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22nd August 1958, Page 52
22nd August 1958
Page 52
Page 52, 22nd August 1958 — M icro g r ams • •
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New Address: The Astley Industrial Trust, Ltd., have changed their • address to Pearl Chambers, East Parade, Leeds, 1.

Ideas Pay: A sumof £1,400 was paid last year by London Transport to more than 700 members of the staff who put forward ideas. Headquarters Moved: The address of the Diesel Engineers' and Users' Association has been changed to 18 London Street, London, E.C.3,

I.C.I. Exhibition: Many articles used in the automotive industry will be displayed by

Ltd., at exhibitions in Birmingham, Cardiff and Glasgow during September and October.

Car Hire Centre: The J. Davy Group are to open a new car hire centre next month at Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. This is thethird new depot to be announced in the past five weeks.

Pirelli Stockists: A full range of Pirelli products is now available from Norwich Distributors, Ltd., Barrack Street, Norwich, and Summerhill Way, Pinhoe Trading Estate, Exeter. .

Demand Drops: Registrations of new commercial vehicles in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland dropped from the record figure of 3,361 in the second half of last year to 2,428 in the first six months of this year.

Land-Rover Show: Some 35 Land-Rovers with a variety of special equipment Will be displayed at an exhibition M he held at the London depot of the Rover Co., Ltd., Seagrave Rball, Fulham, S.W.'S. during the period of the Commercial Motor Show.. New London Office: Stein Atkinson Vickers Hydraulics, Ltd.. will move their London office on August 30 to 197 Knightsbridge,

S.W.7. •

New Haulage Depot: Plans have been prepared by Wm. Bridge, Ltd., York hauliers, for warehouse and office space in Stocktonon-Tees covering 18,000 sq. ft.

Visit to Airport: Members of the Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Section of the Institute of Transport are to visit London Airport on September 4, for their annual outing. Indian Transport Move: Three new trans-port bodies have been set up in India to ensure that proper co-ordination exists between operators and the Government.

Firestone in Portugal: The American Firestone company is to build a tyre factory near Lisbon. Firestone tyres at present. used in Portugal are imported mainly from Britain. Popular Booklet: A booklet telling the story of the Liverpool Transport Undertaking" The First 60 Years '—has proved so popular that another 1,500 copies are to he printed.

Simms in Leeds: Work on new Leeds premises for Simms Motor Units, Ltd., is to startshortly, The depot will cover 7,500 sq. ft., and will probably -be ready for use some time next year.

Garage Taken Over: Arthur Holland, Ltd., confectionery manufacturers, have taken over the 30,000-sq. ft, service station at-Scarisbrick (Lancs).formerly occupied by Bamhers Motor Works. Holland's will house their own vehicles there.