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One Hears—

22nd August 1958, Page 45
22nd August 1958
Page 45
Page 45, 22nd August 1958 — One Hears—
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

That under-park parking may be under-used if overpriced.

That Britain cannot afford waste, even if the economic ;ituation has improved.

That S. Smith and Scins are making magnetic-powder couplings in capacities of a third to 200 lb.-ft.

That in the U.S.A. in 1907, goods vehicles were involved in only 11 per cent, of accidents, although they represented over 16 per cent. of registrations.

That on road mileage or hours of driving the accident percentage would have been even smaller.

That in 1952 the average A-licence 5-tonner moved 76 tons a week, whilst the corresponding State-owned vehicle carried only 52 tons.

That some American railways are demandng subsidies from the cities near which many )f their season-ticket holders reside: That they threaten to close stations unless.

• =ity taxes on these and their approaches are -emoved or reduced.

That the four causes of tyre under-inflation re neglect, leaky valves, slow punctures and

he use of incorrect pressure gauges. o —•

From Mr.. Geoffrey Wilson, M.P., that it s complete humbug to suggest that integration )f transport was about to be achieved ivhen the wicked Tories came into office and Jestroyed all the good work. "I am late this morning because I overslept on overtime? "

That many . a calendar now has a ring drawn roundthe date "September 26."

That YugOslavia is producing quite a handsome touring coach in the FAP. factory at Priboj.

That the day of the "small man" will not be over unless he is quashed by socialistic legislation.

That the 600 Group recently acquired an " army " of over two million of all ranks, in the form of 15 tons of antimonial lead for melting down.