Our £5000 "Campaign Comforts" Fund.
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The Palmer Tyre, Ltd., Makes the 25rd Individual Donor of £50.
Patroness: H.R.R. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee: Mrs. S. S. Long (wife of the D. S. and T., War Office), Mrs. Shrapriell-Smith (wife of The Editor), Mrs.
R. K, (wife of a former Sec. M.T.C., War Office), Mrs. H. E. Blain (wife of the Operating Manager', L.G.O.C., etc.), Mrs. W. E. Donohue (wife iaf the C.I.M.T., War Office), Mrs. H. N. Foster (wife of the D.A.D.T., War Office), Hon. Sec. and Treas.: The Editor. Purchase and Distribution: The Asst.-Editor, Scottish Receiving Depot: care D. McNeil Sharp, 26, Victoria Drive, Scotstoun, Glasgow.
• Why We Repeat Acknowledgments.
I We shall not publish the full list of cash receipts for the-current month until our issue of the litb. prox. We leel under an obligation, however, at once to acknowledge a donation of 250 from the Palmer Tyre, Ltd., -thus bringing up the total of donors of 1 per cent. to 23. The names of these and other donors are in-cludecicetiCh week, at the head of the page or pages -Which we devote to the Fund, in order that the 20,000 officers and men of the A.S.C., M.T., Columns, in :France. Belgium and the vicinity of the, Dardanelles, may not think that it is THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR only which is, remembering them, but particularly these who have so generously supported us, as above. The repetition of this list, as we have previously explained, is largely occasioned by a desire on our part -to defend ourselves against an uncharitable suggestion, which we happened to hear in more than one quarter last November, that we were "taking the money from other people, and getting the credit our-selves." We had never contemplated such .a mean course, but we, naturally, are-entitled to protect ourselves against the effect of its propagation. Our wish, -as always, is to apportion the credit properly.
Audited Accounts.
We have had an intermediate audit of the income and expenditure account of the "Campaign Comforts" -Fund to the 25th ult., by Messrs. E. Bishop and Co.' chartered accountants, of 106, Jermyri Street, St. James's, London, SW.1 who are honorary -auditors to the Fund. A copy willbe sent to any donor on application.
Gifts in Kind.
We are pleased to be able to state that we have succeeded in checking the well-meant endeavours of the many friends of the Fund in respect of the home manufacture of woollen comforts other than socks, and the few such presents which are still filtering through into our stores are being carefully packed in cases lined with waterproof paper, with plenty of -naphthalene placed amongst the articles. These cases will be accurately labelled and stored against. the possible need of them for a further winter's campaign. We, of course, do not wish to undertake more of this storage than we can help, and, therefore, make the further reminder here that no further stores of the kind are required, but that, if it be desired, we will take care of any completed articles against the time when they may be again of use. We bope they may not.
List of Gifts in Kind (7th-19th April).
Cecil Fleming, Farnham, (2 body belts, 2 mufflers). Goad Bros., Exeter (a pairs gloves, 1 helmet, 1 pair mittens, 1 pair socks).
Per Mrs. H. N. Foster (11 pairs mittens, 8 pairs gloves, 2 pairs sodas, 6 mufflers, 2 helmets, 1 Instra warmer). Lawn Tennis Association (210 tennis balls). Per Mr. D. McNeil Sharp, Glasgow (54 pairs socks, 9 helmets, 12 shirts, 12 mufflers, 1 pair gloves, 22 pairs mittens, 6 pairs pants, 6 tin whistles). Mrs. Iron Heyder, Liverpool (30 pairs soaks 11 shirts). Miss D. Mayell, S. Woodford (28 tablets of carbolic soap?.
Weekly parcels of "John Bull," "L oadon Opinion, 'Passing Shaw," and "London Mail."
At the cost of very considerable trouble and a deal of anxiety, our staff has undertaken, during the past week or two, the task of insuring that the several hundreds of A.S.C., M.T., men who are on detached duty, whether from any recognized column or park, shall receive their little collection of gifts from the Fund. As may be imagined, the problem of insuring, so far as possible, that these parcels shall actually reach men engaged on such work, for instance, as driving the car of the officer in command of a horsed transport column of the A.S.C., or, perhaps, on detached duty with one lorry with a Sanitary Corps of the R.E., or with an Air Line Column, or a Signal Column, and so on, is one which requires a good. deal of. concentration and pre-arrangement. But this has all been, tackled enthusiastically, and on the llth inst. no fewer than 84 of such separate parcels, each of them weighing just under 3 lb., were despatched from our offices.