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ird's Eye View By The Hawk

22nd August 1958, Page 63
22nd August 1958
Page 63
Page 63, 22nd August 1958 — ird's Eye View By The Hawk
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Keeping Faith

k MONO those who have. contributed generouslyto the ▪ anti-rcnationalization fighting fund of the 'Road Haulage


sSociation is Mt. John Barber, chairman of the 'Southern rea and .managing director of Victory Transport, Ltd., His }nation equals about twice .his company's annual subscription the Association. . Mr. Barber -resigned his position as one of the four national. ce-chairmen of the Association hi 4955 because he disagreed ith the R,H.A. policy of pushing denationalization to the nit allowed by the 1953 Act. He supported the compromise at the Government ultimately adopted. His response to the .H.A. appeal for funds demonstrates his belief in free enterise,,as well as his confidence in the men who will spend the

oney. *

Way Out

IOW many owner-drivers can look forward to .holidays with pay,, regular hours, a guaranteed wage when conditions c bad, liberal sickness payments and a comfortable retireent pension? This probably sounds' like 'a dream come true the average tipper operator who ekes out a living on work tr local authorities, but three Westmorland hauliers have epped into the dream merely by selling. their 'lorries.

All of them did a great amount of .work for the county )uncil, and after casting an envious eye on the benefits ijoyed by local-government drivers they decided to sell out the council. Now they are ordinary employees, with no orries about rates, depreciation, breakdowns, licensing—or

itionalization, England to join the boar4.of Fodens in 1934.

Peter (Transport) Pan

THREE days after his 90th birthday on September 23, Mr. William Foden, governingdirector of Fodens, Ltd., will be on the company's stand at Earls Court to welcome visitors. This Peter Pan of road transnort is stilt the essence of punctuality in business, and at all meetings, whether production, social or executive, all members are present on the dot.

His65 years' service with Fodens has made him so much an 'essential part of the business that Many people forget that for 10 years he lived on a large sheep farm in Australia, which he still holds under management. He was called back to