Pull the Hawk' cracker!
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1. Make it American
2 hristmas Eve. The lull before the storm. Kids in bed. All presents wrapped. Tree still standing. The perfect time to engage with a good book and a wee nip. Time in fact for the sort of book which is the Hawk's first festive prize, /1 Pictorial History of Trucks by Niels Jansen, published by Bay View Books in Bideford, Devon. This, my friends, is a dream book for truckers everywhere hardback, full colour plates, just enough text to tell you what you're looking at. They're all here loggers, dairy vehicles, tankers, containers, luxury cab interiors, advertising posters. Now, the really good news is, I have three to give away to American truck buffs who can answer this question.
US trudc maker White was taken over by a European truck manufacturer in 1982, but which one? Was it a) Dal b) Renault c) Volvo
2. Seasonal cheer from matchbox
hen Christmas Comes we all revert to childhood. Own up, that Nintendo set you bought for young Johnny is really for you to play with when you've packed him off to bed, isn't it? I thought so.
Well, nothing so sophisticated existed in the Hawk's youth—we made our
own entertainment.
Actually, Pm lying, we didn't. Firms like Matchbox and Dinky made our own entertainment—die-cast model cars and trucks to race over the lino, for adults to stand on and lose their sherrysoaked balance.
To recreate those happy yuletides Matchbox has given the Hawk three wagons from its "Great Beers of the World" series. What could be more seasonal? Winners will receive either a Castlemaine XXXX 1930 Model A Ford Van; a Swan lager 1918 Atkinson Steam Wagon or a Holsten 1932 Mercedes Benz L5 Lorry [can already hear you rolling up the carpet and replacing it with lino.
And remember, you can drink as much as you like while driving these.
To win one, name the Minister of Transport who introduced the breathalyser in 1967.
a) Barbara Cortland b) Barbara Castle c) Barbie Doll
3. Wrap up with Dunlop
bird out of the Hawk's hat this year is Birmingham's very own Dunlop ( aka SP Tyres). These sensible folk know that you won't want to be walking around in the rainlashed midlands at this time of year with just a tutu to protect you. That's why they've sent the Hawk two sturdily padded grey jackets, tastefully trimmed with the familiar red/yellow logo. Stitch the pair together and you've got a top tog duvet.
To win one answer the following question:
Which of these men, driving a McLaren-Ford,won the Formula One World Car Championship 1976? Was it
a) James Hunt b) Jochen Rindt c) Alan Partridge
4. Iveco Ford's multi-drop
0 great double act, Iveco i Ford, having brought the industry such notable number ones as the EuroTech, Truck of the Year 1993, and other hits two numerous too mention. (Go on
mention them -Ed) All right, they did the Birdie Song as well, didn't they?
A delve into the goodie cupboard at the Watford HQ has produced a veritable sackful of delights which the Hawk is prepared to shower on you, dear readers. Imagine how those January blues will vanish like melting snow if Mr Postman knocks on your door with one of the following a turquoise/navy wr coat; a navy/light blue IFT jacket; three Tie Rack designed IFT ties in navy, printed in a subtle truck pattern: a white Yr teeshirt; a white IFT polo shirt; one copy of the megahardback, fully illustrated, Iveco Ford Story and a scale model Hu roTech.
Don't knock my door down to get one after all will be recuperating from the festivities at Mother O'Reilly's Bognor B&B (special Xmas rate: seven nights, fifty quid, as much sherry as you can drink). Instead answer this question with a slight Italian flavour, just like Iveco. Before you know where we are, the millennium will be here. Which Roman numerals depict the year 2000?
a) CM 6) IV c) MM
5 Wearing well at ERF
ahe Best of British trucks, well let's face it, one of the few British trucks left, are built by our good friends in sunny Sandbach, out Cheshire way. And what sturdy vehicles they are. Great aunt Dot, living as she does in an ERF tractor unit at the edge of my allotment, speaks highly of their comfort and durability And, after 50 years, she should know.
For the Hawk's Xmas Appeal, ERF has reached into its wardrobe and pulled out, not one, but two stylish winter garments—a lambswool sweater and a jacket, both in smart navy blue with the tidy ERF logo a signature of British quality. You can patriotically wear these while listening to the Queen's speech.
Let us then have a question on all things Royal to find a pair of princely winners. Queen Elizabeth 11 came to the throne in 1952. Who was the previous monarch?
a) George VI b) Edward V111 c) Good King Wenceslas
6. Fitted up by Foden
eighbours of ERF, fellow Sandbachians Foden are still fondly thought of by many as manufacturers of British trucks although the company is now American owned. But what the heck, we're all internationalists now as I said to Foden the other day when! dropped by for a Big Mac and fi-ys (fries -McED), Displaying the generosity that yanks are famous for, Foden has offered to tog up a CMreader for the new year with a handsome grey/burgundy jacket.
In recognition of Foden's American connection let's cross the Atlantic for the question that will secure you this fine garment.
Who was the first American president? a) Abraham Lincoln b) George Washington c) Colonel Sanders
7. Renault's case of young ones
Ename me 12 gnod things about the French. No, that's too easy, but the answer could easily be the prize in this competition, supplied by Monsieur Renault & Co, a case of 12 bottles of new Beaujolais, rushed from the vineyard into the Hawk's cellar last month. Nowthis wine needs to be drunk young, but if you are not young just do your darndest. Put a weekend aside, invite a few pals around, set out some strong cheeses and let le yin rouge flow All this could be yours if you can tell the Hawk which romantic French chanteuse regretted nothing?
Was it a) Lily Marlene b) Vanessa Paradis c) Edith Piaf
8. Mercedes plums for the write stuff
11 right, you're enjoying yourself now. The turkey's in the oven, a glass is in your hand,the presents were just what you wanted and r)u're even getting on with the in-laws. What could possibly go wrong?
The New Year, that's what. When cold reality sets in and you've got to pay for all this, plus make up for earnings lost while your truck's been off the road. The hills begin to arrive, you reach despondently for your cheque book and... then you cheer up! Because you remember you have a spanking, new stylish Mercedes fountain pen in plum with gold trim to make signing those cheques an unmitigated pleasure.
To win this beauteous instrument in its presentation case you will need to delve into your knowledge of other great writers beside the Hawk. TV has recently adapted a Charles Dickens' novel written in 1843. What is it called?
a) Martin Witchuzzle b) Martin Churslewit c) Martin E Dry
9. A strong MAN makes you secure
hile enjoying the holiday I trust you've parked your vehicle as securely as possible. Thieves, lam told, are no respectors of bank holidays. With admiral Teutonic practicality this thought crossed the minds of our good friends at MAN, who pressed upon the I lawk a pair of sturdy steering locks • fitted with dual locking and finished in canary yellow to provide a highly visible warning.
But if that wasn't enough, MAN has jollied up its goodie bag with two sleek model artics in silver/white/yellow livery and a pair of MAN denim shirts. You'll be the envy of your friends when you walk into the truckstop wearing one of these. Denim makes me think of cowboys. in the proper sense of course so let's move to a western.
Alan Ladd, Van Heflin and Jack Palance starred in a 1953 movie that has become a dassk of the genre. Was it called: a) Shave b) Shame c) Shane
10. Clocking out to run it again
et's make time for a clock that goes backwards. Ideal for those who have had a terrible year and would like to try again. Or for the transport operation forever trying to steal a few hours.
Webasto Thermosystems has supplied this unique yet impressively handsome waihnounted time piece.
Strictly out of character-Webasto's other products. lam told, are at the "leading edge of technology".
A question on time then. In the film "Back to the Future" teenage time traveller Marty McFly visits which year?
a) 1885 6) 2015
c) 1955
11 Reaching for the stars with Leyland Daf
3 ()Hectors of top of the range truck models are in for lots of treats in this year's Christmas Hawk.
Few will look more handsome on your mantlepiece than a scale reproduction of the star of the Leyland Daf range, the Super Space Cab 95.500, launched at the start of last year. Our friends in Thame have donated one of these rare models, which could be worth a cosmic sum in years to come. The kicky winner needs to answer this question with a space theme.
Who was the first man in outer space? Was it a) Yuri Gagarin b) Dan Dare c) John Glenn
12. Keeping a date with Scania
0 ll right, so Christmas i hasn't been quite the success you anticipated. When children start being sick after over-indulgence in chocolate Santas, candlewax and mummy's new perfume it's amazing just how long they go on for isn't it? The carpet will cost a fortune to clean. You wouldn't mind so much if they were your kids. And then there was the Christmas party at the neighbours. How were you to know that the "30-year-old" blonde bombshell you were chatting up so successfully was still sitting her 0-levels? Or that she was your boss's daughter?
Never mind. What you need is a fresh start. It's a new year, time to go new places, meet new friends, get a new life! And what better to help you than a pocket sized diary and address book set, courtesy of Scania, in a handsome navy case trimmed with gold lettering. I have six sexy sets to despatch to lucky winners. First answer me this On which dale did Britain become a member of the European Economic Community? Was it a) 5 June 1975 b) 1st January 1973 c) 29 January 1963
73. Small but perfectly formed puds
oxing Day arrives. You regret eating so much.
As you drink European wine lake quantities of liver salts you mouth these words, "Never again". And this time you mean it.
Today you will definitely take it easy on the food and drink. After all, at your age you've got to start taking things a bit easier. Small quantities of everything, spoonfuls of scrambled eggs maybe? But heck it's still Christmas! Don't give in so easily, you wimp! You've got to enjoy yourself!
This is where Matthew Walker can help. These manufacturers of gourmet Christmas puddings have supplied eight gift packs, each containing two miniature Victorian Recipe ruin and brandy puds and a collectors vintage van livened in the Matthew Walker colours. Not only can you keep to a sensible amount of pud but you have a toy to distract you from second helpings.
To win a pud prize answer this body question.
What is the name of TV's boozy chef? Is it a) Pink Floyd b) Keith Floyd c) Floyd Patterson
14. Roadt rains in theoutback
ahere comes a time over the Christmas break when even the most dedicated couch potato can't bear to watch any more TV. If you see 'The Great Escape" once more you'll appeal against the lenient nature of the sentence meted out to Steve McQueen and his fidgety pals.
As for "The World of Disney"—don't you just hate cartoons when you've got crippling indigestion from too much plum pud?
Time then to head for the Great Outdoors where men are... a bit sweaty, actually, and it's wall to wall sheep and cattle as fax as the eye can see. Also, there are sonic very big trucks. Yes, this is Australia, home of the multi-trailer roadtrains crossing Alice Springs to Darwin, Townsville to Mount Isa or simply baking in the Tanami desert.
Hang on. you're thinking. I can't get possibly get to Australia and back in time to join the in-laws for Christmas night sherry and yuletide log slice, before chestnuts roasting on an open fire.
Ah, but you don't have to! Because thanks to Roundoak Publishing the Hawk has three copies of a 52 minute video, Roadtrain! to fill that aching gap when the TV schedule goes soggy.
To win one please identify the yodelling Aussie superstar who swept to the top of the charts with, remember you".Was it
a) Frank }Field IA Rolf Harris
c) Dame Edna Everage
15. Seddon
Atkinson's big prize
his competition is for big lads or lasses only. You
could say it's the Hawk's version of Mr High and Mighty or whatever shop it is that specialises in folk that are larger than average. And who wants to be average anyway?
Big hearted Seddon Atkinson wanted to make an outsize gesture to help this year's goodie bonanza. Hence the arrival of three Robbie Coltrane-size dark blue anoraks, chest size up to 56 inches. You will look a cracker if you one win of these you'd be crackers not to enter this competition if you are one of life's bigger people.
So, let's go to the BIG question. The New York Giants play what sport?Is it
a) Baseball b) American Football c) Croquet
16. Getting fleeced by Volvo
t can get jcilly cold in Sweden this time of year which is why the two anoraks supplied by our friends at Volvo are not just any old anoraks, they are fleecy for extra warmth. What's more they're in a "hot" petrol/burgundy colourway to give your body temperature a psychological boost.
We shall see. In the meantime, rest assured that in one of these garments you could happily watch winter sports such as ice skating or hockey for hours without becoming numb. Personally, I get cold just watching the weather report. Which brings me neatly to this question. Which former World Cup player and international team manager has a daughter who is a TV weather forecaster? is it a) Roy of the Rovers
6) Terry Venables c) Jackie Charlton
by the Hawk