Westminster's £45,500 Replacement Scheme
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W ESTMINSTER'S cleansing super intendent has submitted a report to the highways committee, io which he expresses the opinion that, with the exception of three new Thornycroft vehicles, the whole fleet operated by the highways department has outlived its profitable life. As a result, he says, refuse cannot be collected economically and in a sanitary manner.
The superintendent outlines the desirable features of a refuse collector suitable for Westminster City Council's needs. A requirement is that the body should be of the van type, arranged for rear loading in such a manner that it is unnecessary for a man to ride inside it' to pack the refuse.
He is satisfied that the requirements of the council could be fulfilled by a three-wheeled tractor of the " mechanical-horse " type, working in conjunction with 'various types of body, such as for refuse collection, street sweeping, flushing and watering, or for containers.
This type of articulated outfit, with a moving floor, has been tested for a week in Westminster, in competition with horsed transport. The same area was covered by both types of vehicle and the tonnage of refuse collected was approximately the same in each case. The total costs of collection were £27 2s. 4d. for horsed transport and £21 is. 4d. with a Scammell "mechanical horse." These sums are equivalent to £1,410 Is. 4d. and £1.095 9s. 4d. respectively per annum, in connection with the area covered by the test in question.
The motor showed up in this favourable light despite the fact that the test was made in a district most suitable for horsed transport.
The cleansing superintendent estimates that, if the whole of the existing horsed transport of the council were replaced by suitable Mechanical transport, such as the three-wheeled tractor, a saving of about £3,000 a year might reasonably be expected.
The highways committee considers that the replacement of horsed transport by mechanical appliances should not be delayed. It is. however, not proposed to submit a recommendation for the substitution of motors for horses until more experience has been acquired with the three-wheeled tractor.
The superintendent expresses the view that the container system of refuse collection is suitable for operation in Westminster.
A scheme has been prepared for the replacement of the whole of the council's transport (excluding, of course, the new Thornycrofts), involving a total estimated expenditure of £45,474. Although it is not proposed to abandon the whole of the existing fleet at once, it is hoped to make a substantial start during the year 1934-35. It is proposed to purchase 29 tractors of the " mechanical-horse " type, with refuse-collection bodies, to replace existing motor vehicles, at a cost of £18,828; 14 similar mechanical appliances to replace horsed transport would cost £9,091. The purchase of 15 street-washing machines, 12 of which would be used instead of an obsolete type at present employed, would account for another £8,025. The introduction of the container system of refuse removal would cost £5,070, this figure consisting of £3,867 for 254 containers and 21,203 for three chassis.
It is also proposed to purchase two motor-propelled gully-emptiers, costing £2,300, and two sweeping and collecting machines at a cost of approximately £2.160.
It is estimated that the use of each additional street-washing appliance would save the services of five men, whilst the quantity of water used would be about one-third of that consumed when street washing by means of a hose. The container system of refuse collection from blocks of flats, hotels, etc., would reduce the amount of labour per vehicle from four or five %men to two men.
At present, the committee recommends the acceptance of the tender of Scarnmell Lorries, Ltd., for the supply of three " mechanical-horse " units, three refuse-collection bodies, a container chassis and 35 containers