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for Many Uses
THE reliability of the electric-al paratus plays a large part in the successful operation of the modern commercial vehicle. In recent times there has been an increase in the amount of equipment that depends for its source of power upon electricity, and this has resulted in a demand for dynamos and batteries of increased capacity, whilst, at the same time, the problem of keeping the weight down to a minimum
and ensuring the maximum of efficiency has had to be carefully 'studied.
Amongst the items that have called for a larger output from dynamos and batteries may be mentioned the installation of larger starters, the . interior lights of passenger vehicles, and such accessories as windscreen wipers, stop lights, fog lamps, dipping devices, horns, and fuel pumps.
• The modern dynamo is a thoroughly reliable machine capable of carrying out its work with a minimum of attention, and a feature of interest is the general employment of fans incorporated in the body of the machine to give adequate cooling. The following are a few of the best-known makes :— C.A.V.-Boscb. Delco-Remy, Marrelli, Simms and Scintilla.
Batteries have by now become a source of little or no worry to operators. Provided that periodic attention D48
is given to their.needs, they will continue to function over long periods in a reliable manner. Many types and sizes are available, and the alkaline pattern has made headway by reason of its freedom from sulphatiori. Amongst the many makes of batteries known for their reliability and efficiency are :—Alklum, C.A.V.-Nife, Exide (Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd.), Dagenite, D.P., Fuller, Ionic, Lithanode, Oldham, Tungstoue, Young, etc.
Starter motors of high power have been produced for large oil engines, the use of 24-volt systems, by means of two 12-volt batteries coupled in series, has become popular. Starter motors are generally made by the same concerns that manufacture dynamos and a new entrant to this field is Messrs. A. 3. Salisbury, who have produced a lighting and starting equip meat, a feature of it being a new form of patented spring drive for the starter.
On passenger vehicles the voltagecontrol system is in general use. Makers of lighting and starting equipment also supply the regulator and cut-out—two important pieces of apparatus, the satisfactory operation of which is vital to the success of the lighting system.
The magneto is still widely used for ignition purposes, in spite of the reliance now placed upon the coil system. Both have proved, their reliability and 'efficiency, and conversion sets for changing from one system to the other are available. With coil ignition the automatic-advance mechanism has proved its usefulness., A new design of magnetic-advance distributor has recently been produced by Deko-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., in which two circuit breakers are utilized, one being not quite opposite the other and being offset at an angle equivalent to the difference of ignition advance required by the engine, between starting-up speed, and, say, 250 r.p.m. This arrangement, combined with centrifugal control, is claimed to provide full retard for starting, an advance Of 10-20 degrees, as desired at about 250 engine r,p.m., and correct centrifugal control for all speeds at which the engine is doing work.
Well-known makes of both magneto and coil-ignition outfit are C.A.V.-Bosch, Delco-Redly, Lucas, Simms and Scintilla.
An important factor influencing the good performance of petrol engines is the choice of suitable sparking plugs, and many makers of them issue a list of recommendations as to the types most suitable for all well-known makes of engine. The leading makes of sparking plug include :—A.C.-Sphinx, Champion, • K.L.G., Lissen, Massa, and Lodge. A plug in which a, heating element is embodied to give easy starting is the Cooper E.H. type, which is manufactured by the Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co., Ltd.
For compression-ignition engines heater plugs that give reliable service are made by the C.A.V.-Bosch, and Lodge concerns. The Lodge double-pole heater plug is of interest, as it does away with the disadvantage of having to be wired separately to one cell of the battery. Six of these double-pole plugs can be operated in series from a 12-volt battery with a straightforward circuit from the main terminals. When used on a fourcylindered engine a suitable resistance is provided to take the place of the other two plugs.
Where petrol tanks are situated at a low level, electrically operated fuel pumps may be employed.
'Further apparatus to which electrical operation has been applied inchides an economy device for the saving of fuel, manufactured by the Econom Syndicate, an air-heater, produced by C. G. yokes and Co.; an electrolyte gauge made by H. M. Hobson, Ltd., and the B.T.H. speed-indicating equip ment, .
Lamps of all ,kinds are an important feature of electrical equipment, and the use of dipping devices, operated by a solenoid, has increased. Special lamps 'have been designed for various purposes, and a new flexible rubber wing lamp. has recently been introduced by Flexible Lamps, Ltd.
• Electric horns are almost universally employed on passenger vehicles, whilst an increasing number of goods vehicles is to be found with this fitment. Windscreen wipers, electrically operated, are in general use, and traffic indicators are
• fitted to many vehicles.
Apart from the special switchboards • and junction, boxes marketed by makers of lighting equipment, a num
petrol companies -for the conveyance of inflammable liquid.
Electrical testing apparatus is becoming more widely used by operators for maintaining electrical units.
A. C. Sphinx Sparking PIug Co., Ltd., Dunstable. Alklum Storage Batteries, Ltd., Waterside, Halifax. Autowire and Maintenance Co., 92, Earl's Court Read, London, W.9.
Benjamin Electric, Ltd., Brantwood Works, Tariff Road, London, 5.17, Benton and Stone, Ltd., Bracebridge Street, Birmingham, 6. Bosch, Ltd., Larden Road, London, W.b. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby. Britannia Batteries, Ltd., 233, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2.
C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., Acton, London, W.3. Champion Sparking Ping Co., Ltd., 83, Pall. Mall, London, S.W.1. Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., Clifton Junction, -Manchester. Clayton-Wright, Ltd., Clayrite House, Buckley Street, -Birmingham, 1B. Clear-Hooters, Ltd., . 79-81, Lombard Street, Birmingham. (hopesStewart Engineering Co., Ltd., 136, Long Acre, • London, w.0.2.
Deloo-Reiny and Hyatt, Ltd., 111, Grosvenor Road, London, S.W.L C. Desiderio, 143, Whitfield Street, London, W.1. Desnio, Ltd., 31, Stafford Street, Thrinnigham. D. P. Battery Co., Ltd. Pakewell, Derbyshire. EZonona Syndicate, Ltd., 1, Broad Street Place, London, E.C.2. Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., 155, °haring Cross Road, London, W.C.2. Ever-Ready Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Hercules Place, London, N.7. Feeny and Johnson, Ltd., 134-6 Ealing Road, Wembley. F3exibleLampe' Ltd., .59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.1. Fuller Accumulator Co: (19261, Ltd., Woodland Works, Chadwell Heath. . :General. Electric Co., Ltd.,Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Frederick J. Gordon and Co., Ltd., 114-116, Ruston Road, Landfill, N.W.1. Hart Accumulator Co., Ltd., Stratford, Lon. don, ,1C15.. II. M. Dobson, Ltd., .47-55, The Vale, London, W.3. Haudaille Hydraulic Suspension Co., Ltd., 69, Drayton Gardens, London, S.W.10. A.. H. Hunt (Safetisigus}', Ltd., Tunstall Road, Croydon.,
Ionia Alkaline Batteries, Ltd., 26, High Street, Klaxon, Ltd., -
6.; Diandford Street, London, W.1. E.L.G. Sparking Plugs, Ltd., itabinhood • Engineering Works, Putney Vale, London, Lissen, Ltd., Worple Road, Isleworth, Lithanode Co.,Ltd., .190, Queen's Road, London, S .W.8. Lodge Plugs, Ltd., Rugby. Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Great King Street, Birmingham, 59. Massa Sparking Plug Co, Ltd., High Street, Teddington, Middlesex. J. and R. Oldfield, Ltd., Refulgent Works, Warwick Street, Birmingham, 12. Oldham and
B o_ Ltd., Hyde Road, Denton. Manchester. • Ft. M. Papelian, Ltd., Edgware Road, London, N.W.2. Pete and Radford, 107a, Pimlico Road, Louden, S.W.1. J. W. Pickavant, and Co.. Ltd., Frederick Street, Birmingham, 1. Philips Lamps, Ltd., 145, Charing Cross Read, London, W,C.2.
Runbaken Co., 280, Deansgate, Manchester, 3. Alfred 3. Salisbury, la, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1. Scintilla, Ltd., 14, Clerkenwell Close, London, E.C.1. Siemens Electric Lamps
• and Supplies, Ltd., 38-59 Upper Thames Street, Lontton,.E.C.4. Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Percy Buildings, Gress() Street, London,W.1. S. Smith and Sans (Motor Accessories), Ltd., Cricklewood Works, London, N.W.2. Stadium, Ltd.,, 75-77, Paul Street, London. E.C.2. Trailer Appliance Co.' Ltd., Abbey House, Baker Street, London, N.W.1. Trico-Falherth, Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford. Trippe
• Safety Speed Light Co., Ltd., 35, Norton Street, Liverpool. Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd., 50, Grosvenor Gardens, London, &WA. Tungstone Accumulator Co., Ltd., St. Bride's House, Salis. bury Square, Loudon, E.C.4.
C. G. Vokes and Co., 95. Lower Richmond Road, PutneY, London, S-W.15.
Westinghouse Brake and Sasby Signal Ce., Ltd., 82, York Road, London, N.1. Wilkinson Sword Co.. Ltd., Oakley Works, Bouthfields Road. London, W.4 (Safety Switch1.
YoungAccumulator Co. (19291, Ltd., Burling-ton Works, Arterial Road, New Malden, Surrey. Zeiss Ikon, Ltd., 37-4-1, Mortimer Street, Landon, Iva: