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Company cr ws' rise ratified

22nd August 1969, Page 23
22nd August 1969
Page 23
Page 23, 22nd August 1969 — Company cr ws' rise ratified
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• A pay deal giving 10s a w ek rises to 110,000 company busmen was ratified last week at a meeting in London of Tr nsport and General Workers Union garage elegates. It should pave the way for setti g up joint negotiations covering the compa y men and their 77,000 fellow busmen in m nicipal services.

These busmen who have ac epted oneman operation will get an extra 5s this makes the rate for company drivers ith the full o-m-o bonus £14 19s 10d—onl 1s 2d behind the municipal rate which already includes o-m-o. Company conductors are row only 2d a week behind the municipal rate.

The new deal, which comes in o operation in mid-September has been approved by Mrs Barbara Castle. It also includes improved holiday bonuses and entitlements.

Mr. Larry Smith, leading union negotiator for the company men, said that present additional payments for one-man double-deckers will be raised from 22; to 25 per cent. Further talks would also be held on sharing the savings of one-man operations with the bus crews and, at local level, on consolidating basic rates.

He said that preparatory talks on setting up joint negotiating machinery had already been held at the Ministry; he hoped that negotiations for the two sections would be merged by the end of the year.