The Wheels of Industry.
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"‘ The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it "runs."—John Beattie Crueler.
Proceedings of Local Authorities.
The Dundee T.C. is to obtain a motor tractor for the fire-escape.
The St. Helens T.C. is to purchase a steam motor wagon for the Lighting Department.
The Wolverhampton T.C. is to purchase a second-hand. 25 b.p.
Albion motor omnibus at 2250. • The .Hetton (Durham) tr.D. C. is obtaining estimates of motor vehicles for the Scavenging Department.
The Sewage Purification Committee of the Morley T.C. is considering the purchase of a motor wagon.
The Kettering U.D.C. has received the sanction of the L.G.B. to borrow 2950 for the purchase of a motor fire-engine. • A 5-ton steam wagon with endtipping body has been purchased by the. Birmingham T.C. from Clayton and Shuttleworth, Lincoln, for use in the Water Department..
The Tramways Committee of the Glasgow Corporation has been authorized to obtain offers for the supply of an electrically-propelled vehicle for use in the Tramway Department.
The. Torquay Corporation has decided to issue licence with number-plate to proprietors of hackney motors, but has, in response to a petition, consented to waive the regulation as to the provision of meters.
Conferences are taking place between the Sheffield Corporation and the Handsworth D.C. regarding a new motorbus service to Woodhouse. The local council suggests that the Corporation should pay three-eighths of a 1d. per car mile run over the district roads.
The Sheffiekl Corporation has bought two second-hand Coramer cars,_ one for 2260, the other for 2278, for removing clinker, and is now asking for a petrol licence of 50 gallons per week for the two vehicles. The Corporation is also buying two second-hand generating sets and condenser for £810, and two battery equipments for charging electric vehicles.
The Highways Committee of the Kensington RC. has had under consideration the advisability of using motor brooms for road sweeping. The committee considers it would effect a saving in cost, but having 'regard to the difficulty there would be in obtaining competent drivers, and to the high price of petrol at themoment, the subject is. adjourned for sixmonths..
A motorvan for the Tramways Parcels Department is being purchasedby the Halifax Corporation, at a, cost of 2190.
The Cleansing Committee of the Manchester Corporation is open to receive tenders for motor streetsweeping machines.
The fares upon the corporation motorbus service of West Bromwich are to be increased, according to a decision of the Town Council, owing to the greater cost of electricity, material and wages.
At a meeting of the Denbighshire County Council it was decided to request the urban authorities to claim . contribution from motorbus proprietors with regard to the wear and tear on main roads in such areas caused by this traffic.
The Bradford Corporation, in order to test the value of motor traction, has arranged the delivery of coke to be made by horse traction one week and motor the next_ According to the report of the Street Cleansing Department a motor sweeper does its work along a street of over 1000 yds. in 20 mins. at a cost of is. led. ; when swept by team labour the time taken is 1 hour at a cost of Is. 10,1d.
The Walsall Corporation has arranged to buy a second-hand English-made, chassis, to be fitted as a parcel-van, at a cost of 230u. The Corporation has also instructed the surveyor, if necessary, to take into the public road a portion of Bloxwiek Park, to enable motorbuses to turn more conveniently.
The Walsall Corporation Tram Dept. has arranged to maintain the motor ambulance recently presented, at a cost of 21 per week for 12 months. This sum includes cost of driver for emergency calls, petrol, oil, and cleaning, and allows a. maximum mileage of 50 per Week.
The Bournemouth T.C. has been refused the loan of 21000 for a motor fire-engine by the-L.G.R.
The Lighting and Cleansing Committee of the Salford Corporation proposes to accept the tender of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., for a 24ton tipping Wagon, for the sum of 2747 17s. 6d. • • The Southampton County. Council has been asked by the .Board of Agriculture for a reportson the, present use of motor ploughs and tractors in the county, including opinions of users, amount of fuel consumed, types of machinery, and information on suitability of ploughs, but owing to a depleted staff, the County Council cannot comply with the request.
During a. discussion on the question of Government control of motor tractors, by the Kesteven County Council, the opinion was expressed that when tractors were ordered by private individuals they should not be commandeered by the Government. On the other hand, the value of organized Government depots with competent men in charge, and practical drivers, was pointed out.
Defence of the Realm Losses Royal Commission.
To-morrow (Friday), at 10.30 a.m., the Defence of the Realm Losses Royal Commission will proceed with the hearing of the claim of the Petrol Users and Traders Supply Society, Ltd., for compensation.
The British Electric Car Co., Ltd_, is to be liquidated voluntarily, and Mr. L. E. Pickin (address not stated) has been appointed liquidator.
The Railless Electric Traction Co., Ltd., is to be liquidated volimtarily, and Mr. Alfred Page, chartered accountant, of 28, King Street, Cheapside, E.C., has been appointed liquidator.
Use of Spikes on Wheels.
It was agreed by the SouthEastern branch of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers, at a recent meeting, that the authorities should be advised to consult the Institution before the law permitting the use of spikes and studs on wheels of agricultural road locomotives came into force. Owners did not always remove the spikes when no longer necessary, and, this was detrimental to the roads.
We desire to invite particular attention to the letters in this issue, amongst our "Opinions from Others," from Mr. John Falconer and Mr. John Allen. That from Mr. Falconer only reached us after we had sent to press the first page of the issue.
Agrimotors for Ireland.
Mr. Duke, replying to a question in the louse of Commons by Mr. Patrick Meehan last week, stated that arrangements had been made to provide shipping accommOclation for a considerable number of motor tractors, but that the -available tractors and ploughs will be comparatively few in relation to the tillage required, for which reason farmers in Ireland should concentrate upon the acquisition and use of ordinary horse-drawn ploughs, including where possible doublefurrow ploughs drawn by three horses.
The War Loan.
It is interesting to note the following amongst other additional applications for war loan: Mr. Wm. Birtwistle (Blackburn), £100,000; , Triumph Cycle Co., Ltd., £150,000; Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd.' £128,974; George Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd., £71,000; S. Smith and Sons Motor Accessories, Ltd., £40,000; Mr. Claude Johnson, 210,000 Staff of Smith, Parfrey and CO., Ltd., £5000; Auto Carriers, Ltd., 218,000' Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. 2510,000 ; Ford Motor Co. (England), Ltd., £100,000; BudgeWhitworth, Ltd., £51,000; and Mr. Harry Parsons, £1,7,500.
Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd.
The report of the directors of the Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd., for the year ended the 1st January last, shows a pre-. mium income of 2412,375, of which none is derived from either marine or foreign fire risks.. The claims paid amount to 2232,515, commission and management expenses to £138,457, re-insurances and bonuses to policy holders, 232,425, and sundiy previsions to £1603. Reserves for unexpired -risks and claims estimated outstanding amount to 2221,650. The balance for the year is £14,008, which the directors propose to apply to complete the writing off of the establishment account (210,000), to pay a dividend of 10 per cent, for the year free of income tax, and to carry forward 2485. The accumulated funds are 2385,658-215,000 up. The results are practically the same as for the year 1915, notwithstanding the increasing difficulties under which insurance business is now conducted.
en The annual meeting is fixed for the 28th inst., at 12 noon, at 83, Pall Mall, S.W.
Radiator Repairs.
Barimar, Ltd., of 10, Poland Street, London, W., draws attention to its special facilities for the quick ; repair of radiators of all types. This company in fact devotes as much attention to the repairing of radiators as it does to the repairing of other motor parts.
Ferodo Friction Surfaces.
Owing to the continually-increasing cost of raw-materials, the manufacturers of Ferodo fabrics have advanced the prices of these fabrics 15 per cent., so that list prices are now plus 25 per cent., instead of plus 10 per cent. as hitherto. Prices have till now been maintained at their previous level owing to large stocks of raw material. The well-known quality of Ferodo fabrics is maintained, and engineers, motorists, and other users will find that Ferodo linings are efficient, reliable and economical. The address of the makers is : The Herbert Frood Co., Ltd., Chapel-en-leFrith, Derbyshire.
L.C.C. Tramways.
The Highways Committee of the L.C.C., which committee is responsible for the working of the Council's tramways, has recommended a far-reaching reorganization of the undertaking, and the devolution of various managerial duties upon heads of branches. The L.C.C. appears to be taking yet another lesson from the L.G.O.C. practice.
The position of the L.C.C. tramway undertaking is at the moment so nearly approaching the critical stage, i.e., the day on which its originators and present-day supporters will not be able any longer to hide from the ratepayers the fact that the undertaking is really conducted at a loss that we are not surprised thus to ; witness these working changes, although we doubt if they will bring about the desired results. The management of the undertaking by Mr. A. L. C. Fell left little to be desired. It. is the inherent difficulties of tramway locomotion in London that must cause it to take second place to motorbus locomotion, Agency Developments.
We learn from Mr. H. C. Berry, of Heath's Garage, Ltd., Birmingham, that. this well-known Midland cemparly has concluded arrangements with the Austin Motor Car Co., Ltd., of Northfield, to represent it in the Midland district. As a result, very favourable deliveries of Austin 2-3-ton commercial motors can be given by Heath's Garage, Ltd., which company has already sold a number of Austin chassis.
We have received interesting particulars from Harris and Hasell, Ltd., of 141, Victoria Street, Brie
tol, which company may be properly regarded as amongst the pioneers of commercial-motor enterprise on the modern scale. Despite the conditions which arise from its contributions in man-power to the active forces of the Crown, both from the proprietors and the staff, the company's resources and energies are euch that it continues satisfactorily to conduct such representative commercial-motor business as the sale of Karriercars, Star chassis,. Palladium cara, WoodMilne tires, Reo chassis, Hoyt antifriction metals, Maxima oils and Agrippa ,brake linings. Its activities cover an area which embraces the whole of South Wales and many important districts in the southwest of England. . We anticipate having occasion to return to the subject of the facilities which this company can offer.
Recent Registrations.
G. Matthews, Ltd. (21500), to take over a tinsmith's, coppersmith's and sheet-Metal worker's busine,ss, as now carried on at 70;. Mott Street, Birmingham.
London and Cambridge Motor Co., Ltd. (24000), with its registered office at 3, Gt. St. Helens, E.C. to carry on the business of manufacturing and dealing in motor vehicles, etc. Fairfield Supplies Co., Ltd. (2'4000, to take over the business of the Fairfield Supply Co., now carried on at 8, Goring Street, B.C., and to conduct an engineering, tool making and other business (including manufacturing and dealing in motor vehicle*.
Rotax Motor Accessories Co., Ltd. (2175,000), to take over the businees now carried on at the Rotax Works, Willesden, as the Rotax Motor Accepsories Co., and to develop the sale of lighting equipment for railways, tramways, motorcars and vehicles.
European and General Express Co.' Ltd. (26000), to take over a forwarcling and carmen's business from Hubert Siegmund and Erhard Schneider, now carried on as the European and General Express Co., at 15, Poland Street, W. Secretary, T. J. Brunner. The usual declaration has been filed that the company is not formed far the purpose or with the intention of acquiring all or part of any enemy business.
Associated British Machine Tool Makers, Ltd. (2100,000), with its registered office at 34, Victoria Street, S.W., to carry on the business of machine and engineering tool manufacturing, mechanical, electrical and general engineering, cte. Signatories: W. B. Lang, Johnstone, near Glasgow ; G. W. Gregory, Manchester ; S. A. Smith, Ashton-on-Mersey ' • G. Thompson, Birmingham; W. F. Clark, Birmingham ; W. G. Shanks. Milliken Park, near Glasgow; S. H. March, Chorlton-cumHardy ; H. Butler, Halifax. British Magnetos.
The British Ignition Apparatus Association, of which' body Mr. E. Garton, of 83, Waverley Road, Kenilworth, is honorary secretary, is responsible for the official announcement that all the British airmen who destroyed Zeppelins were using at the time British magnetos, designed in Britain, and made by British labour in all-British factories.
Production of New Agrimotors in England.
A well-known British company which makes commercial motors 'has informed us that it is desirous to co-operate with reputable agricultural implement makers or agents, in the matter of placing high class, moderate priced, British-made motor tractors and ploughs on the market. This British company has at the moment completed its drawings, and is in a position to produce. We think that its idea, of availing itself of assistance at the hands of some expert agriculturist a very sound one. Letters should be addressed "Agricola," care of the Editor.
Taking the Comforts Fund "as Granted."
Not a few old supporters of this journal, and possibly some new ones, are inclined, we fear, to take our Campaign Comforts Fund "as granted." This is in a sense a misfortune for us, but it is a greater misfortune for those at the Fronts who are dependent upon the work which we do in the matter, and even more directly upon continuing financial support.
We agree that the Fund is looked upon as a running concern, it has been going smoothly now for nearly 2i years, inclusive of practically three winters. The Fund, has,
therefore, been with us and our readers nearly as long as the war itself: Yet, exactly as in the case of the war, its comparative age must not be allowed to operate as a reason for waning interest in it. It is true, in some senses, that the better condition, position and organization of the British Army as a whole is reflected in the state of the M.T., A.S.C. overseas—those very improvements are in part due to the efficiency of the ALT., A.S.C.
The call for condorts per unit is nothing like so great as it was during the first and second winters of the war, but in the aggregate it is very niuch0 greater than ever before, due to increased numbers.
Have you, reader, passed by all. these points before If so, please turn to page 559.
Agrimotor Position in the U.K.
We are able, after due inquiry in official quarters, to summarize the current position as to agrimotors thus :— 1. No permit is required at the present time for the import of agricultural machinery. 2. The Government is not commandeering tractors and ploughs indiscriminately ; it has merely ordered about 400, chiefly from abroad.
3. British firms have asked, and are being allowed, to execute their orders in ordinary rotation to any customers they may obtain in the United Kingdom. , 4. Supply of petrol.—It is unsafe for any user to rely on obtaining petrol to run his tractor, except for starting purposes. 5. Supply of paraffin.—It is desirable that every purchaser of a tractor should try to make a contract in advance, so as to mako quite sure he can obtain fuel.
6. Farmers, dealers, and users can buy or sell agricultural machinery, or parts, without a permit.
7. A permit is required to manufacture or erect new machinery, or new parts ; this is at once granted if the inquirer can prove the requirements are for national needs, and it is shown that the material is not required for more urgent work. Sir W. A. Tritton.
We took the opportunity early last week, shortly after we had gone to press with our issue dated. the 15th inst., to telegraph our congratulations to Sir W. A. Tritton at the Wellington Foundry, Lincoln, on the inclusion of his name in the Honours List. This recognition. of his work on the "tanks " is, we feel sure, appreciated throughout the industry, as well as being well received by the public at large.
The Royal Overseas Officers' Club at the R.A.C.
The new title of the R.A.C., after the ist prox., is that which we give above. Full particulars of new arrangements will be found in the current issue of our sister journal "The Motor," dated the 20th inst. All existing members can use the club premises until the 28th inst., after which date the non-military members will be found accommodation in other clubs, particulars of which accommodation has yet to be announced.
Institution of Mechanical Engineers & Transmission Gears.
We learn that Mr. R. E. Phillips, 34.I.M. E., chartered patent agent, of 70, Chancery Lane, W.C., has been awarded the Starley Premium for 1917, in respect of a paper which he recently read before the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on "Variable Speed Gears for Motor Road Vehicles." This paper refers in the main to various patent specifications. Any reader of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR who desires to have a reprint of the paper can obtain one on direct application to Mr. Phillips at the address given. Glasgow Tramways.
It is interesting to put on record the fact that the tramways Undertaking by the Glasgow Corporation is now clear of debt, and has a surplus of 2119,055 in hand. Capital expenditure to the amount of £3,835,157 has been extinguished, i.e., the whole amount of the capital expenditure with the abovementioned surplus in excess. It will now be possible largely to reduce the actual appropriations, and to transfer them direct to Glasgow's" Common Good" Fund.
The Glasgow Corporation Tramways were taken over from a local company in the year 1894, as a, horse-traction system, and electrified in the year 1901. It has thus taken about 18 years to wipe out the capital, which record is superior to that of any other tramway undertaking in the world. We offer our hearty congratulations to Mr. James Dalrymple, general manager, and to the Glasgow Corporation who have so ably backed him in conducting this huge enterprise.
" O .H.M. S."
There have recently been several prosecutions and convictions, at the Guildhall, E.C., in connection with the unauthorized use of the letters " 0.11.M.S." on commercial motors. As the evidence showed that both owners and drivers were acting under a misapprehension, we do not mention certain cases in detail. It is desirable, however, that we should remind readers: that the letters " 0.H.M.S." must not be used without the written authority of a Government Department, and that, even when such authority is granted, they must not be used on a vehicle at any time when it is doing work other than the Work in respect of which the authority has been granted.
Detinning at Hornsey.
Mr. E. J. Lovegrove, Borough Engineer of Hornsey, has obtained excellent results from the use of an hydraulic scrap-bundling press, supplied by Hollings and Guest, Ltd., Thimble Mill Lane, Birmingham in connection with waste tins and 'scrap metal after detinning. Mr. Lovegrove's figures show that, on the Council' undertaking to sell the iron free of tin, and to do their own pressing and sorting or certain classes of scrap, they were able to obtain much higher prices.. The Council carries out its own &tinning in a suitable furnace heated by the destructor flue gases. Improved financial results would have been primarily due to this method of using available heat,-and avoiding extra 1al3our. Delivery of Agrimotors.
We are assured by Mr. S. F. Edge Director of the Agricultural Machinery Branch of the Ministry of Munitions, that -there, is no reason why agents in this country for a number of American agrimotors should not give comparatively-early delivery of that .class of mothanical aid for farming.
Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co.
Our recent inspection of the new Yorkshire wagon was supplemented by a, tour through the works. Considerable extensions are in progress, and others show signs of recent completion. The system of working should tend towards a maximum of efficiency. The raw material is taken in the stores at one -end of the works. passing through to the machine ship, and by a circular route taken to the other half of the stores where the finished material is kept. What used to be a combined machine and erecting shop has now to be devoted entirely to the latter operation a new machine shop of considerable size being almost complete and stocked in the main with new and up-todate machinery. A journey through the erecting shop serves to indicate the scope which a steamer offers for special types of body construction. The Yorkshire Co., apparently, have laid themselves out to meet every possible requirement. We observed in progress, besides the ordinary lorries for transport work, some special four-compartment machines for coal delivery, arranged so that any one of the four compartments could be opened at the bottom', the inside being so formed that immediately this was done, the coal would shoot out as from a tip. Wagons of the well type for the Rhondda Urban District Council, and a special gully-emptier for Bradford, were machines of particular interest. Rubberine, Ltd.
The directors of Rubberine, Ltd., in their report for the year ended the 30th December last, show that the net profit has been £1976. After paying a final dividend of 5 per cent., making 10 per cent. for the year, and placing £1000 to general reserve, 1386 is carried forward. The company is now extending its works, in order to deal with increasing orders.
Kahncrete Engineering.
The January issue of" Kahnerete Engineering," the hi-monthly devoted to the subject of reinforced concrete as exemplified by the Kahn system, and published at Caxton House, Westminster, contains some interesting remarks on the difference between British and foreign methods of doing business, and points out how all advances in connection with reinforced eon crete, such as experimental investigations and developments, have been almost, entirely made abroad. It is hoped that some of this indifference has been banished by the sentiments that have been aroused by theiwar. Other features of interest are articles on the engineering works of Arrol-Johnston, Ltd. the Stella reservoir at Durban, Natal, the use of .Hy-Rib in present-day constructional work (including a photograph of the new works for the Continental Motor Manufacturing Co.) all buildings of which have Hy-Rib walls and roofs, and a; description of the new head offices of the Cunard Steamship Co., Liverpool. _ A Spreial Repair Department. The New Welding Co., Rosebery Avenue, E.C., has recently organized a special repair section to deal entirely with welding work .
that cannot be sent to the works. This is of special interest at the present time to _motor-vehicle owners, owing to the impossibility of procuring spare parts at. a moment's notice. A. breakdown caused by the sudden collapse of a vital part is irremediable when it is necessary perhaps to wait; two or three weeks to secure a new part, save by an immediate repair. In this special department, 24 hours notice is, as a rule, sufficient to ensure the despatch of the necessary staff and plant. The variety of the work done is considerable, ranging from small tools to axles, boilers, etc. Sudden breaks often oecur in the frame of a motor vehicle, due to overloading. By communicating at once with such a special repair department, the break can be mended in a few hours. For complicated cases an expert is sent at once, even to far-removed districts. 1917: The Agent's Year.
The M.T.A. and Agents' Section, Ltd., in its notes for last week, included the following opinion upon Nos. I to VII of our series of articles, concluded in this issue, under the heading which we have also given to this paragraph :— "The present trend of opinion in
the commercial-vehicle world is indicated by a series of articles under the above title which commenced in TOE COMMERCIAL MOTOR of 28th December. Few have the same experience of the commercialmotor trade as the Editor, Mr. Shrapnell-Srnith, or an equal opportunity for feeling its pulse and forming an'estimate of the general trade tendency. The fact
that he ventures to predict, in effect, that 1917 will see a great strengthening of the position of agents for commercial vehicles, is a matter for congratulation. Assuming that the agency inethod of distribution is more generally adopted, there is no doubt that results will be very carefully scrutinized during the first few years."