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Eight to advise on transport

22nd August 1969, Page 28
22nd August 1969
Page 28
Page 28, 22nd August 1969 — Eight to advise on transport
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J. B. Burnell, former operating manager, Central Road Services, London Transport Executive, director, Ribble Motor Services Ltd., is among those appointed by Modern Transport Consultancy, of Shepperton. to a panel advising on all aspects of passenger and freight transport. The other panel members are: A. A. M. Durrant, former chief mechanical engineer (Road Services) of LPTB and its successors, 1935-1965: Sir John Elliot, former chairman of Railway Executive, London Transport, and of Thos. Cook and Son Ltd., director, Cie Internationale des Wagons-Lits; C. F. Fiennes, chairman. Hargreaves Transport Ltd.. Former

chairman and general manager of Eastern Region of BR: P. S. Henman, from 1949, developed the holding company now Transport Development Group Ltd.. retiring from chairmanship in April 1969: Sir Arthur Kirby, former general manager, East African Railways and Harbours, former chairman BTDB, now part-time chairman of National Ports Council: F. C. Margetts, former BR general manager (North Eastern Region), expert on national and international developments in containerization; Alan H. Stratford, managing director of Alan Stratford and Associates. air transport consultants.