C.M.U.A. Witnesses for the L.G.B. Committee, We are pleased to
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be able to give publicity, at the request of the secretary of the U.M.U.A., to the first schedule which has been issued by that Association for the purpose of securing data to complete the evidence of its witnesses before the L.G.B. Expert Committee. We are glad that it has been decided by the Association to allow at least some of the questions to appear in print, because it is probable that by no other means can the views of many owners who are not at, the moment members of the C.M.U.A. be gathered. We urge upon all non-members the expediency—nay, the duty which they owe to themselves—of joining this national body forthwith. They are at liberty, of course, to utilize the accompanying schedule of ques.. tions, and to communicate their answers at length to the secretary, whether they decide to join or not. We consider, however, that any such application to be represented through the official witnesses of the C.M.U.A. should be accompanied by an application to joiri, and a remittance to cover the first annual subscription of ,E1 us. 6d., together with the entrance fee of gl is.
It is to be regarded as inevitable, in view of the demand for improved highways and of the existence of a tax on petrol-driven vehicles, that owners of steam wagons and tractors must reconcile themselves t..) some reasonable taxation in the future. The view of the C.M.U.A... so far as we understand it, is that it will he better to have a reasonable basis of taxation settled by agreement, in conjunction with exemption from risks of threats and actions concerning alleged extraordinary-traffic damage, than for owners to continue to be subjected to the particular uncertainties of to-day. It appears likely that the Association will be asked to put forward the view that a higher rate of lapel tax than the normal should be permissible in respect of those owners who desire to exceed the usual maximum axle-weight, and that such excess taxation should provide comparable immunity from harassing summonses, We now give the text of the document which the C.M.U.A. has put into circulation :—
C.M.U.A. Evidence Tor L.G.B. Committee. Nonmembers are Urged to Join Now.
Information (First Schedule) required by the C.M.U.A, to lay before the Local Government Board Committee on Road Locomotives and Heavy Motorcars.
Individual Returns will be Regarded as Strictly Confidential. They will be Combined with Others, and the General Results will Alone be Used. (It is hoped that questions will be answered fully ; the back of sheets, or additional sheets, may be used for the purpose.)
I. How runny commercial motors do you possess?
Delivery Vans Petrol lorries Steam lorries (rubber-tired) (steel-tired) Tractors Omnibuses Chars-h-bancs Trailers 2. Give details of any action by the police or local authorities calculated to discourage the use of commercial motors.
3. Give details of any roads over which you have regularly worked, which have stood up to your traffic without damage.
4. Have you been threatened with a claim for alleged extraordinary traffic? If so, give details. 5. Give exact particulars of any instance of injustice resulting from tne present law and regulations aff:.cting commercial motor vehicles.
6. Do you consider a governor actuated off the back axle or propeller shaft acceptable as an alternative to a reduction of the present axle-weights?
7. Are you if a petrol-vehicle owner, reconciled to the present scale of taxation, and, if a steam vehicle owner, what annual basis of taxation do you regard as the least obnoxious ?
8. Have you any objection to the universal requirement of rubber tires 9. If steel tires are retained, are you agreeable to a higher scale of taxation than for rubber ?
10. Should the evidence of the C.M.U.A. re steam wagons and tractors be based generally on the expectation of no taxation (which is almost hopeless), or on the acceptance of reasonable taxation' coupled with exemption from the risk of claims for road damage ?
11. If taxation of steam wagons and tractors is inevitable, what gradation or system do you suggest 12. Do you approve of higher rates of taxation, if axle-weights above eight tons can be sanctioned by law, and what is such excess worth ? 13. Which of the existing regulations appear to you to call for alteration, and how ?
Name of firm Signature Address Date
This schedule, when filled up, should be returned to Mr. F. G. Bristow, Secretary, The Commercial Motor Users ..,%ssociation (In.), 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.