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B.C.N. Traffic Down 10%: Surplus in View

22nd August 1958, Page 52
22nd August 1958
Page 52
Page 52, 22nd August 1958 — B.C.N. Traffic Down 10%: Surplus in View
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

COMPETITION from private transport,

television, another wet summer and an influenza epidemic combined last. year to reduce Burnley, Caine and Nelson JOint transport Committee's bus traffic

by nearly 10 per cent, The number of passengers earned declined by almost 5m.

Declining traffic and increased operating costs caused the likelihood of a loss of about £.50,000 on the year's working, says Mr: G. Parry, general manager, in his annual report. The contingency was met by raising fares, reducing services and introducing one-man buses in the Nelson

atria. The fesult was a loss of only Mr. Parry horics the undertaking will pay its way and leave a small surplus in the irrimediate future, fie points out, however, that public road passenger transport is still shrinking and every effort must be continued to reduce costs.

All local services in Nelson are now being operated by one-man buses. Trials with them have also taken place in Colne. The entrances of 13 buses have been moved from the rear to the front. Electrically operated doors have been provided,.and the cabs have been modified so that passengers can pay the driver.

Six 44-seat one-man buses and two more 72-seat double-deckers with front entrances are to be delivered later this year.

[See "Profit and Loss," this page.] LEIGH BUSES MAKE £1,750 PROFIT

DESPITE a big fail in traffic, Leigh Corporation buses made a profit of £1,750 during the past financial year, Cult S. Jones, chairman of the transport committee, reported last week. He said the number of passengers dropped from 17,363,649 to 16,103,712, which followed the general trend of falling traffic since 1951.

Income from all sources fell by £7,623, whilst expenditure rose by /4,585. However, vehicles ran 106,298 fewer miles, which saved-more than 7,000 gal, of fuel. Cllr. Jones said that five years ago the transport department had an outstanding debt of £25,000, but this had now been reduced to •£2,916; and it was hoped that before long it would be wiped out altogether.


UNLESS there is a great improvement in income or a large saving in expenditure, the general rate fund may have to provide substantial sums to meet future deficiencies of West Bridgford Transport Department. This warning is given by Mr. L. C. Harrison, general manager, and Mr. G. W. Baggaley, treasurer, in their annual report. Present estimates show that there will he a loss of £1,470 during the current year.

The report stresses the need to provide a substantial reserve fund.

[See "Profit and Loss," this page.] h18

B.M.C. Hit New Record in Production

THE highest number of vehicles ever I produced in one year by a British or European manufacturer was recorded by the British Motor Corporation in the financial year ended July 31. This was -reported last week by the chairman, Sir Leonard Lord. He said the figure of 504,712 vehicles produced by the corporation was 65,000 higher than in 1956-57.

Export deliveries went up by 16 per cent., and the increase in trade with dollar markets was "spectacular." For the first time the U.S.A. had taken more B.M.C. vehicles than Australia and, in all, the corporation had earned 75m. dollars from American sources.

Almost every country in the world— including several behind the Iron Curtain —was now a B.M.C. customer, with Australia, South Africa, Canada and New Zealand following the U.S.A. as the major markets.

• Retienue from Higher Fares FallsShort .

ADDITIONAL inCome from higher fares introduced by Ashton-underLyne Corporation. last October, fell far short of the estimate, which allowed for an average diminution in passenger receipts of 4.15 per cent., says-Mr. T: P. O'Donnell, general manager, in. his annual report.

This unfavourablesituation is not attributed entirely to passenger resistance to higher fares. Private transpOrt and television are also blamed.

The Outbreak of Asian influenza caused payments for sickness to increase -from £2,966 in 1956-57 to £4,727 in 1957-58, representing a rise from £11 5s. to £18 14s. lad, per eligible employee.

Duringthe past five years, the average fuel-consumption rate of the buses has improved from 8.56 m.p.g. to 9.49 m.p.g. Mileage last year waS reduced by slightly. less than 1 Per cent.; but was even omicalfy advantageous. A loss on the year's working of .£1,610 raised the cumulative deficit to £27,189.

At the end of the year,. the corp-oration had21 &utile-deck trolleybUses and 47 motorbuses, -all but One of Whichwer double-deckers.

[See "Profit and Loss," this page.).


NEXT week more than 100 sales and technical representatives of British Timken, Ltd., are to meet in Coventry to discuss export prospects. Visits will be paid to the company's factories, to the Fischer Bearings Co., Ltd., a subsidiary, and to the Standard Motor Co., Ltd., and the Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd.