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No digitach card... and now no 0-licence

22nd January 2009
Page 25
Page 25, 22nd January 2009 — No digitach card... and now no 0-licence
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AN OWNER-driver who was twice warned that he did not have a digital tachograph card has had his licence revoked and been disqualified from holding or obtaining an 0-licence in any Traffic Area for a year.

In addition, the Scottish Traffic Commissioner Joan Aitken suspended his HCiV driving licence for nine months.

Traffic examiner Susan Wood told the TC that vehicles belonging to Dundee-based James White were not being parked at the Dunmont Quarry operating centre but at Ethiebeaton Quarry.

In September 2007. White was driving a vehicle that had a digitach fitted, but he did not have a card. She detected a weekly rest offence and issued a prohibition. Some days later she again saw White, who had still not obtained a digitach card. She obtained tachograph record sheets, downloaded data from the digitach and obtained load data sheets from the quarry. She established that drivers' hours offences had been committed though the full extent could not be determined. She made several attempts to speak to White about her findings but to no avail.

The TC said White appeared to have been about to give up his business; it was a fair supposition that as a result he was paying little regard to the licence undertakings in regard to drivers' hours and tachograph rules.