Standard Tire-Mileage Guarantees.
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(Commtunicated by the Hon,. Secretary, Solid Tire Committee of the S.M.111.T.)
SLeps were recently taken with the object of securing the adoption by the various manufacturers of soed rubber band tires of a uniform guarantee to be used where any mileage guarantee is given. The movement has been successtul—a form of guarantee was agreed upon and has been adopted by over 20 firms, including all the leading solid tire makers.
As a result the position will be greatly simplified, and users will know that no matter from what maker they draw supplies, if they purchase under mileage guarantee, the terms of the guarantee will in all cases be the same.
The standard guarantee covers 10,000 miles service within a period of twelve months—eo extension of this guarantee will be given either as to period or mileage. The conditions attaching to the guarantee are simple and reasonable. Hitherto considerable variation existed in the terms of the guarantee as offered by the various makers, and the matter has latterly become much. more complicated in consequence of many users, particularly municipalities and other public bodies drafting each their own forms of mileage guarantee, which the tire makers were invited to adopt, although in many cases the terms of such guarantees could not well be regarded as reasonable from the tire makers' point of view. Solid tires have of late years been greatly improved, and to-day any first-class tires should, under fair service conditions, and with reasonable care on the part of the user, give mileages very considerably in excess of the 10,000 miles guaranteed. It is, therefore, felt by the makers that the guarantee should not be regarded as a measure of the mileage to be obtained, but solely as a safeguard to the users against the supply of inferior or defective tyres.
The relative merits of various brands of tires will, -of ceurse, be determined by the user on the actual results obtained in service.
There has recently been a tendency to demand of the tire maker extensiens of either or both period or mileage guaranteed, on the ground that the tires would be fitted to steamers, or to electrically driven vehicles or on the ground that the service conditions were particularly good.
It is, of course, quite clear that greater mileages can be obtained under certain conditions than under other conditions. With some petrol vehicles, for instance, much better tire mileages can be obtained
than on other petrol vehicles, but it is not reasonable to ask the tire maker to guarantee these results. The tire maker guarantees his tires to be sound, both as to material and construction, and to be equal. under fair running conditions to 10,000 miles service. How much more mileage the user can obtain depends upon a variety of factors, many of which are entirely within the control of the user, and not of the tire maker. But it is clear that the tire which gives 10,000 miles service cannot be markedly faulty. It has stood up to its guarantee, and if it is a good tire (as distinct from one which is merely free from faults) may give 20,000 or more miles service.
The guarantee is limited to a period of 12 months, quite long enough for the maker to carry responsibility for what is, after all, a more or less perishable article.
15th March, 1915.
Solid rubber tires supplied for use in the United Kingdom are guaranteed for 10,000 miles service. We undertake that on a claim being admitted by us, the tire will De repaired free, or replaced at a charge proportionate to the failed mileage or unexpired time at our option, and in cases where tires are so replaced, the failed tires become our property. This guarantee is given subject to the following conditions :— 1.—Claims under the guarantee must be made within 12 months from the date of the sale of the tire by us.
2.—The vehicle to which the tire is fitted shall be maintained in good running order, shall not be run at excessive speeds, the brakes shall not be so applied as to cause the tires to "skid," and no error in wheel alignment shall be permitted.
3.—The total load shall not at any time exceed that set out in the Schedule below for the respective sections of tires.
4.—No liability will be accepted by us for accidents to vehicles, property or individuals arising in respect of vehicles fitted with tires, the subject of this Guarantee, and this Guarantee is given instead of and expressly excluding any kind of implied condition or warranty, and the damages for which we make ourselves responsible hereunder are limited to the replacement of failed tires as abovementioned.
5.—And such other conditions as may be set out in our terms of sale.
The guarantee in the above terms may be extended at the option of the tire maker to cover tires supplied to countries outside the United Kingdom, providing that the mileage guaranteed shall not exceed 10,000 miles, and a period not more than 12 months from the date of the tires reaching the purchaser in the country in question.