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Fuel Distributing Companies Well Represented at the Event Organized by the Area .Committee of the C.M.U.A. A Complete List of Prizewinners.
ALTHOUGH the prize list was quite as ambitious as usual, the entries for the fifth annual motor parade organized by the Preston Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association did not surpass those of previous years, the total number of competitive vehicles entered being 43, of which 19 were entered. by the petrol-carrying companies. The steam classes and the haulage contractors' classes deserved better support than was accorded them. All told, only eight steamers were entered, and four of these (Leylands) belonged to H. Viney and Co., Ltd. Haulage contractors were responsible for eight vehicles only—four steam and four petrol; and some classes did not command any entries whatever. _ An Analysis of the Entries.
Perhaps the fact that the parade was held much earlier than usual accounted for this falling oft in support, which was also noticeable in the passenger-carrying Vehicle section, the only machine entered—a motor coach owned by Embee Motors, Ltd., of Preston—therefore having an undisputed claim to the Matthew Brown silver challenge cup.
Analyzing the entries, we find that, of the 43 machines, 23 were of Leyland manufacture, 7 being steamers and the remainder petrol vehicles, other makes being Dennis (2), Karrier (2), Ford (5); Liberty (4), Chevrolet (2) and B38 Thornycroft, Morris, Austin and Sentinel.
Consequently, the valuable challenge cups,' although deservedly won by those owners and drivers to whom they were awarded, were not subject to the keen ,competition which the /wade seeks to promote. There were five challenge cups, only two of which were reserved for vehicles of specific manufacture— Leyland and Ford. The other three were openly competed for, and were awarded to Leyland vehicles in each case. The two fleets belonging to H. Viney and Co., Ltd., were the only competitors for the Dewhurst cup for the best fleet of steam vehicles. Nine fleets, owned by seven different concerns, competed for the Viney cup for the best fleet of two petrol vehicles, and this, it is interesting to note, was won by Leyland Motors, Ltd. Thus four out of the five silver cups were won by competitors operating Leyland machines.
Each vehicle was inspected by no fewer than seven judges, each of whom examined the vehicle in part, according to a schedule drawn up. No regard was paid to the age of the vehicle, mileage, or class of goods carried. The machines were assessed entirely on their appearance on parade.
The Mayor of Preeton presented the cults to the drivers of the winning vehicles, and paid a tribute to the care and attention they had devoted to the machines which are entrusted to their charge.
The vehicles then moved off in procession for a route parade of the Preston streets.
Speaking at the luncheon to the judges and officials of the parade, Mr. C. le Itt. Gosselin, lvf.Inst.T., pointed out the value of the parade in encouraging drivers and their assistants to take a real live interest in their machines. He was satisfied that the parade exercised a very useful influence in. that direction. The only cause for disappointment, however, was that many firms who operated motors did not take a fair share in the responsibility, which they might well shoulder, by entering vehicles for competition. The poor attendance was also accounted for by the bad state of trade.
A Police Official's Tribute,
The Chief Constable of Preston camplimented the organizers of the parade and took the opportunity, for paying tribute to commercial motor drivers. "1 regard—and the police regard— goods drivers as the gentlemen of the road," he said. "The value of their work to the community is not, unfortunately, always appreciated by the pleasure riders, who did not understand what the goods driver had to contend with ; he obeyed the law and tried not to give the police any trouble." He
further stated that Preston is a key town to the west, and that 15,000 vehicles went through it in a northerly direction every day.
The prizewinners were
Silver Challenge Cups.
Dewhurst Cup (presented by Geo. and H. Dewhurst (1920), Ltd.) for the best fleet of two steam vehicles of any make.-H. Viney and Co., ad. (two Leylands).
Viney Cup (presented by H. Viney and Co., Ltd.) for the best fleet of two petrol vehicles of any make.-Leyland Motors, Ltd. (two Leylands).
Leyland Cup (presented by Leyland Motors, Ltd.) for the best Leyland vehicle on parade, winners of the Dewburst or Viney Cups excluded.-H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (Leyland).
Bradshaw Cup, to be held for 12 months by the driver of the best Ford vehicle on parade.-United Yeast Co., Ltd.
Matthew Brown Cup (presented by Matthew Brown and (Jo., Ltd.) for the best passenger-carrying vehicle.-Embee Motors, Ltd. (Leyland).
Steam Vehicle Fleets.
1, H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (Leylands) ; 2, H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (Leylan fig).
Petrol Vehicle Fleets.
1, Leyland Motors, Ltd. (Leylands) ; 2, British Petroleum Co., Ltd. (Karriers) ; 3. Anglo-Afnerican Oil Co., Ltd. (Dennis's) ; 4, Glico Petroleum, Ltd. (Leylands).
Haulage Contractor Classes.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1919.-1, H. Viney and Co., Ltd., Leyland (mileage 133,000) ; 2, H. Viney and Co., Ltd., Leyland (mileage 146,400) ; 3, H. Viuey and Co., Ltd., Leyland (mileage 158,400). Highly commended, B. Viney and Co., Ltd., Leyland (mileage 158,400).
Single Petrol Vehicle, 1919.-1, U. Viney and Co., Ltd., Leyland (mileage 93,000) ; 2. S.P.D., Ltd., Thornycroft (mileage 100,000).
Non-Haulage Contractor Classes.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1925.-C. Woods and Sons, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 8,000).
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1919.-1, Glico Petroleum, Ltd., Ford (mileage 72,000) ; 2, J. "W. Balmer, Leyland (mileage 85,000) ; 3, Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Liberty (mileage 21,116).
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1922.-1, British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Karrier (mileage 55,000) ; 2, British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Karrier (mileage 55,000) : 3, Glico Petroleum, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 41,000).
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1925.-1, Leyland Motors. Ltd., Leyland (mileage 51,500) ; 2, Glico Petroleum, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 16,578) ; 3, Glico Petrohum, Ltd., Dennis (mileage 21.500).
Vehicle (any type) Showing Best Permanent Advertisement.-1, AngloAmerican Oil Co., Ltd.; 2, Fylde Farmers' Egg Supply Co.; 3, Glico Petroleum, Ltd.; 4, S.P.D., Ltd.
Vehicles Showing Best Special Adver. tisement.-1, Bradshaws Motor House (Austin) ; 2, Pirelli, Ltd. (Leyland).
Best Ford Vehicle in Parade.
1, United Yeast Co., Ltd. (mileage 95,000) ; 2, Anglo-American Oil 0o., Ltd. (mileage 16,434) ; 3, United Yeast Co., Ltd. (mileage 27,500) ; 4, H. Viney and Co., Ltd. (mileage 6,000).