Removing Mud from Between Twin Tyres
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VEHICLES withtwin7tyred wheels arc widely used in the building ancLsirnilar •trades,'where much •rtirthing is done kith 'on made roads' aiid 'middy grOtind,.. The Mud rodges between the twin, 6res . and fouls the. 'roads -for soine:'"clistatie.e frorict.tbe 'site. Patent No. 796,492 shows a Piece of,:equionient •by which:the, Mud can bequickly removed from the tyres before the vehicle is used on the road, (H. Watson,. 73 Twitkenham Road, ' Teddington-.) A framework on, or slightly below, the ground is provided • With aepair, of rollers on to which the vehicle. can he driven. In the plan view shown, 1 and 2 are the rollers,andsloping -ramp -(3) -axe pro
vided for the wheels to run, up.. A series of water jets' (4) is located between the rollers, and as the wheels revolve on the rollers,. the, combination of centrifugal 'force and water jet is sufficient to remove all the accumulated mud from the tyres. " • The apparatus may be portable or permanent, and the water supply, if not drawn from the mains, can be provided by a pump, powered by the rotation of the rollers.
PATENT No. 796,880 shows a modification to a suspension system the aim of which is to maintain a constant frame height whether the vehicle be light or loaded. (Regie Nationale des Usincs Renault, 8-10 Avenue Emile Zola, Billancourt, Seine, France.)
The parellel-link suspension uses a helical spring (1) for its resilient member. This abuts under the frame at the top end hut at the bottom it rests on a plat form (2).. This is 'pivoted and can rise .
• or 'fall, its position being determined by an hydrauhe unit. The latter consists of three components, a cap (3)..connected to the spring platform, a cYlinder (4) linked td the arm, (5) and a piston (6) fixed to the frame.
The .hydniulit •unit 'is self-pumping :during sPring deflections -arid the relative position of • the three parts governs its action. If the spring should be forcibly • shortened by load, thus causing the frame to sink, the hydraulic unit will autoinatically 'lengthen and, • by compressing the spring, restore the .frame to its original height.
-1-1. A STEERING gearbox, servo motor
and control valve all grouped in a unit is shown in patent No. 796.698. (Adamant Engineering Co., Ltd., Dallow Road, Luton, Beds.)
The worm -is of hour-glass outline. and meshes with a two-icrothed nut "in the forth of .a freely-mounted roller (1). This is e-arried-on a lever mounted on the droparm sPindle (2). The lever extendk"clown• wards tO carry -another roller (3) which receives the thrust from the servo motor, which consists of a double-ended piston
(4) having hydraulic connections at bog] ends of its cylinder.
The steering column turns, via a lostmotion coupling (5), a pinion (6) meshing with a double-width pinion (7). This returns the drive to a second pinion (8) on the column axis. This pinion is mounted on a slightly flexible extension from the column. When the column is turned, the second pinion moves slightly sideways, and it is this rocking movement that works the hydraulic control valves, not shown.
TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED INJECTION TIMING ACCORDING to patent No. 797,188 an oil engine when cold needs an advance of injection to overcome ignition delay and the patent discloses a device which automatically does this. (Klockner.Hurnboldt-Deutz A.G., Deutz-MI:11116merstrasse 149/155, Koln-Deutz, Germany.) In the scheme described; the tempera
ture controlled correcting unit is superimposed on the centrifugal device that advances the injection in accorda with engine speed. When cold, the tim is advanced when the engine is stationa
The drawing ishows one of several w of carrying out the invention. The cen fugal advancer comprises a . wed shaped weight (I) which moves outwal during-running against aspring (2). As moves, it spreads a pair of blocks.(3 a 4), each of which is attached to c element of the coupling and so' 'irkM them apart in an.angular sense.
The teniperaturc control is given 13'5 ctirved biinetallic strip. (5) which is lart when, cold, and by forcing the centrifm outwaiils, provides the requii adVatiee, . ,
A SPRUNG. CONNECTING Roll COMPRESSION =IGN ITIONT h-b7liy-.sti--esses on its' ci ,neeting rod; and thougliltlic--,for.eeQ only, transient„, the rods 'mist. be• strc
enough.. to " withstand them. pat! .No.', 797,080 shOws a connecting haying a 'built-in cushioning device'
diminish these shock loads.' Crosst 14' Yap "Pick Avenue, NMal(11 Surrey:). ,The 'd is,made in two teleseo.pic tit with a powerful spring between: the The drawing shows a section of assembly in which the part 1 can the gudgeon-pin bore and slides wit] the outer member (2) Which forms 1 bulk of the rod and bearing cap.
The spring et sists of stacks Belleville wash as shown at 3..71 .top piece recer the end of a. b which can adjusted to' a desired degree pre-compression the washers. 1 bolt head preve' the rod (re lengthening . b permits it
shorten , compressing
wa'sherS.; To p vent the head froni•turning; it is proi. with a ball moving -in a keyway -( Shock is said to be halved