades lay in the fact that they tended to raise the general standard of commercial motor vehicles, and increased the interest in the work not only of owners, but motor drivers.
It spoke volumes for the soundness of British production that the -parade included several pre-war vehieleshich, being in excellent condition, were reported to be still accomplishing sound work.
Boots Pure Drug Co.,. Ltd.,. .the
wellknown chemists, whose Manufacturing and distributing headquarters are located at Nottingham, have always been strong supporters of the Association, and they again manifested their interest in the display by sending many of their vehicles, which have thousands of miles' running ta their credit. They also paraded a number of vehicles which they have caused to ha converted into 2-ton lorries with low loading-lines to facilitate the distribution of ice, the conversion having been effected by the utilization of small wheels.
The following is the list of prizewinners
4Challenge _Cup for team of three vehicles of any type :—British Petroleum Co., Ltd. (two Guys and a Vulcan).
?Three best vehicles (champion team excluded) : Petrol.—(1) Jim. Hole and Co., Ltd. (Albions) ; (2) Jas. Hole and Co., Ltd. (Leylands) ; (3) J. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd. (Dennis). Steam— '1) J. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd. (two Fodeus and a Sentinel ; (2) J. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd. (two Fodens and a Sentinel). Electric.—(1) Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd. (Garretts) ; (2) Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd. (0.V.s.).
Best turned-out vehicle owned by a member of the •Motor Haulage Section of the Nottingham Chamber of Coinmerce—(1) J. E. Heath (Garrett) ; (2) Dalgleish and Sons, Ltd. (Leyland) ; (3) Dalgleish and Sons, Ltd. (Gar-. ford).
Vehicle owned by a furniture remover or haulage contractor.—(1) X. E. Heath (Garrett) ; (2) Dalgleish and Sans, Ltd. (Leyland) ; (3) Dalgleish and Soils, Ltd. (Leyland). Vehicle owned and used by a distributing company, under 50 cwt.— (I,) British Petroleum Co., Ltd. (Guy) ; (2) British Petroleum Co., Ltd. (Guy) ; (3) Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd. (Garrett) ; (4) Jas. Hole and Co., Ltd. (Star). Over 50 ewt.—(1 to 5 inclusive) J. Shipston,e and Sons, Ltd.. (three Sentinels and two Fodens). Tradesman's van of not more than 30-cwt. capacity.—Weldon and Wilkinson, Ltd. (Walseley).
For owners of not more than two mechanically propelled vehicles :— Messrs. Cottee and Edwards (Garner).
New vehicles, less than, one year old :—Section A.: .1. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd. (Dennis). Section B: (1) Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd. (BEN.) ; (2) Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd. (Garrett).
In the list which fellows, giving the winners of the prises awarded by
different competing companies to their own vehicles, the names of the drivers are given in parentheses:— Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd.:—Best vehicle on parade, Garrett (A. L. -Watson) ; second best vehicle, Garrett (A. Taylor) ; best Q-type Thornycroft (A. Dakin) ; best 1-type Thornyeroft (F. Jones) ; second best .1-type Thornyeroft (0. Crowther) ; best electric vehicle, Garrett (A. L. Watson) ; best new vehicle, B.E.V. (L. Adkin).
J. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd. :— reirot.---(1) Dennis (H. Southern) ; (2) Albion (J. Thorpe) ; (3) Dennis Dennis) ; (4) Dennis (C. Hutchinson) ; (5) Dennis (F. Wright) ; (6)
Albion (A. Diggle). Steank.—(J ) Foden (F. Moulds) ; (2) Sentinel (J. Baker) ; (3) Foden (L. Gorton) ; (4) Sentinel (H. Skellingion).
Nottingham Corporation, Works and Ways Department:—(1.) Leyland tanker (W. Bellamy) ; (2) Leyland tanker (C. Ragsdale) ; (3) S. and D. Freighter (H. Bellamy).
Dennis Bros., Ltd., and A. R. Atkcy and Co., Ltd.:—(1) J. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd. (H. Southern) ; (2) Jas. Hole and Co., Ltd. (G. Brown) (3) Jan Hole and Co., Ltd. (G. Robinson) ; (4) J. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd. (H. Dennis)..
Dalgleish and Sons, Ltd.:—(1) Leyland (L. Thacker) ; (2) Leyland (W. Gunn) ; (3) Garford (X. Brawn) ; Liberty (A. Everitt), National Benzole Co., Ltd.:—(1) Leyland H. King) ; (2) Leyland (F. Ogden).