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Large-scale Bus Revisions at Bristol Planned for Next Month

22nd August 1958, Page 48
22nd August 1958
Page 48
Page 48, 22nd August 1958 — Large-scale Bus Revisions at Bristol Planned for Next Month
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rINE of the biggest bus revisions ever to take place in a single day will ••••-"' come into operation at Bristol, on September 21, if the Western Traffic

Commissioners agree to proposals by the Bristol Omnibus Co,, Ltd. Al a public inquiry on September 1 the company will put forward 55 applications for diverting country routes within the city boundaries, withdrawing some city services, and re•-routeing others.

Their case will be argued by Mr. T. D. Corpe, Bristol's Clerk of the Peace. Originally there,were two objections to country bus changes from local authorities, but it is understood that these will not be proceeded with at the hearing. If the Commissioners agree, the revisions will coincide with the opening of the company's'new bus station.

• Mr. C. R. Buckley, traffic manager, said the object of the proposals was to draw constant streams of traffic away from the city centre. Buses on country services would by-pass_ the most congested areas, whilst the . cross-city link would be diverted. • .

There are no proposals for new country services and noneof these will be withdrawn. The objections, by Street Urban District Council and Kingswoocl Urban District Council, referred to changes on the Bristol-Street and Kingswood-Warmley-Fitton routes.

The new bus station is to be officially opened by the Lord Mayor Of Bristol.

• R.H.A. CONFERENCE RECORD A RECORD attendance for the Road f-A Haulage Association's annual conference at Torquay from October 13-15 is promised. Although the room at the Palace Hotel at which the banquet is to be held can seat 550 people, all the accommodation has already been sold. Bookings for the conference can, however. still he accepted.