Bus Wage Claims Next Week
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AN arbitration tribunal comprising Sir John Forster, chairman, Mr. Humfrey Edmunds, and Mr. F. W. Dailey, a trade union member, will meet in London on August 28 to hear the case for a substantial wage increase and improvements in holiday conditions for employees of provincial company bus undertakings.
The dispute between municipal transport workers and their employers will be heard by thc Industrial Court on August 29.
A meeting to discuss the demand of 58,000 London bus drivers, conductors and semi-skilled maintenance workers for a substantial increase in wages took place last week between the London Transport Executive and the Transport and General Workers' Union. It was adjourned, but no date for a further meeting had been fixed up to a late hour on Tuesday.
BUSES MAY QUIT PARK BUSES of Manchester Transport Department may be parked in the roads at TraffOrd Park instead of on a plot of land opposite the Metrovick works, as at present. During the war and until recently, Trafford Park Estates, Ltd., charged the department a nominal rent of •is, a year for the use of the site as a bus park. The company has now informed the corporation that it will have to quit the land unless a substantial annual sum is paid.
At a normal rent, the department would incur a charge of £55,000 for drainage, surfacing and the erection of shelters, which are not compulsory if a nominal charge is Made. The department does not wish to meet such a commitment, especially as the bus services are unremunerative, and has drawn up a road parking scheme. This may necessitate one-way working in some streets', which would not appear to be an ideal solution.
BEN'S. NEW CENTRES NEW branch centres of the Motor . and Cycle Trades' Benevolent Fund have been inaugurated on Teesside, where sections of the North-east. and Yorks centres have' been merged, and Portsmouth, where the Hants, South Wilts and -Dorset centre has parted with some of . its territory. Plans are in hand for a new centre in Northants.
ANY person or organization interested in the matters to be considered by the taxicab committee which has been set up under the chair7 manship of Lord Runciman is invited to make representations in writing by September 30.
The committee's terms of reference are to consider the effect of present fiscal and economic circumstances on the -taxicab service, particularly in London, and to report what changes; if any, in the present system of taxation; control or organization are desirable in the public interest.
Representations should, where possible, be submitted through the appropriate trade • organizations and addressed to the Secretary, The Taxicab Committee. Ministry 'of Transport, Room, 5117, Berkeley Square House. London, W.I.
A COMMITTEE which has inquired .t"-Is into the working of the Delhi Transport Service has recommended that the management should concentrate on the efficient operation of the existing 30 routes and consolidate the financial position before expanding.
A total of 252 vehicles will be serviceable for the next two years. Out of 328 buses now in use, 66 are completely unserviceable and will have to be discarded immediately. Another 44 will have to be abandoned in the near future. Of 81 vehicles which have been almost fully depreciated, 74 can be renovated with new bodywork and seven with new engines. Thirty-four new oil-engined buses are expected within two months.
Earnings per bus-mile have dropped during the past two years.
AGENCY REQUIRED AWISH. has been expressed by Mr. H. R. Marchand, Avenue 1veme Republique, Pont-de-la-Maye, Gironde, France, to represent British makers of passenger vehicles. • His organization covers 19 departments in central and south-west France, but he is willing to take over an agency covering the whole country. He is also interested in municipal appliances.
• DARLINGTON ECONOMIES VCONOMIES approved by Darling/--4 ton Corporation to try to offset an estimated deficit of £5;000 by the' transport undertaking, include the abolition of return fares, curtailment of some Sunday services, the use of motorbuses instead of trolleybuses on certain Sturday 'services, and the withdrawal of early-morning and duplicate buses where necessary.
Scammell Coupling in New Comet
THE " link" between Leyland Motors,-Ltd., and Scammell Lorries, Ltd., foreshadowed in "The Commercial Motor "on February 1, .is revealed in the new Leyland Comet 90 tractor fitted with the Scammell automatic semi-trailer coupling gear. In its general design the Comet chassis is similar to the standard model, having 'a six-cylindered 90 b.h.p. oil engine. five-speed gearbox and Eaton two-speed rear axle.
The short sturdy frame gives the vehicle a wheelbase of 8 ft. 7 ins., which permits it fo turn in a 35 ft. circle. It weighs under 3 tons, is 14 ft. 4 ins. long and 7 ft. 5 ins. wide.
Semi-trailer brake operation is by means of a servo on the tractor, the 'control valve being arranged so that initial pedal movement takes effect only on the semi-trailer brakes, whilst further movement causes increased effort on the semi-trailer brakes and applies the brakes on the tractive unit.
A reaction valve in the servo pipeline automatically adjusts the braking pressures to provide a compensated link between tractor and semi-trailer.
I.R.T.E. MEETINGS UTURE meetings of the Institute of Road Transport Eng:neers are as follows:— •
September 9. Midlands Centre, lecture On lubricating oil by A. Towle. Crown Inn, Broad Street, Birmingham, 7.30 p.m. September 11, London Centre, visit to Auto Tyre Services. Ltd., Basingstoke, September 17. North-west Centre, lecture on heavy haulage by E. Skelton, Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, 7.30 p.m.: London Centre, visit to Simms Motor Units, Ltd., East Finchley
September 18, North-east Centre, Mr Towle' !centre, Hotel Metropole, Leeds, 7.30 p.m
September 23, North-east Centre, Mr. Towles lecture. King'sHead Hotel, Darlington, 7 p.m. ' September 25, Western Group, lecture on use of oil engines by D. Poole, Grand Ildtel. Bristol, 7.30 P.m.
THE Bombay State Road Transport Corporation . made a profit of Rs. 2,673,000 in 1949-50, Rs. 2,547.000 in .1950-51 and Rs. 5,500,000 in 195152. Total earnings in 1951-52 amounted to Rs. 50,600,000.
The Government of India has agreed to contribute a third and the Government of Bombay the remaining twothirds towards the capital investment of the corporation. The actual contribution made by the Bombay Government up . to ...March "31 this year was Rs. 47;162,000, and by the 'Indian Government Rs. 20m.