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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage Ls by the roughness of the roads over which it rums."—John _Beattie Crozier,
. Thwarting Bus Enterprise.
Art inquiry as to the appeal of the Lancashire Industrial Motors, Ltd. {Pendle Bus Service; to the Ministry of Transport: against the decision of the Great Harwood Urban Council, refusing a licence fur their motorbuses to ply for hire in the Council's district, was heard at Great Harwood recently.
The reason given by the Corporation for refusing the licence was that the members of the local council were nnanimously of the opinion that the present service was adequate for the traffic in the district. The matter was fully inquired into, and the inspector said he would present a report to the Ministry, who would probably communicate with the Council before any deaieion was arrived at. This is one of a large number of similar cases.
Traffic Powers Desired by Newport.
Newport (Mom) Watch Committee is asking that in the next Corporation Bill clauses should be inserted empowering the corporation to anake regulations prescribing the routes through the borough for traffic of any class, and with reapect to stands to be occupied exclusively by certain omnibuses, etc., end to make a charge for the standing or parking of motor vehicles in certain portions of prescribed streets.
It is further suggested that there should be a clause providing for the prevention of the erection of hoardings at street corners so as to be a danger to traffic by obstructing the view at such corners.'
The German Motor Industry.
It is of interest to know that, although the German manufacturers of motor vehicles have been unable to meet foreign competition in the home market, so far as private cars are concerned, for nearly all the vehicles sold during June of this year were either Fords or Renaults, yet as regards motor lorries the German makers enjoyed fairly good sales, and even achieved some success abroad.
A Bradford Rubber goad.
Another rubber road experiment is being conducted by the Bradford Corporation, a stretch of road in Leeds Road, which is traversed by heavy. raffic between Leeds mid Bradford, being laid down with a surface composed of rubber from old motor tyres cut very fine and then mixed with a solvent in a mixer
similar to.that for asphalt.
The rubber is brought to the site cut into very small pieeea looking very much like currants. After treatment in the mixer it is laid on to a concrete surface in a hot state, -being smoothed down.by. means of trowels coated with clay to prevent the robber sticking.
After the mass has set any unevenness or trowel marks are taken out by sliding a hot iron weighing about 1 cwt. over the surface.
The rubber snrface made from Mocks cut from solid tyres gave way -under the E22
stress of an engine and boiler early one morning. Although the road had previously withstood similar traffic, it is thought that the damage was done because the load was carried over it in the early morning, when there was a difference in temperature between the surface and the foundation. The blocks, which lifted out, are being reset, but it was found that certain settings withstood the weight better than others.
Tractor Trials Abandoned, As announced several weeks ago in The Commercial Motor the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders have, On account of lack of support, decided to abandon the projected tractor trials which were to have been held during September at Harmondsworth. This official ammunoemertt has now been made by the Society under the date of July 11th, 1924.
Commer Car Spare Parts.
An application of Commercial Cars, Ltd., Luton, for an injunction restricting a certain firm from selling cars or parts not of the plaintiffs' manufacture under the name of Commer Cars was recently mentioned in the courts.
An undertaking was given by defendants in the terms of the notice of motion until the date of the hearing of the action.
Railway Company's New Bus Service. • The London and North Eastern Railway Co. have added to the extensive chain of motorbus routes which they operate in the north-country by the. inauguration of a new service between Durham and Brancepeth.
Regulating New York Traffic,
The regulation of traffic in New York is becoming a problem, more and more difficult to solve. Efforts are constantly being made to overcome the difficulty, and the latest of these consists of a system of coloured lights extending aver Broadway from Rector Street, in the business district, for six miles to 86th Street, at intervals of six blocks.
'Directed by these signals, north and south-bound traffic moves uninterruptedly for 90 secs., then, after an interval of 10, secs., the east and westbound traffic proceeds for 40 secs. Control policemen are also provided, but we learn that the system is working so well that they have very little work to do.
Electrics for Islington.
The purchase of two 2k-ton Edison accumulator electrics from Electricars, Ltd., at 2938 13s. each is recommended by the cleansing committee of the Islington Borough Council, which proposes the displacement of jts remaining horsed vehicles.
A report of the borough treasurer shows the cost of refuse collection by horsed vehicles to be 13s. 8d. compared with 12s. 4d. by motor vehicles, and it was estimated that the cost by the two new electrics would come to 9s. 1d. per ton.
Short-period Licences Wanted.
The Blackpool and District Motor Char-a-bancs' Owners' Association have made advances to the Ministry of Transport for the issue of short-period licences on a daily or weekly basis. The reason stated is that many owners, on account of the heavy expense involved, do not take out any licence for some of their vehicles, whereas, if a short-period licence were granted many, proprietors would take out one during holiday and busy periods, and so benefit both themselves and the Revenue.
The Vehicle Market in Holland.
A. confidential report on the market in motor vehicles in Holland has been prepared by the Department of Overseas Trade from information received by the commercial secretary at The Hague, and this has been issued to firms whose names are entered upon its special register. , United Kingdom firms desirous of receiving a copy of this report and particulars of the special register should communicate with 'the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1. • Cause of Ambulance Delays.
With regard to complaints as to ambulance delays, the L.Q.C. informs the Bermondsey Borough Council that the delay in these cases generally arises from the failure of onlookers to give the calls. The commit has, in fact, expressed the opinion that the existing ambulance service, with prospective additions, will adequately meet the needs of the county for some time to come.
Comfort Tyres for Citroens
We are advised by the directors of Citroen Cars, Ltd., that they have decided to adopt Michelin "Comfort" tyres and wheels as standard on all Citroen models, the entire production of the works being now so equipped. On the 7.5 hp. model special 715 mm. by 115 mm. wheels equipped with 715 mm. by 115 mm. tyres are employed, whilst on the 11.4 h.p. model the same size wheel is equipped with 730 mm. by 130 mm. tyres. The date upon which this change was made was Thursday, July 17th last.
It is claimed that Citroens are the first large manufacturers in the world to adopt low-pressure tyres as standard on all models.
Workmen's Tickets for Buses.
The Motorbus Owners' Association has addressed a letter to the Stoke-on-Trent Watch Committee stating that the members of the Association propose introducing a scale of fares and a system of workmen's weekly tickets. The matter has been referred to a sub-committee for consideration.
Overseas Requirements in Vehicle Design.
Interesting papers on the requirements of the overseas market were read at the recent Empire Automobile Conference held at the British Empire Exhibition, Wembley, and some of the points raised in the discussion which followed are of special value to manufacturers who are considering the question of catering for these markets. Naturally, many of the points applied te private cars only, but some of them should also be of value in connection with commercial vehicles, especially light vans.
One speaker considered that the highspeed engine was quite suitable where good roads existed, but le pointed out that the clearance under any part of the vehicle should be at least 10 ins., measursd whan it was fully loaded and not when light. This is a point often overlooked by British designers. He pleaded for greater attention to be paid to springs and bodywork, and asked for a vehicle which would be light in weight and of considerable power. Stove enamelling was recommended as a lasting finish for the body.
Another speaker said that greater consideration ihould be given to the ratio of power to weight, and that the direct drive should not be higher than 4.5 to 1, as moderate average speeds, are usually called tor rather than alternate crawling and speeding. He put forward the necessity for an off-side door to give the driver egress in difficult situations, and severely condemned the author's suggestion of nickel-plating of any part, owing to the dazzling effect under a tropical sun.
It was urged by other contributors to the discussion that vehicles suitable for the Colonies would be every bit as suitable and as acceptable in this country, and it was stated that they could be built in England to compete successfully with American products.
No Season Tickets for Nottingham's Buses.
A deputation from the Beeston Urban Council recently interviewed the manager of the Nottingham City Tramways with a view to pointing out the demi, ability of inaugurating season tickets on the corporation buses plying between the city and Beeston. No hope, however, was held out regarding any such departure.
The L.G.O.C. Sports.
The second annual sports meeting of the L.G.O.C. staff will be held at Stamford Bridge Grounds, Fulham, London, S.W., on Thursday, August 14th. Some of the items will be open to any of the combine's employees from the trams, trains or buses, and prizes to the value of L2100 will be offered.
Congested Glasgow.
Glasgow chief constable reports a great increase in char-à-bancs traffic in the city, and the matter has been referred to a special committee which the corporation has appointed in connection with the question of congestion of street traffic.
Newport Bridge is in the hands of the contractors for demolition and is closed to traffic, the temporary structure be ing now in full use. A new bridge is being constructed.
Broadcasting Bus Business
Wireless is being increasingly used by American motor manufacturers to obtain publicity, taking the form of weekly broadcasted talks on motor topics of public interest. In this respect the sphere of the road motor vehicle is not being neglected, for recently an official of the bus department of Mack Trucks, Inc., broadcasted from New York a talk on "Highway Passenger Transportation."
Dutch Imports.
Imports of complete motor lorries into Holland fell from 988 in 1922 to 420 in 1923, but the number of commercial chassis imported increased from 1,120 in 1922 to 3,911 last year. Germany was the leading supplier of complete lorries last year with 245, followed by Belgium with 95. The majority of the latter were Ford light vans assembled at the Antwerp plant, and it was from this factory that upwards of 3,700 chassis entered the Dutch market.
Bus Veto Pending Traffic Authority.
As the result of representations made by the Bethnal Green Borough Council, the L.C.C. has asked the Ministry of Transport to take steps with a view to the running of omnibuses on Sundays from Roman Road via Grove Road to Lauriston Road, as proposed by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., being prohibited pending the setting-up of the proposed Statutory Advisory Committee on London Traffic and the settlement of the procedure to be adopted under the proposed London Traffic Act.
In our recent reference to the new chairman of the Steam Vehicle Committee of the S.M.M. and T., we inadvertently prefixed the name of Mr. Victor R. Garrett with the title of colonel, for which we now express ilur regret.
It is announced by the Department of Commerce, Washington, that 33,374 motor lorries were produced in the U.S.A. in May last.
The Spennymoor Urban District Council has under "consideration the purchase of a motor lawn mower.
An Important Peruvian Road.
A highway, 12 kiloms. in length, has just been completed between Callao, the chief seaport, and Lima, the capital, of Peru. Callao receives 60 per cent. of the total imports entering Peru, and hitherto the greater part of this merchandise has been conveyed to Lima either by two-wheeled carts or by railway.
The haul from , Callao to Lima is short, and it is expected that motor lorries will rapidly replace the old style of transportation. Local dealers hope to enjoy large sales of lorries for some considerable time to come.
Delivering Table Jellies by Motor.
An interesting type of vehicle was recently supplied by Leyland Motors, Ltd., to the well-known Northern firm of Morris. and Jones, of Liverpool, the makers of table jellies, etc. The vehicle consists of an Al standard 2-ton chassis fitted with cab and flat platform body, measuring 10 ft. 6 ins. by 6 ft.
The body is provided with a front bulkhead and a high tailboard, the exterior of the tailboard being covered with thin sheet-iron, which provides a perfectly flat 'surface for the lettering. An unusual feature is the three sliding sheet rails, which can be moved to either side, as may be required, to facilitate vertical loading; normally, they are secured rigidly in position, as shown in the illustration.
The complete vehicle is finished in white enamel with specially designed lettering carried out in black, and is extremely attractive.
Vehicle Parks and Bus Stands.
A number of local authorities in South Wales has recently given attention to the need for provision of vehicle parks and the definite allotment of street stands for buses.
The Tenby Council is to provide additional parking ground for chars-a-barics, probably at. the Silent Battery.
The Abergavenny Town Council has deputed a committee to fix upon parking spaces for vehicles, but has declined to adopt the committee's suggestion of a charge for use of spaces, on the ground 824 that the charge suggested was less than that made by local garage proprietors far short-period garaging of vehicles; and was, therefore, unfair to them.
A Pontardawe (Warn.) Council has determined to allocate standing places for heavy vehicles, and review the question of bus stands. Members pointed out that in West of England villages more had been done to solve the question of street congestion by allocating definite stands than had been done at this mining centre.
Therewas some expression of opinion that bus companies making the town a service terminus should provide a bus station or covered stand. Matters, it was stated, would be: improved by a bridge or street widening scheme to be embarked upon by the Glamorgan County Council.
The surveyor was deputed to interview Mr. David James, J.P., manager of the South Wales Transport Co., Swansea, and secure his aid in arranging bus stands.
Mr. G. K. Anderson has been appointed sales manager, and Mr. D. Vale assistant sales manager, of the Peachey Leather Products, Ltd. Mr. Vale will be in charge of the southern area of England.
Co-operative Society Transport
During the recent carnival at Blackpool one of the most striking exhibits consisted of five Dennis vehicles representing the co-operative industry.
The idea of forming a Co-operative Wholesale Society was conceived in 1860 at a little farmhouse called Jumbo Farm which, in the setpiece of scenery carrie:d on the vehicle illustrated, is represented on the summit of a small green hill, out of which arises in a halo of glory, the masses of masonry representing the present premises of the Society. The turnover of the Society is now over £70,000,000 a year, and it has become a world-wide organization, owning thousands of acres of tea plantations in India. and Ceylon. It possesses 100 factories, and it is interesting to note that, together with the retail houses, it owns over 500 Dennis vehicles.
Oxford's Public Vehicles.
At the Oxford Watch Committee it was reported that the sub-committee attended at the depot of the City of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., and examined and passed for licensing for the current year 28 double-decked omnibuses, 22 single-decked omnibuses and 11. chars&-bancs.
It was further reported that, with the exception of broken springs found in one of the cushions of an omnibus, all the vehicles were found to be in good condition.
Thirty-nine taxicabs were examined and passed, but in the opinion of the members of the committee ten of the taxicabs have not sufficient seating accommodation for four passengers,. and it was decided that these particular vehicles be licensed to carry three passengers only.
This makes a total number of 17 taxicabs licensed to carry three passengers only.
The British Petroleum Co., Ltd., recently issued a striking folder illustrating and briefly describing the varione stages in the production of B.P. petrol from the time the crude oil leaves the well in Persia until the spirit is finally delivered to the., motors.
Copies of this publication may be obtained on application to the company at 22. renchurch Street, London, E.C.3.
Trolleybuses for Merseyside.
The Wallasey Tramways Committee proposes to seek powers in a new Parliamentary Bill to proceed with railless trolley developments. A three-mile route for railless trolley, or other electrically propelled motor vehicles, is contemplated.
The cars would proceed along the new promenade from New Brighton Ferry to Harrison Drive (1 mile 990 yards), then along Harrison Drive (880 yards), through Wallasey Village, up Broadway, along Broadway Avenue (past Wallasey Church), and through the new housing site to the tramways depot in Seaview Road.
Another new motor route would join qp with this one at the junction of Broadway Avenue and Belvidere Road, proceeding along Belvidere Road to Wallasey Road and then on to Liscard Village.
A third new route would be from the Belvidere Road junction along the new portion of that thoroughfare to Rolleston Drive, across Grove Road, and along Sea Road, beside the municipal golf links, under the railway bridge to the new promenade.
A Guide to L.G.O.C. Country Bus Services.
special guide to the country bus services which are run regularly during the summer has been prepared by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., in response to requests from many thousands of lovers of London's countryside. The guide takes the form of an artistic and clearly printed map, on the other side of which are set out full details for each of the 109 routes run by the L.O.O.C. and allied bus companies. The guide is free, and copies may be obtained from any of the company's bus conductors or from any Underground station.
The Success of Motor Mowers.
We learn that the manufacturers of Atco motor mowers, C. H. Pugh, Ltd., of Whitworth Works, Tilton Road, Birmingham, have sold some 7,000 of these machines, although this is only the fourth year that they have been on the market.
Raffles,' Vehicles for Singapore.
Negotiations are nearing completion between Singapore Municipality and the owners of the local tramway system with regard to the removal of tracks, the reconstruction of the streets and the installation of railless trolley cars. It is understood that the company will have full control of this service on condition that the municipality is paid" a royalty of 2 cents (StraitS currency) per car-mile, as well as 5 per cent, of the traction profits.
The 16 miles of roads over which the tramways formerly ran will cost 2,400,000 Straits dollars to reconstruct, and this work will be completed within the next three years.
Barimar, Ltd., inform ns that every day they receive at least one consignment of parts for repair which does not bear the sender's name. Amongst those they have on hand which have been received in this manner are some valves from Peckham and pistons from Sleaford and Nottingham, whilst. heavier parts include a set of cylinders, an aluminium crankcase and large gearwheel.
If any of these parts have been sent by our readers, will they please communicate at once with Barimar, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W. C. 1 ?
Aberystwyth's Hackneys.
The Aberystwyth Town Council has framed a new scale of charges for hackney carriages. The maximum charge for carriage of any passengers up to five in number, from any stand to any house
in the borough, except between Ropes Fach, the entrance to the National Museum and Cliff Holme and Cliff Terrace, shall not exceed is. 6d. To any house in the borough other than in this limit 2s.
The charge in both cases includes handbags, other baggage to be charged for at the rate of 4d. per package. Drivers may charge 6d. per passenger, above the maximum permitted for hire of vehicle, over the number of two, and children are to be charged half-price. To places outside the borough a charge of 8d. per mile for out and back to stand journeys may be made, and waiting time is in this case to be charged for at the rate of ' 3s. per hour. The rate for outside areas is to apply only when the journey involved does not exceed seven miles.
The scale, as detailed, is an amendment, to that originally drafted. A deputation of taxi-owners waited on the council and pointed out that the question of baggage had assumed new proportions in view of the increased public travel. In former days the handbag was the general luggage of the passengers, but of late stout boxes and weighty bags are almost always incidental to a fare.
The Cardiff City Council has appointed a committee to investigate the bus fares on the municipal services with a view to reduction and re-organization of the stages.
Leo Swain and Co., Ltd., have removed from their Liverpool depot at Central Chambers, Colquitt Street, to No. 10, Colquitt Street, where more convenient premises have been secured. Here they will carry large stocks of motor accessories, tyres, tools and workshop equipment.
Local Proceedings.
Portland Urbau District Coimcil has authorized the purchase of none-ton tipping lorry.
Glasgow Corporation is to purchase a motor mower for use at Bellefield Sanatorium.
Chesterfield Corporation Tramways Committee has purchased two Karrier 20-seater motorbuses at 2950 each.
Harwich Town Council has granted a licence to the American Oil Co., Ltd., to store 3,000 gallons of petrol at Stour street.
Truro Watch Committee has refused to aiv a a taxicab licence to an applicant because there are already enough of such a-eludes
Beverley Watch Committee has witnessed a demonstration of the new motor fire-engine and expresses satisfaction with the various tests.
Sedg,eley Urban District Council reports in favour of a proposed service by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Bus Co., Ltd., between Stourbridge, Kingswinfoad. and Dudley via Hanley Road.
The L.C.C. has accepted an offer by Messrs. Martin and Co. for the supply of six light trailers for the motor lorries employed in the distribution of materials for track maintenance in the tramways department.
Leeds Corporation has asked the tramways committee to inquire as to the practicability of running motor omnibuses on routes outside the city area and to report as to the desirability of applying for the necessary powers. Carlisle Corporation has adapted bylaws relating to motor omnibuses.
Stoke-on-Trent Watch Committee is considering the purchase of a motor ambulance, • Dorchester Corporation has purchased a motor lorry from Messrs. Crabb and Co. for 2175.
Rotherham Corporation proposes to purehase a motor vehicle Mr the use of the gas department.
Rotherham Corporation Health Committee is considering the advisability of purchasing a motor ambulare. The London County Council paid 21,750 last half-year for the hire of petrol lorries for the tramways department.
Bournemouth Corporation has authorized the purchase of a motor lorry for the tramways department at an estimated cost of 2455..
Hackney Council Works Committee recommends the purchase of a 6-ton Leyland lorry at a cost of 21,183 10s. The Connail already has five of these Leyland si tonners.
Glasgow Corporation has authorized the purchase of a motorcycle Combination at a cost of 2131 for the use of the architectural staff engaged on sanatorium buildings.
Stoke-on-Trent Watch Committee nes had tenders for the provision of a lighting set for the fire-engine, and accepted that of A. W. Teeton, Hanley, to supply and fix a C.A.V. lighting set for the sum of 223.
Road Transport in Turkey.
An interesting report on the economic and commercial conditions in Turkey from the commercial secretary at Constantinople has been issued by the Department Of Overseas Trade, and can be obtained at the price of la. 7d. from H.M. Stationery Office.
Referring to roads and road transport, the report states that the total length of roads available to wheeled traffic is estimated at about 10,000 idioms., whilst in Constantinople and its neighhourhood there are 80 kiloms. to 100 kilams of metalled roads, cf which about one-half are in a good state of reeair.
an view of the lack of railways in Turkey, there should be a prornising future for commercial motor transport, but until the question of roads construction and maintenance is seriously considered, • any attempt to organise a permanent service of this type into the interior is impossible. .
The principal desiderata for vehicles in Turkey are as follow :—(1) Left-hand drive ; (2) high clearance; (3) easy stverina and gear changing. ..
It is pointed out that such success as has been achieved by foreign vehicles on the market has been due to. the appointment of local representatives, by lavish -advertising, both in Constantinople and the interior, and by the appointment of service stations, where ample stocks of spare parts are obtainable and where repairs can be effected. This is an indication of what British manufacturers Will have to do if British vehicie.s are to obtain a footing.