Retarding Chassis Depreciation in Maintenance and Overhauling Advantage Can Profitably
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be Taken of the Facilities Offered by Welders, Cylinder-borers, Bearing Makers, etc., and of Parts and Equipment Produced for Such Purposes JUIDGING by the number of concerns engaged in such work as cylinder boring and sleeving, piston-making, etc., the chief cause of a falling off in the efficiency of commercial-vehicle chassis is cylinder wear. Inextricably hound up with these activities are the insertion of valve scorings and of brakedrum liners, whilst, to a smaller extent, welding plays an important part.
Our object in this article is to summarize methods by which power units that have many thousands of miles to their credit, or, through mishap, have -suffered premature wear, may be given a. new lease of life. Furthermore, we wish to point out how chassis may be maintained in good condition generally, by drawing attention to a variety of facilities and equipment of which engineers may avail themselves.
Where cylinders , are originally provided with liners, these are simply extracted and replaced with new ,ones when wear takes place. If liners be not used, the cylinders may be ground and provided with new pistons, or bored out and liners fitted.
Prominent makers of sleeves are the British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., which produces Brico centrifugally cast, hardened and tempered liners; the Harold Andrews Grinding Co., Ltd.; the Laystall Motor Engineering Works, Ltd.; the Midland Motor Cylinder Co., Ltd., well known for Durocyl hardened and chromidium unhardened liners, and the Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co., Ltd., the maker of Nitricastiron leeves. Vacrit iron alloyed with vanadium, chromium and titanium is used for Hepolite liners. .
The Laystall concern employs Nitralloy steel for its products and claims a mileage of nearly 20,000 miles for 0.001 in. of wear in the bore. . It employs the same material for lining brake drums—another of its important activities.
Barimar, Ltd., in addition to fitting anti-corrosive liners, specializes M. repairing scored cylinder .bores by welding. The concern's special process has been found entirely satisfactory for petrol and oil engines. It is also applicable for filling blow-holes.
Messrs. C. L. Jones specialize in both lining and reboring cylinders, whilst the Burton Wood concern bores worn cylinders With the Krause machine, which cuts at the high speed of 300400 ft. per min. and is claimed to give exceptionally high finish and paral lelism.
Certain of the above-mentioned concerns also fit valve-seating inserts. Harold Andrews inserts are pressed into position and are locked by an expanding split-steel ring. After insertion Stelae is deposited by an oxy-acetylens flame, the seating being finally ground.
The Sheepbridge Stokes Centrilock seat is pressed into a recessed hole, the ' D40
oversize base of the ring expanding when in position. Barimar, Ltd., builds up worn seatings by welding, whilst Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., specializes in inserting Vacrit nickel rings.
Chromidium, referred to earlier, is also used by the Midland Motor Cylinder Co., Ltd., for the manufacture of brake 'drums.
After reboring, new pistons are ad.visable, or at least new rings, but the fitting of both, or even the latter, will give a new lease of life to a power-unit that has worn cylinders, but which its owner may not consider to be worth the expense of thoroughly reconditioning.
Struts, uniting the crown and gudgeon-pin bosses, which enable the skirt to be formed with no other connection with the upper part, render distinctive the B.H.B. piston. This construction is claimed to eliminate slap and seizure. The Nelson Bohnalite piston relies upon the compensation of expansion and contraction of tWo different materials for its success.
One of the best known products of the Brico concern is the Maxigroove Scrayrpoil ring, the function and construction of which are explained by its name. The Clupet ring encircles the piston twice, thus practically eliminating the chance of pressure loss at the gap, with enhanced elasticity.
Borgo pistons, made by Ferralloy Components, Ltd., 232, Pentonville Road, London, N.1, and handled by A. Ferraris, Ltd., have several interesting 'features. Freely grooved sides at the gudgeon-pin ends maintain an oil film and leSsen the risk of seizure. The skirt is split, yet carries a scraper ring, this being 'possible by the special design of the ribs connecting the thrust-side with the bosses and wellribbed piston crown.
Perfect Circle rings are a product of R. M. Papelian, Ltd., which also markets a piston expander designed to restore efficiency to worn, or collapsed, alloy pistons.
Lightness and excellence of finish, produced by diamond turning, are features of the Specialloid pistons, which are also noteworthy for their radiating internal crown ribs.
The Wellworthy concern's Simplex ring is of note, it being claimed that this obviates the need for reboring a cylinder worn to 0.02 in. The slotted and reinforced types are also of note. A variety of compression and scraper rings—such as the Drainoil—and castiron and Y-alloy pistons are made by Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd.
Valves embodying the results of modern research are often employed, to replace those of old engines, with bene
ficial results. A list of makers of valves and guides will be found in this issue at the end of the article dealing with engine -auxiliaries.
It is no uncommon thing for valve troubles to be brought about by backpressure in the exhaust system, and a general improvement in running and a reduction in fuel consumption can be effected by replacing inefficient silencers with those of more scientific design. Two that come to mind are the Burgcss and the Vortex. The former actually allows the gases to travel along a straight-through pipe, noise vibrations being absorbed by surrounding sound. deadening materials. The latter incorporates a series of baffles which impart a swirling motion, to the gases without impeding its flow.
Old-fashioned methods of repairing white-metal beatings have been superseded with the acquirement of greater knowledge, and the development of improved equipment. For those who do their, own remetalling, high-class white metal is offered by a number of concerns, these in the main also supplying bronze solid and cored sticks for bush making. The Hoyt Metal Co., Ltd., is a concern in this category.
These concerns generally market also complete plain bearings of every description and it is often better to entrust the whole job to them. A good example is the Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., which makes special provision for this class of work. Incidentally, one of its activities in this respect is the substitution of steel-backed main bearings in Ford engines, which work involves boring out the housings in the crankcase, to accommodate the greater thickness of the new bearings.
The manufacture of bearings of many types for use throughout the chassis, bearing repair work and crankshaft grinding are among the numerous activities of the Anti-Attrition concern.
One of the best known specialists in crankshaft grinding is the Laystall concern, which also manufactures these important parts. It is worthy of mention that Nitralloy-steel crankshafts constitute a large proportion of the out
put of this department of the Laystall works.
General welding can save considerable sums of money in all kinds of chassis repair work. Major units, frames, wheels and radiators—indeed, almost any metal part—are within the welder's scope to repair.
03arimar, Ltd., is one of the oldest established welders, Messrs. C. L. Jones have long experience with oxy-acetylene and electric equipment, whilst Robert W. Coan, Ltd., specializes in work in aluminium.
A process that is rapidly becoming more generally employed is that of building-up worn parts by metal deposition. Spraying is not the only method employed, for there is also that known as Fescolizing. Splines, shafts, swivel-pins, and ball races are but a few of the parts to which the principle is applicable. . .
• In this connection it is noteworthy that •Metal Sprayers, Ltd., claims improved efficiency from engines of which the heads have been internally sprayed by its Weslake process. "
Road springs—too often heavily taxed—are repaired and reset by a number of concerns, the names of which are given below. It is a good plan, when practicable, to encase them in gaiters such as those supplied, under the name Weico, by the Wilcot concern.
The spring-repair service of Transport Engineering, Ltd., deserves mention. The company also undertakes frame and axle straightening, etc.
The practice of equipping vehicles, the springs of which are too severely taxed, with helper springs, has much to recommend it. The names of makers of these appear after our article on chassis parts.
The retardation of old-type machines can be impriived by the addition of a servo system. The Theed is an example of one specially designed. for easy attachment; it is low in price. • Old-type radiators can be improved by the employment of detachable • tubes. Two concerns undertaking conversions of this sort are Commercial • Radiators, Ltd., and Messrs, Davies Bros. From these concerns spares cart also be obtained.
• When the teeth on electric starter rings, :formed on flywheel-peripheries, become worn, a new flywheel is not necessary because Messrs. G. H. Rodway specialize in machining away damaged teeth and replacing them with their well-known Shrunk-on steel ring.
Much maintenance work can be saved by -the installation of a central chassis lubricator. These are referred to in the article entitled " Proprietary Parts in Chassis Make-up."
Adequate oil filters are an important factor in retarding depreciation, and the Sinuns magnetic .filter, which replaces engine and gearbox drain plugs, is a practical means for preventing damage to moving parts by ferrous particles:
The equipment that. the maintenance engineer requires is really outside our present subject. Certain useful names of concerns handling machine tools, etc.,' however, are appended, whilst the • matter 'of maintenance is dealt with fully in this issue under a separate • heading.
Valve Seat Inserts.
Harold Andrews Grinding Co.. Ltd., Cheapaide, Birmingham, 12 (Statute).' llepw-orth and Grandage, Ltd., East Bowling, Bradford (Nickel Vacrit). Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Cast. lugs Co., Ltd., Chesterfield (Centriloek).
• • .' Bearing Metal. • " Anti Attrition Metal .77o,, Ltd., Gletigall Road, London, S.E.35. Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., Alper' toe, 1Viidd1etex. Hoyt Metal Co., Ltd., 'Putney, London, S.W.15, Johns toads. Ltd., Thomaa Street, Park R.oral, London, IsT.W.1(1.
Platens, Rings,
Acre Piston Ring Co., Ltd,, York iStreet Lee,ds, 9. Automotive Engine-ming Co., Ltd.,' G
The reen,. Twickenham, -Middlesex (Bid B.I.
Automotive Products Co., TM., Langtem street, London, W.1 (Irenal). Barimar, Ltd., 14-18,
Lamb's Conduit Street, London. W.C.1. Bir• mingbam Aluminium Casting (1903), Co.. Ltd., Birmid Works, Smethwick, Birminghani [Nelson Bohnslitel. British Piston Ring co., Ltd., Coventry (Brim). Clews Petersen Piston Ring and Engineering Co., Ltd., MTh Lane, West Hampstead, London, N.W.6 (Clupet). C.M.D. Engineering Co.. Ltd.. Warwick (Cornsol. A Ferraris, Ltd., 200-220, The Broadway, Crinklewood, London, N.W.2 (Borgo). Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., East Bowling, Bradford (Hepolite. Nelson Bohnalitel, InaHum Pistons, Ltd., 170, Great Portland Street, Loudon,. Wa. Light Production Co., Ltd., 60-66, Rochester ,Row, London, S.W.1 (Cygnet, Aerente). R. M. Panchen, Ltd:, Edgware Road, London, N.W.2 (Perfect Circle). SpecieHold, Ltd., Friona Park, N.12. Wellworthy Ltd., 89, Blackfriars Road. Wotldwin 'Pistons, Ltd., Merthyr.
(Right) A new product of A. Fer. raris, Ltd.,—the Borgo piston. Its construction is particularly interesting, incorporating several novel and scientific prin. ciples. Note the two buttress-like gudgeonpin-boss
Cylinder Liners.
Anti Attrition Metal Co., Ltd., Glengall Rood, London, &XIS. Barimar, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street. London, W.C.1. British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., Coventry. C.M,D, Engineering Co., Ltd„ Warwick (Covmo). Harold Andrews Criuding Co., Ltd., Cheapside, Birmingham, 12. Hepwortla and Grandage, Ltd., East Bowling, Bradford (Vault). Laystall Motor and Enguneering Works, Ltd., Ewer Street, London, S.E.1. Midland Motor Cylinder Co., Ltd., 8)114hr/ink (Chromidium and Burney"). Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co., Ltd., Chesterfield (Centrioast).
Brake-drum Liners.
Barimar, Ltd.. 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C.1. Laystell Motor and Engineer ing Works, Ltd., Ewer Street, London, S.E.1. Shoepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co., Ltd., Chesterfield (Centricast). .
Building Up Worn Parts.
Burtonwood Motor Engineering C,o., Ltd., Collins Green, near Warrington (spraying).
Fescol, Ltd., 101, Grosvenor Road, London, 6.W.1 (Fesexditing). C. L. Jones, 18-26, Church Street, Islington, London, N. Metal Sprayers, Ltd., Air Ducts Building, Great West Road, Brentford. Middlesev.
Crankshaft Grinding.
Anti Attrition Metal Co., Ltd., Glengall Road, London, 5.E.15. Johnsteads, -Ltd.. Thomas Street, London, N.W.10.' Laystall Motor Engineering Works? Ltd., Ewer Street, London, SE.!. Andrews Crankshaft and Cylinder Co., Ltd., Birmingham.
Barimar, Ltd., 14-18, Iamb's Conduit Street, London, W.0.1. Robert W. Coen, Ltd., Duncan Street, London, Ni (alamininm). C. L. Jones, 18-26, Church Street, Islington, London, N.
AC-Sphinx Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., Bradford Street, Birmingham (plug cleaners). Barimar, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C.1 (spring setting). Burtonwood Motor Engineering Co., Ltd., Collins Green, near Warrington (cylinder reboring). E. P. Barrus, Ltd., 3537, Upper Thames Street, E.0.4 (equipment.). Burma Engineering oyd Street. Newcastleon-Tyne (equipment). Co.,alancey anti Brown, New Street, West Bromwich (valve guides). Commercial Radiators, Ltd., Vicarage Mews, Blackboy Lane, London, N.1.5 (radiator conversions). Davies Bros., 18 Alexandra Road, Bedford (de. tachable radiator tubes). Forth Engine and Motor Works, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne (cylinder reboring, grinding, etc.). Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., Alperton, Middle sea (bearing specialists). Hamilton Motors (London", Ltd, 466, Edgware Road, London, W.2. (Pined brake attachment), C. L. Jones, Church Street, Islington, London, N. (reboring, etc.). Kurt Eriaoh, Ltd., 2, Mellor Street, London, SE.! (equipment). Luvax, Ltd., Acton, London, W.3 (lubricator). B. M. Rapelion. Ltd., Edgware Road, London, N.W.2 (piston expanders), Ripaults, Ltd., King's Road, London, N.W,1 (central chassis lubricator), G. H. Rodway, 195, Corporation Street, Birmingham, 4 (starter-ring replacement). Simms Motor Units. Ltd., Grease Street, London, W.1 [magnetic filters), Transport Engineering, Ltd., 561, Old Kent Road. London, 5.5.1 iroad-epring repairs). Wilcot (Parent) Co., Ltd., Alexandra Park, Bristol (spring protectors). Rubery Owen and Co., Darlaston, South Stalls (chassis frame repairers)