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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it rung."—John Beattie Crozier.
The Extraordinary Traffic Case : Question of Costs.
The action of the Weston-super-Mare Urban District Co-uncil v. Henry Butt and Co., Ltd., came before Mr. Justice . Roche in the Vacation Court last week on a motion by defendants to vary a draft order by the Registrar in relation to the question of costs or for an order that the matter may stand over until Mr. Justice Eve can deal with it.
Counsel for defendants in the action said his clients were quite prepared to undertake to provide the £250 recovered by the plaintiffs in the action b,ut the order as it was proposed to be drawn up did not carry out the intention of Mr. Justice Eve.
Mr. Seholefield, for the Council., said Mr. Justice Eve's order was perfectly clear. He opposed this motion, as it would have the effect of delaying the time for appeal, which did not begin until this order was drawn up. His lordship asked why the plaintiffs wanted to appeal.
Mr. Scholefield said it was not a question of his elientseappealing, but another action had already been commenced.
Counsel for defendants said this was what had been called "the extraordinary traffic action." The plaintiffs claimed £1750 expenses, to which they alleged they had been put by the extra ordinary traffic the defendants put upon the roads. They actually recovered £280. But they also claimed for damage for nuisance, and upon that claim they wholly failed, and it was upon the question of costs with regard to that claim that the question arose. Mr. Maugham had endorsed his brief : "except in so far as the costs have been increased by the claim for nuisance and para. 2 of the statement of claim."
His lordship said he thought that was what' was meant by Mr. Justice Eve, who said there was no authenticated evidence of excessive speed having been used. He thought this was a matter for Mr. Justice Eve to deal with, and ordered the motion to stand over until after the Long Vacation.
Astington of Austins.
Mr. A. E. Arlington, who has for many years conducted the publicity programme of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., died suddenly last week. He was a clever publicity man with good ideas and very good taste. The Austin advertisements have always been to the point, informative and convincing. The Austin Advocate, the monthly "house organ," was one of his productions, and he kept it bright and interesting in every issue. He will be greatly missed at. Northfield, for he was greatly liked and appreciated by the staff.
Changes are -contemplated, ea we understand, in the scope of the mechanical warfare department, and Sir Percival Perry may receive a new and more important appointment.
Transport Reform.
The Select Committee of the House of Commons on Transport Reform having had permission to sit during the vacation, held a meeting on the 15th inst. at Westminster to map out the work. Mr. Wilson Fox, M.P., presided. The members of the committee agreed to spend the recess in studying the problem of transport reform, grouped. un,der the heading of ports, canals, roads and railways. Also the question relating to passenger traffic as well as goods. A subcommittee was appointed, to consist of Sir A. Shirley Henn, Messrs. Field and Keating (representing the ' Industries Committee of the Irish Nationalist Party), Mr. Hudson (railwaymen's representative in Parliament), and. Mr. Davieeon Dalziel, to proceed to Ireland during the recess and visit Irish ports and centres of transport, it being considered there will be much more trans. port across and from Ireland after the war than formerly. In dealing with this phase of the problem the sub-committee will keep in view the assured increase in volume of the transit trade across Ireland from arid to its west coast ports when train ferry services are established between that country and Great Britain, and also possibly a tunnel between Ireland and Scotland. The sub-committee will visit Ireland in September and report to the main committee when it meets again early in October.
Return Loads in America.
According to American reports the return loads idea, store door deliveries and other methods of bringing about more efficient motor trucking, fostered by the Highways Transport Committee of the Council of National Defence, are rapidly gaining headway. The nation is now wide awake to the task ahead of the. public-spirited men on the comMitte0 and thousands of individuals and civic organizations are swinging into line behind them. One of the most important things the Highways Transport Committee is doing is the urging of good road building.
For Steam Wagon Users.
Text books published for the benefit of steam wagon users are noticeably cortapicuous by their absence, and on this score alone, bearing in mind the gradually-increasing populaAty of this class of vehicle, a new handbook entitled. the ". Steam Wagon Manual" will. fill a want, which although but a recentlycreated one is none the less real.
The subject is treated very completely, coMmeneing as it does with a chapter on the purchase of a new or second-hand machine and following its career of usefulness right through. Chapters are devoted to the selection of a suitable garage and its equipment, steam production, regulation of power, legal requirements, general overhauling and shed-day work, diagnosing and remedying faults, dismantling and overhauling of essential parts, re-erecting a chassis, laying up a wagon when not in use, and finally_ a chapter on the advantages of using rubber tyres and how tyre efficiency is obtained. Few woods, it will be found, are wasted on driving instruction proper. How to keen the wagon running in good
woiking order with a minimum of expense and trouble the whole year round and how,, when the time approaches, to carry out an overhaul are-the major considerations of the handbook. The book is copiously illustrated flora cover to cover ; the' line illustrations serve to explain clearly, in conjunction with the textual matter, the best way to set about repairs and also to secure added efficiency. It should be in the hands of all drivers who take more than a fleeting interest in their wagons. The helpful and informative matter embodied in its pages will stand them in good stead.
The book is priced at 2s. net or post free for 2s. 20. from the offices of Temple Press Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C. 1.
Change of Address.
British Berna Motor Lorries, Ltd., find • it advisable, in view of the shortage of staff and labour, to consolidate all its businegs under one control and location, and as from 12th August all business will be conducted from the company's works at Short Street, New Cut, Southwark, S.E. 1; telephone. Hop 3517; telegrams, " Avabermol-Watloo-Lon-don."
Henley's Dividend.
The directors of W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works CO., Ltd., have declared a dividend on the preference shares at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum less income tax, for the half-year ending 30th June last, and an interim dividend on the ordinary shares of 4 per cent., less income tax, both payable on 31st August.
Scottish Oil Shale Output.
The output of Scottish oil shale for 1917 was 3,117,658 tons, against 3,009,232 in 1916.
Rubber or Steel Tyres ?
The topic concerning the advantages of rubber or steel tyres for steanr wagons and tractors is becoming of increasing interest, and although each class of tyre has its adherents there islittle doubt that for all-round . utility the balance of opinion is in favour of fitting rubber tyres. In a leaflet recently issued by Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd., the company points out in support of this opinion, that rubber tyres Offer advantages because they give better tractive effort, less shock on starting, enable users to double the life of the vehicle's axle bearings apart from other points of superiority. It is stated that the life of tractor wheels shod with steel tyres seldom exceeds two years, the spokes and channels strip and crack and require retreading about every 7000 miles. The driving of a steam tractor at the best of times is a shaky job for the man at the wheel and his position is somewhat alleviated by fitting a resilient tyre.
The life of rubber tyres when fitted to steam tractors is naturally an interesting point, and in this connection we feel that we cannot do better than refer to the experience of Norman E. Box, Ltd., of Manchester, who have recently replaced, after six years continuous service, what were probably the first rubber tractor tyres used in this country. The way in which these tyres have stood up to the strain of the past four years on tractors hauling heavy national loads affords ample proof of the durable and efficient qualities of Macintosh tyres.
Mr. C. Hamby, who until recently represented the interests of the Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd., in Liverpool, has been appointed manager of the 'company's Scottish branch with offices at 68, Gordon Street, Glasgow.
Oldham Buses.
The accounts of the Oldham Corporathin for the year ended 25th March last show that the expenditure on the municipal motor omnibuses was £1507, or 28.082d. per bus mile, compared with £1591 or 19.097d. the previous year.
Petrol cost £495, or about 10d. per mile. Repairs came to nearly 10d. a mile. The income from fares was only £595. The total -deficiency amounted to £11.17. The manager reports that the Coppice bus service has been anything but satisfactory, but now that a new electric 'chassis has been bought be hopes it will be a success by giving a regular service and better financial results. Two of the Tilling-Stevens motorbuses have been sold to the Warrington Corporation and the proceids used to wipe out the capital account. Acre is only one bus now in the service. The average revenue per mile was 11.162d. and the expenses 25.082d.
Electrics and Long Hauls.
In America railroad freight congestion and Glovernment embargoes have brought the motor lorry very preininently before the business world as an important factor in inter-city transportation. Motor trains and individual vehicles are ti he froind on many important • State highways carrying goods and making deliveries of a character that formerly were considered as belonging to the field of the railroads Daly. In eonjunction with this inter-city traffic it lias been discovered that many such hauls can be made economically with electrie vehicles; although electries are usually considered as best for Short haul, frequent-stop deliveries, and are so recommended, it has been found that under certain conditions the electricis capable of making fairly long hauls efficiently and economically. In the eastern states—for instance on the New York-Philadelphia turnpike— the unusually heavy traffic has so torn up the road beds that high speed is impracticable for heavily laden lorries. Thus the slower speed of the electric is often sufficient to cover distances with speed nearly as great if not equal to that of the petrol vehicle. The trip between these cities has been conveniently made 326 by electries in a day. By charging batteries at Philadelphia, and recharging or changing at Trenton and Newark, sufficient power will be available for the entire trip.
A demonstration of this character was made some 'time ago with a Ward -electric vehicle. The following is the record
of a trip from Newark to Camden, the latter city being just across the city from Philadelphia :—Left Newai4c 6.30 a.m. Arrived at Trenton 11.50 a.m. In Trenton from. 11.50 a.m. to 320 p.m. Arrived at Camden B p.m. Total mileage for the day, 110. Total time on road, 9 hrs. -50 mins. Total ampere hours consumed 137.
Because of the conservatism of most electric veil-tele manufacturers, few, if
any of them, would recommend their vehicles for such service. The illustration, however, should be sufficient to suggest to many owners of electric vehicles a field in which they might be used to advantage. Local conditions, however, must be a deciding factor,
Army Controlled Highways,
At a council meeting of the Institution of Municipal Engineers the following resolution proposed by Mr. Reginald Brown (Southall, Norwood) was carried unanimously :—
"That if be an instruction to the secretary to send forth the following protest ti the Road Board or other proper authority:—This Institution views with alarm the growth of a military control of the highways of the country, as such control is not in their opinion .to the best interests of the ratepayers or municipal engineers, who have had the control of the highways hitherto, and the Institution strongly Protests against such a control being set up; and that it be an instruction to the secretary to communicate with the Transport Board and ask for the Institution' as representing municipal engineers, to he represented on the Transport Boards now being formed all over the country BO that its members may be kept in tench with all aspects of trans, port) affecting roads and traffic thereon."
The little booklet entitled "Standardization and "Specialization," issued by the British Chuck and Piston Bing Co., Ltd., Holbrook Lane, Coventry, contains much interesting matter for refleetion. The subjects chosen have been responsible for much controversial discussion in the past, but there is little doubt that the present-day thinkers are firmly convinced of the necessity for standardization in many directions. Men with broad minds and unlimited vision appreciate to the full the value of this policy.
Writing under date of '9th August, the Deputy Controller of Priority Department of Ministry -of Munitions informs Barimar, Ltd., scientific welding engineers, 10, Poland Street, London, W. 1.
that owners of fleets of commercial ve. hicles may apply to his department at 1, Caxton Street, Westminster, for running permits for the upkeep of their vehioles, and in this way save a good deal of uri-. necessary delay and inconvenience in connection with the repair of vehicles.
Oil in Japan. '
According to a U.S. 'official report, the output of refinery products in Echigo, Japan, during 1917 amounted to 68,013,30 gallons. Compared with the previous year, naphtha increased 1;266,628 gallons ; neutral 3,884,223 gallons, and lubricating oil 6,360,597 gallons; while kerosene decreased 3,474,657 gallons, and fuel oil 2,305,553 gallons. The output of the various products during 1917 is RS under :—
Naphtha , 5,215,865 Kerosene 18,828,084 Neutral 17,967,524 Fuel ail • -• 10,488,088 Lubricating oil 15,511,888
Old Tin Plate.
Iheie is hardly a garage, depot, workshop or stores that cannot rake up a substantial heap of old tin plate, and the National Salvage Council wish it to be known that those having accumulations will find it worth their while to communicate with the Director General of National Salvage, Caxton House, Tothill Street, London, S.W., before attempting to dispose of them. Owing to the scarcity of new tin plate, the utilization of old tins by cutting them up and rendering the plate into Smaller tins is becoming an important industry, which will help the many trades to which tin boxes are essential and also relieve those to whom the disposal of old tins was a constant worry. Old tins should be treated with greater respect than hitherto, and care should be taken to prevent their becoming unnecessarily damaged or rusted by exposure.
The Gas Traction Exhibition.
The British Scientific Products Exhibition, at King's College, Strand, London, is drawing a goodly " gate ".. and, among those who know how much thought and ingenuity have been expended upon the introduction of gas traction for motor vehicles, there is the feeling of regret that the British Science Guild could not have given more space Lc the subject. But it s difficult, nowadays, to 'secure large exhibition premises, and there is no question in anybne's mind that the very best has been done in the circumstances, and that the chairman and council of the guild are to be cOu gratulated upon bringing together so highly-informative a collection of British products. The gas section, small as it is, receives a fair amount of attention, the chassis of the L.G.O. Co.'s omnibus in the entrance hall serving to lead the spectator on, whilst Messrs. Flugels chassis standing in the courtyard is always surrounded by a group of people listening to the explanations of the exhibitor.
Mr. J. C. Jolley, the engineer in charge of the northern services of the
United Automobile Services, Ltd. 'has received a commission in the-Light:Railway Operating Division of the Royal Engineers.
Local Proceedings.
The licensed -victuallers of South Shields are raising funds to purchase a motor ambulance.
The general Manager of Sheffield tramways has been authorized to pur chase an electric vehicle chassis for conversion for use as a tower wagon.
Pon'typcol U.D.C. has under consideration the purchase of a motor vehicle for collecting house refuse.
Manchester C.C. has accepted the '. der of Lookers, Ltd., for two light meLea chassis for the Watch Department.
Thornaby T.C. is to purchase a motor tractor for the present fire engine, Ike Local Government Board having refuse sanction for_a new motor fire engine.
Sheffield Corporation Motor Committee reports that in consequence of the shortage of petrol and other materials, together with the difficulty in getting workmen, it will shortly be necessary to discontinue another of the motorbus services.
, U.S.A. Oil Exports.
For the fiscal year ended the 30th June last the total oil exports from the United States were as follow, as crampared . with the preceding 12 months :— 1917-18 : 2,677,037,650 U.S. gallons, valued at 298,144,927 dollars.
1916-17 : 2,748,328,485 U.S. gallons, valued at 230;968,740 dollars.
R.A.F. Regatta.
The Royal Air Force Hospitals' FUnd regatta and water carnival is being held at Sheppertoh-on-Thames on Saturday next. The object of the regatta is to raise funds to provide necessary equipment and comforts for the various Royal Air -Force Hospitals. A grand programme of attractions has been arranged. The prizes for the winners of the vari°LIS events will be presented by the Countess of Drogheda, supported by many distinguished people. •Tickets can be secured from H. Rowse, hon. business manager, Weir View, ShepperCon, oi 118, Southwark Bridge Road, S.E. 1.
The 'Dutch Motor Hirers Association is going strongand now numbers over. 100 members.